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Spent yesterday drinking vodka, eating a giant toblerone, watching "Only Connect" (lusting over Victoria Coren) and that John Pilger documentary from the other day. I think there's something wrong with me that I'm probably better at "Only Connect" than the majority of other quiz shows...I'm shit when watching "The Weakest Link". :shifty:

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Just watched last weeks Burn Notice... Brennan can only mean SHITS GOING TO BE BIG!!!

Tomorrow, catch up with Sanctuary and Human Target. Then Burn Notice after work.

Anyone know if season 2 of Warehouse 13 is worth the watch? Season 1 was decent, I can't remember how it ended though.

Edited by Rocky Feller
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I haven't watched all of Warehouse 13's second season, but it has some good episodes. They did a crossover with Eureka where Fargo had to go visit the warehouse to help fix their computers and security system which also had Rene Auberjonois in it. And they brought in Jaime Murray (damn, I miss Hustle!) for several episodes....as H.G. Welles (yes, *the* H.G. Welles as a woman).

(There was also a Eureka episode with Claudia in it, but the Eureka-Warehouse 13 episodes aren't a 2 parter or anything like that, just stand alone episodes. So you don't necessarily need to see both, but if you do check out the Eureka episode first)

Oh, and there's an episode where Pete and Myka have to use a device that puts their minds in the bodies of two WH13 agents in the 1950s to stop a serial killer who was using an object that turns the victims into glass. Its probably my favorite episode of the series so far. Another DS9 cast member in it: Armin Shimmerman (he's their boss in the 50's).

Edited by GhostMachine
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Anyone watching Friday Night Lights? I'm catching up on this season and its still fantastic, which isn't shocking. What I really find amazing is how seemless the transition was between the stars, pretty much everyone from the early seasons are gone and the new cast members are just as good. I really wish this wasn't the last season though, I'm bummed out but they're hopefully going to go out on a high note.

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Watching Sanctuary, I seem to be more interested in the secondary story over the main one. Although I haven't watched last nights episode so that might change.

It just seemed like the "Lost City" story wasn't going anywhere. They seemed to be in the same predicament they were last week.

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It seems that every few weeks I'm coming in here asking - is this *include show* any good?

Laptop is finally back tomorrow and as it is Xmas I'll be catching up on TV. I'll finish The Wire. What are the following shows like:

- Mad Men

- The West Wing

- The Event


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Mad Men is exceptional as long as you're not looking for, like. The "Bang! Zoom! Pow! SUSPENSE." kind of drama. It's a period piece and more about studying what makes the characters tick. It's really my favorite show on TV today.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Hey cool, a rare case where I know all three.

Like GoGo said, Mad Man is exceptional as far as being a period piece and telling the ordinary stories of ordinary characters. It is absolutely not a show where you can watch a few episodes here and here (I think this is why my parents never got into it), you have to follow the whole story from beginning to end - but if you do, you'll love it.

The West Wing is my favourite TV drama ever and quite possibly my favourite TV show ever. But that's in no small part because I'm a huge Aaron Sorkin fanboy. Some people are put off by the politics which at times get preachy, but that never really bothered me. Just an excellent, intelligent, occasionally touching, often funny show.

The Event...I mean, I've seen every episode, I'll keep watching when it comes back in the spring, but really, don't waste your time. It's trying too hard to be something big and grand that it just isn't. Objectively I'd say even FlashForward was better.

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The Event...I mean, I've seen every episode, I'll keep watching when it comes back in the spring, but really, don't waste your time. It's trying too hard to be something big and grand that it just isn't. Objectively I'd say even FlashForward was better.

I thought as much myself. I remember someone talking about it and Lost and immediately knew it would be overhyped and a disappointment.

I study politics at university so The West Wing should be good with me. I'll also try Mad Men out. A few people seem to love it, and I've never really loved cliff-hanger shows anyway.

As for FF, I absolutely hated it. It was never going to live up to the standard created by the advertising whores at Channel 5.

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I gave up on the Event after the first two episodes, but I watched the third because there was nothing better on at the time. My mother gave up after three or four, and I don't know anyone else who has admitted to watching it except for the first episode.

*edit* Forgot to mention that my favorite new show is the new version of Hawaii 5-0. If you're not watching it, you should be.

Edited by GhostMachine
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*edit* Forgot to mention that my favorite new show is the new version of Hawaii 5-0. If you're not watching it, you should be.

I just watched the first season in a Five-0 marathon :shifty:

It's a good show. Having not seen the original I won't make a comparison but I thought it had good episodes.

Seems very Human Target but on the otherside of the law.

What happened to Mary? She was shown looking through the box after being told to put it back and that was the last we saw of her.

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It seems that every few weeks I'm coming in here asking - is this *include show* any good?

Laptop is finally back tomorrow and as it is Xmas I'll be catching up on TV. I'll finish The Wire. What are the following shows like:

- Mad Men

- The West Wing

- The Event


Not watched Mad Men.

West Wing is one of the best things ever made. It's witty, whilst retaining a strong dramatic edge and the lead cast members are some of the strongest I've ever seen collected in a single TV show (arguably, there's only one character - which is in season one - that is less than very good).

The Event is craptastic. That is, it's utterly shite (in the FlashForward mould), but entertaining. There's about 1000 or so better shows you can watch, but if you want a big, dumb conspiracy theory lead show that's effectively a cross between FlashForward and V, then you might as well give it a bash.

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I'm still kicking myself for going "oh, okay, there's a show that a guy who wrote for The Sopranos created that's starting tonight, and it's co-starring Connor from Angel. Eh, I don't think I'll watch it" back in 2007. But then discovering it on DVD was probably worth it.

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Anybody seen the debut of Episodes yet? Not the biggest fan of Stephen Mangan, but got a massive soft spot for LeBlanc, so was thinking about checking out the first episode to see if it interests me. It's already leaked but is also going to start airing on BBC 2 in the UK in a week or so.

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Spent the last few days watching some comedies I hadn't got round too.

First up was "Pete Versus Life", which is absolutely fucking amazing. The first 5-minutes of the debut episode totally sold me on it; the gimmick with the sports commentators (so amazing), token gorgeous love interest, the hipster mate and the gag about Oxbridge cunts not shutting the fuck up about university (even if they were barely there). Cringey at times, but in a good way. The first 2-episodes were probably the best. The 'payoff gag' in the 2nd episode was obvious, but so satisfying when it happened the morning after. Really good show. The first series was only 5-episodes, but there's going to be a 2nd series next year. You can watch the first series on 4od;


Then I got round to watching "Community". Heard a lot about it on here. It's pretty good. Some absolutely top notch episodes, and never anything that dips below acceptable. One thing I don't full buy is how 'hot' Jeff seems to be...yeah, I'm no expert on how good looking blokes are, but he has the EXACT SAME FACE as Greg Davies...not buying it. :shifty:

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