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I watch Jersey Shore too. They guys on that show are all awesome and the chicks pretty much annoy me. It's trashy TV but its entertaining trash.

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What are your views on The Wire?

It's in the top five of my favourite shows ever. Fantastic show, great characters and super realistic.

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So I watched my second new show of the year: Outlaw. Not really anything groundbreaking and if Jimmy Smits wasn't in it, I'd stop watching it already because its super generic. I'm going to give it one more episode to make me give a shit and then drop it. RZA appearance was nice though.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I just watched the first episode of The Event and I loved everything up until the end.

At least Lost was subtle about the whole crazy science fiction stuff until later on in the series.

Yeah, just when I thought I was getting a handle on how the plot worked, that.

Still gonna follow it though, if the pilot's any indicator it's at least got a good tempo.

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Yeah, it started off really well. I just hope that we get to see it take shape and it doesn't get canceled because of the weak ratings the Pilot got.

That said, Fox has been letting shows with weak ratings develop a little lately so who knows.

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Ok, I've watched nearly everything that's come out so far and here's my thoughts:

Lone Star: Really interesting show, great ideas and hopefully it catches on because I'd like to see how the main character is able to balance this double life of his.

The Event: I wasn't a fan of Lost, mainly because I didn't watch it from the get go. I saw the first episode of this and was slightly underwelmed but there was enough there for me to give it a couple more episodes.

Hawaii Five-O: If you can get a show with good characters, some action and throw a little comedy in there I'm usually all over it. I really enjoyed this so hopefully they keep up with this.

Chase: One of the main characters said it, cat and mouse with guns. I should hate stuff like this but eh, it was pretty good.

Detroit 187: I liked the semi documentary style they used, Detroit is an interesting location and Michael Imperioli is always fun to watch.

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I thought The Event was cool. Nothing spectacular, but I'll stick with it for now, can't be any worse than V or FlashForward.

And really? Lost was subtle about the sci-fi elements? The pilot had a dude being ripped out of the cockpit of a plane by an unseen force and a polar bear on a tropical island.

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I'm liking Terriers so far. Last episode was kind of morbid at times.

The scene where Foster kills himself and Hank signs his name on his loan papers, particularly. Just a very creepy, morbid atmosphere about it. Loved it.

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So, rather than get caught up in new shows, I've decided to regress into older shows that I have yet to watch. I'm five episodes into the first season of the Sopranos and have been enjoying it well enough so far (it helps that I'm on an enormous mafia kick at the moment).

I've also got the first series of Torchwood to dive into eventually, although I've heard that it's sort of disappointing at the beginning but picks up after a while. (Not that it matters - Captain Jack'll be there, and that's all I care about). I've also been considering watching some classic Doctor Who, as I'm only familiar with the series from the 2005 reboot...I've been getting conflicting "This is a good place to start" reports, though.

Finally, I've borrowed the first season of Six Feet Under and am looking forward to starting it, and I've got Season 1 of The Wire ready too. I think I'm set, along with my usual weeklies (House, Glee, The Office, Community, Chuck (although, I have some catching up to do on those last two) and occasionally the Sunday Night Animation Block), but I'm curious, EWB: What shows that're done their runs am I missing? I know, this is vague, since you don't know what I've watched, but I'm interested in your input.

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Outsourced was offensive to Indians, Americans and quality television.

Outsourced should be offensive to everyone with two eyes and a working brain

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