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Who the hell is this Ke$ha woman?


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What a voice.

If you're trying to be sarcastic I think you're seriously failing when that is actually the best performance of that song I have ever heard, it felt much more organic than the records version.

I am sorry, I thought we were judging if she was a good singer here, which by that song, she is very clearly not. Unless you like it when a singer is off-key, pitchy, and so clearly limited in her range. Heck, half of the time she isn't in sync with the rest of the band. I'm not saying Katy Perry is an awful entertainer; she is not. She should just consider lip syncing.

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To be fair while I agree with you that she isn't on pitch, its not like she was the worst singer I have ever heard. Songs like that I hear the synthesised, over produced lyrics on the radio everyday, I liek it when I hear a different take on the song, be it done in a different style or just a bit more quirky, much like that version is. If i want to hear the pitch perfect version everytime I would listen to the record, but sometimes been a little off key can add to a live performance, this may not be the best example, but it certainly isn't the worse.

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No, I absolutely agree, but to try and say that in any way Katy Perry is a good singer is ridiculous. That's just one example though - heck, if I could have found a good quality version of her performance at the Grammy's it'd just further illustrate that the woman can't sing. As you said, not the worst singer in the world, but in a world with Whitney's, Mary J's, Christina's, etc. she is far from a good singer. She is a good entertainer and is pretty savvy, but she ain't a good singer.

Back on topic about this Ke$ha girl. Usually this stuff doesn't bother me - heck I love most of the other electro stuff out there and Ke$ha is pretty inoffensive. But there is something that really irks me about Ke$ha. I know it's pop music and most of it's heavily contrived, but something about Ke$ha seems particularly contrived and uninspired.

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That they were "flavor of the girl" month but they're still around. Katy Perry I can understand, she came out with that very stupid "I kissed a girl" but actually proved she can sing.

Gaga, eugh!

Whoa whoa whoa.

Hold on one second.

Katy Perry can sing? I must have missed the memo. Because all the live performances I've seen of that girl have shown that the girl has a horrific voice live. Seriously, Katy Perry should consider going Britney and lip syncing because her voice is atrocious.

What a voice.

Well, the one live appearance I've seen of her was on MTV Unplugged, which I found a very good appearance, maybe it was a lucky one-off or 'cause it was more of an accoustic thing, but I found the woman can sing.

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That they were "flavor of the girl" month but they're still around. Katy Perry I can understand, she came out with that very stupid "I kissed a girl" but actually proved she can sing.

Gaga, eugh!

Whoa whoa whoa.

Hold on one second.

Katy Perry can sing? I must have missed the memo. Because all the live performances I've seen of that girl have shown that the girl has a horrific voice live. Seriously, Katy Perry should consider going Britney and lip syncing because her voice is atrocious.

What a voice.

Well, the one live appearance I've seen of her was on MTV Unplugged, which I found a very good appearance, maybe it was a lucky one-off or 'cause it was more of an accoustic thing, but I found the woman can sing.


She starts singing around 1:10... but it's atrocious. Maybe she is more well-fitted to an acoustic setting, but there really is no excuse for how bad that her singing is there...

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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yeah I was a bit unsure. Seemed a bit ambiguous.

And Lady Gaga is wonderful! Well, perhaps not wonderful but she certainly blows all those other female electropop singer/songwriter types out of the water.

You and I are gonna fall out.

do elaborate...


Depends how genre specific we're being but I'll throw the following at you:

Alison Goldfrapp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_a3rRXnono, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2VktozqkSc


Karin Dreijer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F-CpE73o2M,


Robyn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vfLvZCdT9g, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PDNRTCuPyQ,


Little Boots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cHX-znop8Q, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeJBd746-4w


To put Lady GaGa in the same league as Alison Goldfrapp and Karin Dreijer especially is ridiculous. Also however "weird" she tries to be, Dreijer can be weirder.

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And why the hell is Tic Tok the worst song ever.

Because her record company wants her to be Uffie, but she'll never be anywhere near that level.

That they were "flavor of the girl" month but they're still around. Katy Perry I can understand, she came out with that very stupid "I kissed a girl" but actually proved she can sing.

Gaga, eugh!

Whoa whoa whoa.

Hold on one second.

Katy Perry can sing? I must have missed the memo. Because all the live performances I've seen of that girl have shown that the girl has a horrific voice live. Seriously, Katy Perry should consider going Britney and lip syncing because her voice is atrocious.

What a voice.

Really? When I saw Katy Perry she was crisp, on point and had so much energy that the entire place was on their feet. Her voice and everything was great when I saw her. How long ago/how recent did you see her?

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Personally, I think Tik Tok is a hell of a catchy song. It's pretty good at a club and everyone seems to know the words and it's worth dancing to. Hopefully she can show she's got more than one song because she could make quite a lot of money if she maintains the same kind of popularity for a follow-up single.

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Tik Tok is okay for what it is. But its not a song I'd download - even for free - or would want to hear all that often. However, I've heard her other songs aren't much better.

Read somewhere that Lady Gaga said she changed her appearance because people confused her with Amy Winehouse. That's one hell of a justifiable excuse if true!

Katy Perry is pretty good, but I prefer Hot N Cold and Thinking Of You to I Kissed A Girl.

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I swear that I heard a country version of "I kissed a girl" about a year before Katy Perry was ever anybody.

Remembered the song because I thought it was weird to hear a typical sounding country song(complete with required country twang between each line of the chorus)about 2 women liking each other.

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As much as PRP/Rock Paper Scissors is the kind of poster that gets on my tits from time to time, I have to agree here. I'm not a big Katy Perry fan, I don't find her attractive or really enjoy her music, but fair enough some people like that kind of stuff. Not my thing. However, her live voice is fucking dire. Fair enough vary things up a bit, but you can tell that she has to bring herself up to a certain key and sort of level out instead of being able to change key freely like the song 'I Kissed A Girl' demands.

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yeah I was a bit unsure. Seemed a bit ambiguous.

And Lady Gaga is wonderful! Well, perhaps not wonderful but she certainly blows all those other female electropop singer/songwriter types out of the water.

You and I are gonna fall out.

do elaborate...


Depends how genre specific we're being but I'll throw the following at you:

Alison Goldfrapp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_a3rRXnono, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2VktozqkSc


Karin Dreijer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F-CpE73o2M,


Robyn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vfLvZCdT9g, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PDNRTCuPyQ,


Little Boots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cHX-znop8Q, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeJBd746-4w


To put Lady GaGa in the same league as Alison Goldfrapp and Karin Dreijer especially is ridiculous. Also however "weird" she tries to be, Dreijer can be weirder.

:lmao: Goldfrapp and Dreijer are nowhere near GaGa and probably never will be.

Uffie may also be the most overrated female in a long time too. She's okay, but I'm shocked people in this post are acting like she's a huge step ahead of Ke$ha, when she's really not. 'MC's Can Kiss' is fucking dire, ugh. As for Ke$ha, she's decent enough. Tik Tok is a really good song, certainly great for clubs. The rest of her album is pretty decent too, some stand out tracks along with some forgettable ones.

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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yeah I was a bit unsure. Seemed a bit ambiguous.

And Lady Gaga is wonderful! Well, perhaps not wonderful but she certainly blows all those other female electropop singer/songwriter types out of the water.

You and I are gonna fall out.

do elaborate...


Depends how genre specific we're being but I'll throw the following at you:

Alison Goldfrapp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_a3rRXnono, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2VktozqkSc


Karin Dreijer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F-CpE73o2M,


Robyn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vfLvZCdT9g, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PDNRTCuPyQ,


Little Boots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cHX-znop8Q, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeJBd746-4w


To put Lady GaGa in the same league as Alison Goldfrapp and Karin Dreijer especially is ridiculous. Also however "weird" she tries to be, Dreijer can be weirder.

:lmao: Goldfrapp and Dreijer are nowhere near GaGa and probably never will be.

Uffie may also be the most overrated female in a long time too. She's okay, but I'm shocked people in this post are acting like she's a huge step ahead of Ke$ha, when she's really not. 'MC's Can Kiss' is fucking dire, ugh. As for Ke$ha, she's decent enough. Tik Tok is a really good song, certainly great for clubs. The rest of her album is pretty decent too, some stand out tracks along with some forgettable ones.

Just quoting that because seriously that's the most ridiculous comment you've ever posted in a whole internet forum of your ridiculous comments.

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yeah I was a bit unsure. Seemed a bit ambiguous.

And Lady Gaga is wonderful! Well, perhaps not wonderful but she certainly blows all those other female electropop singer/songwriter types out of the water.

You and I are gonna fall out.

do elaborate...


Depends how genre specific we're being but I'll throw the following at you:

Alison Goldfrapp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_a3rRXnono, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2VktozqkSc


Karin Dreijer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F-CpE73o2M,


Robyn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vfLvZCdT9g, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PDNRTCuPyQ,


Little Boots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cHX-znop8Q, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeJBd746-4w


To put Lady GaGa in the same league as Alison Goldfrapp and Karin Dreijer especially is ridiculous. Also however "weird" she tries to be, Dreijer can be weirder.

well I was mainly referring to those that have cropped up in the past year or so - Little Boots, La Roux, Lady Gaga and so on.

I don't know of Dreijer so I won't bother with her. However, while I do like Little Boots, Goldfrapp and Robyn for the most part, I find it laughable that it is "ridiculous" for Lady Gaga to be put in the same league as them. If anything, she's way above their league.

Goldfrapp tend to aim for mediocrity. they've never really done anything bad as such, but they've hardly done anything amazing either. they seem to try to be weird but end up being as normal as Sunday lunch.

Robyn is fun, and probably my favourite out of those you've mentioned, although I still find Lady Gaga far better.

Little Boots has had two good singles - New In Town and Earthquake, and two other good songs - Stuck On Repeat and the one with Human League guy. the rest of her album is soundalike filler. Not to mention she has one of the thinnest, weakest singing voices I've ever heard. they make it sound alright on the album but hearing her live was a chore.

I just think it's far too easy to take shots at Lady Gaga. I think you're just automatically assuming she's shit because she's outstandingly popular. Because liking popular people isn't "cool". In album terms, The Fame is far better throughout than anything by the others you mentioned. However, pop singers are ultimately going to be judged on the quality of their singles, and if you actually think any single by that other lot bests anything by Lady Gaga well...please refer to what you said about ridiculous comments just previously. :)

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Oh yeah I'm by no means saying that Lady Gaga should be put on a pedestal or anything. I mean in that top albums of 2009 thing recently I can't even remember if her album cracked my top 20. Nevertheless, it was higher than those by Little Boots and La Roux and aw that.

And yes, it does suffer from the usual pop album problem - where good singles aren't backed up by good album tracks - but I feel it is a lot less pronounced on Lady Gaga's album than that other lot. Not to mention my favourite song on the album wasn't released as a single

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