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For those of you who watched the new House MD yesterday...

The Pulp Fiction scene was hilarious. They should go with more pop-culture references like this.

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I've been watching Gossip Girl and still feel dirty for doing so. It makes me think of what the O.C. could have been had it continued. Also, the show has got to have one of the best looking female casts on TV right now.

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Mad Love was fine. Better than Two and a Half Men, not as good as How I Met Your Mother. Tyler Labine is the highlight, with Sarah Chalke basically being Elliot/Stella and Judy Greer and guy from American Pie are okay.

I just watched the second episode and I still don't think it's good. The jokes are just predictable and nothing new and innovative. Yes, it's better than Two and a Half Men because we haven't seen their schtick done to death.

Tyler Labine is awesome, yes. Sarah Chalke is good, the other two not so much.

I guess it's just wait and see. They COULD be doing a lot better. I hope they will.

Random Note: Laughtracks (on every show) make me fucking sick by now .

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So I got all caught up on Episodes, and it does not get much better. Beverly is such a terrible terrible character, and her character arc is beyond retarded. It does not help that she has no redeeming qualities that would make me like her, and her

fucking LeBlanc

isn't going to do anything to change that when her husband's character is quite charming and likable. That said, I am surprised we are already to the season end this Sunday. Quite the short run, even for a Showtime series. I just kept expecting to to finally find its footing and get better.

I feel like everything from this season was meant to get us to the second season. I feel like it should be better next year (assuming there is a next year). It's hard to describe how bland/addicting this show is at the same time.

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Guest mr. potato head

Mad Love was fine. Better than Two and a Half Men, not as good as How I Met Your Mother. Tyler Labine is the highlight, with Sarah Chalke basically being Elliot/Stella and Judy Greer and guy from American Pie are okay.

I just watched the second episode and I still don't think it's good. The jokes are just predictable and nothing new and innovative. Yes, it's better than Two and a Half Men because we haven't seen their schtick done to death.

I'm still prepared to give it a few episodes, because no show ever hits its stride looking like its first two episodes.

Still, it doesn't look like they thought through any more than "Generic Friends/Romances Sitcom".

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I have decided that I love No Ordinary Family. It's not quite like anything I've watched. It's subtley self aware whilst never being direct about it and is just generally a fun show with several intruiging overarcing plots.

Also, Hot In Cleveland is the single worst thing I've ever seen on television.

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I couldn't watch No Ordinary Family. I watched the first episode and hated it. Then again I did that with Episodes and ended up quite liking that. I guess I need to give things more of a chance.

I'm gutted that Greek only has like two episodes left. There's not many decent programs about young adults out there, and they're the type that usually entertain me the most.

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Yeah, first episode was a bit bumpy, but as the episodes progress I've grown to really like the cast and stories. Episodes I missed one week after watching the first four and decided not to bother catching up. It got better than it started, but it wasn't anything I wanted to keep watching.

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Honestly if you didn't like the first episode it's probably not worth keeping up with in my opinion. It's... I liked it but it left very little lasting impression on me.

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Righto. Not enough John Goodman, sadly.

I'm having a similar problem with the X-Files. Ten episodes in, and I like it, but it's...I dunno, it's just not blowing me away like I expected it to.

Boardwalk Empire, on the other hand, is fucking amazing.

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Righto. Not enough John Goodman, sadly.

I'm having a similar problem with the X-Files. Ten episodes in, and I like it, but it's...I dunno, it's just not blowing me away like I expected it to.

Boardwalk Empire, on the other hand, is fucking amazing.

Season One of The X-Files is pretty decent, but also hit or miss. I would have to say it creatively hits its stride in the second season and goes until about Season 5 or 6, right around the time of the first movie, before it starts to falter. Don't give up on the show the first year.

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Treme is... I don't know. I can't say I'm really empathising with the characters after the first episode. I loved John Goodman's character, but as mentioned there's not nearly enough of him. I also like the DJ dude (Davis, I think) just because he's kind of an unintentional ass who could be a great comedy character, an endearing serious character, or both. Outside of that they're all ridiculously one dimensional and I can't say I remember any names at all. Also, as much as I like the intro music, the fact it lasts so long annoys the living shit out of me.

X-Files Season 1 isn't worth concentrating on as the only thing in the room. Watch it, but do something else in the background. There are some great episodes, "Pilot", "Deep Throat", "Ice" (which is one of my favourite episodes of anything and is greatly similar to the Doctor Who "Beast" double bill, if you're familiar with the newer episodes), "Space" and, to a lesser extent, "E.B.E." are all well worth a proper watch. It struggles to find it's pace in the first season but it's worth the long term investment because you begin to see some great stuff in later seasons. To be honest, you might be able to just watch some of the best episodes and read synposis' for the rest and catch up in a later series if you're not particularly concerned about trying to get into it since it's very much a 'freak of the weak' show early on.

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Treme is... I don't know. I can't say I'm really empathising with the characters after the first episode. I loved John Goodman's character, but as mentioned there's not nearly enough of him. I also like the DJ dude (Davis, I think) just because he's kind of an unintentional ass who could be a great comedy character, an endearing serious character, or both. Outside of that they're all ridiculously one dimensional and I can't say I remember any names at all. Also, as much as I like the intro music, the fact it lasts so long annoys the living shit out of me.

X-Files Season 1 isn't worth concentrating on as the only thing in the room. Watch it, but do something else in the background. There are some great episodes, "Pilot", "Deep Throat", "Ice" (which is one of my favourite episodes of anything and is greatly similar to the Doctor Who "Beast" double bill, if you're familiar with the newer episodes), "Space" and, to a lesser extent, "E.B.E." are all well worth a proper watch. It struggles to find it's pace in the first season but it's worth the long term investment because you begin to see some great stuff in later seasons. To be honest, you might be able to just watch some of the best episodes and read synposis' for the rest and catch up in a later series if you're not particularly concerned about trying to get into it since it's very much a 'freak of the weak' show early on.

Space along with Ghost In The Machine are amongst the worst episodes ever in my opinion, and that includes the last few seasons worth of bullshit.

Here is what I wrote about this dog a few years back:

show: The X-Files

episode: Space

The most painful episode ever, and that includes the last two seasons, which is no small feat.

Ghost In The Machine is a treasure compared to this dog. The fact that Chris Carter wrote this, and subsequently treated his protagonists so poorly is a mystery that I will never understand. This episode is by far the absolute worst episode of the series. I don't think I am exagerrating here when I say this either.

Scully acts like a complete bufoon, Mulder goes from awestruck teenage boy to NASA whiz in the span of a few mere scenes and then back again, Mulder forgets his partner is a frigging medical docter when he calls out for someone to get one, then when she reminds him by trying to save Belt's life he ignores her. The fact that she allows him to try and pump this dying man for info when she knows it is wrong and is killing him is even more amazing. And he does die. Oh yes, Mulder actually killed this man in his attempt to find out what was going on.

As I am sure others have said, the idea here could have been really good, but some of the worst SE the show ever produced compounded by some bad acting and a script that seems like it really needed a rewrite or three turns this into a complete chore to watch.

Unless you're a completist who has to see it, skip this painfully bad episode.

I wanted to rate this thing a 0.5, but for some reason it wouldn't accept anything below a 1.0 Don't think it's not horrid though because it's got a slightly higher number because it sure is.

But you are right, Ice is awesome. To me it always felt like they wanted to remake The Thing, but regardless it is awesome. A Season One highlight. Also, Beyond The Sea is one of the best episodes the show ever did, and that was season one. Very hit and miss.

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