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EWB's Favorite TV Shows: 2009 Edition

GoGo Yubari

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Right, right! End of the year, which means lots of gratuitous lists. If you are an EWBer who has ever seen one of these threads before you probably know how this is going to work, but let's explain it again anyway.

So, you make a list of ten TV shows, ranked from one to ten. The show you put at #1 gets ten points, the show you put at #10 gets one point, and you can probably figure out how everything in the middle works out. Keep in mind that this is a list for shows that were airing new episodes in their country of origin in 2009. So, for example, The Office is eligible for nominations but Friends isn't.

And... man. I really kind of want to ban wrestling shows from this but y'all can decide on that yourselves. I'll put my ballot up soonish. This will be open until nominations slow down to a crawl, basically.

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1. The Office

2. Parks & Recreation

3. Chuck

4. Modern Family

5. Better Off Ted

6. Dollhouse

7. Glee

8. Curb Your Enthusiasm

9. One Piece

10. Community

List subject to change. Repeatedly.

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1. QI

2. Peep Show

3. The Inbetweeners

4. Top Gear

5. The Apprentice (UK)

6. You Have Been Watching

7. The Big Bang Theory

8. Lost

9. Come Dine With Me

10. Scrubs

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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1. Dexter

2. Californication

3. True Blood

4. Supernatural

5. 30 Rock

6. How I Met Your Mother

7. Chuck

8. Smallville

9. Modern Family

10. Lie To Me

Man, this is a hard, hard, hard list. Those are probaly my top 10 at the moment, but honourable mentions go out to Scrubs, It's Always Sunny, Bones, Castle, Rules of Engagement and Big Bang Theory,

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1. Chuck

2. Community

3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

4. Sons of Anarchy

5. Mad Men

6. House

7. Californication

8. Bones

9. True Blood

10. Entourage

This latest season of Entourage kinda sucked but it's one of my favorite shows so it makes the list regardless. And I actually just got into Chuck but it's already one of my favorite shows.

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10. Dexter

9. True Blood

8. The Mentalist

7. Hung

6. Criminal Minds

5. Supernatural

4. Californication

3. Lost

2. Bored To Death

1. House

In reverse order clearly. I watch too many shows on HBO and Showtime. I plan to watch Mad Men now that I am unemployed. I am sure that show is as great as everyone says it is.

Edit 1: And already I made a change as I forgot True Blood. Cya 30 Rock.

Edit 2: How in the blue hell did I forget Lost after the GREAT season it had?????? Cya Big Bang.

Edit 3: And I forgot The Mentalist so Dollhouse is byebye.

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1) Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia

2) Lost

3) QI

4) Top Gear

5) Smallville

6) Mock the Week (This would be so much higher if not for a cetain Mr A. Parsons)

7) The Inbetweeners

8) The Ultimate Fighter

9) Flashforward

10) Scrubs

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Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Chuck, Criminal Minds, Burn Notice, Psych, House, Fringe, NCIS, Degrassi: TNG ( >_> )

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1. How I Met Your Mother

2. The Mentalist

3. Criminal Minds

4. The Big Bang Theory

5. Dollhouse

6. Two and a Half Men

7. Scrubs


9. Burn Notice

10. Heroes

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Meh, I dunno. It's hard to tell now that I live in Japan.

So I'm stuck with stuff they're showing here. Grrr.

Please tell me if these didn't release a new episode in their country this year. My apologies.

Also, most shows are American and not English so I weep at the lack of English TV.

1. House

2. Shooting Stars

3. Boston Legal

4. The Apprentice (UK)

5. Midsomer Murders

6. Masterchef (UK)


8. Monk (I think we're about 4 series behind though :shifty: )

9. Bones


I also have much love for Third Watch which they've been showing here but it seems that it finished in 2005...

I need to start downloading more stuff on the internet. >_<

Their big shows this autumn on the Mystery Channel are The Tudors and Rome. Rome was mega but it's been around a while now. Stupid Japan and it's being badly behind on series.

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wow, Finally an EWB List deal where I want to post mine and it it had to be TV shows, Shit. The first couple will be easy and then it becomes a party of indecision.


2. How I Met Your Mother (Sorry Ace)

3. Wipeout (The American version, Not the shit Aussie version or the UK version which may or may not be shit)

4. Friday Night Lights

5. Burn Notice

6. Chuck

7. Top Gear

8. Entourage

9. Scrubs (It goes down to 9 because they decided to bring JD back for the first part of season9)

10. NCIS: LA

Hon Mention: Better Off Ted and Lie to Me

The top 3 still make me laugh and in NCIS' case still keep me interested, I've only seen the entire season 1 of FNL and some from season 3 (Blame no S2 DVD out here for that) but what I have seen has been awesome, I'm only starting to get into Burn Notice and Chuck so I can't shoot them to the moon just as yet, Top Gear, Entourage and Scrubs have all dropped off as of late IMO but I still find them all entertaining and LA is on there because I haven't seen enough Ted or Lie to warrant them knocking LA off of 10th.

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1. Battlestar Gallactica

2. Fringe

3. True Blood

4. Flash Forward

5. Chuck

6. Heroes

7. The Apprentice (UK)

8. The Inbetweeners

9. Dollhouse

10. Smallville

Special mention to The Big Bang Theory, but I'm just getting into it, so it's hard to crack the list.

I found it hard to order these; because I think alot of those shows are quite amazing. Battlestar tops the list, I watched all the seasons this year, and the last one was pretty much perfect. I'm totally in love with Fringe and True Blood. The other shows have shown some fan-dabi-dozi promise. I'd like to put Smallville a bit higher, but the show has so many highs and lows - it's hard to decide where to put it. I think, overall, this is going to be a really awesome list.

It's such a shame Glee hasn't started over here yet, because I know I'm going to really love that show. The pilot was quality.

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