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UFC 2010

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I chose Machida for my first fight and damn - it didn't take long to see just how much work they'd put into the game. Every little thing that I wanted to see was there, Lyoto's stance.. kicks tailored to him.. better knockouts and even minor shit like the fighters wearing t-shirts during the referee's decision.


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Finally found a way to submit...granted it was a flash sub and was with Machida, but it was pretty cool. Spent 2 rounds destroying the body and then hit a hard takedown which rocked Rua and then threw on an armbar. Pretty cool stuff, happy with the changes. Much faster than last years, the hits feel harder too. Not a huge fan of the sway system yet, but maybe I'll just get used to it.

Anyone have any advice on how to improve my shining skills?

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Only played a little bit of the demo so far, about to play some more, but so far it's been pretty good. At points, it feels like 09 again, but of course soon after, something happens to make you realize it's updated. Gameplay feels a lot quicker, yet alot smoother. I was hoping they would change transition blocking slightly, so that if you're taken to the ground that you're not subject to unstoppable punches and transition blocks. In a way, they did fix it a bit with it being harder to posture up for solid punches, and that you're able to take more shots on your back which gives you a wider window of opportunity to get out, but at the same time it's still just as hard.

Leans are going to take a bit of getting used to but they're a cool addition. For some reason, it feels awkward as hell to hold R1 and flick the left stick. Maybe it's because its also the button to block that's throwing me off, but I'll just sparingly use them until I get the hang of it.

One bad note is that I already encountered a glitch, although I don't know if it'll be a one-off happening. I was Machida fighting Rampage, I got backed against the cage and then Rampage grabbed me in the one handed glitch. He threw a couple shots, and then pulled me away from the cage into a muai-thai clinch I believe, and then we were just stuck. Neither could throw punches, neither could transition or walk, game didn't freeze as time was still going and crowd began to boo. I waited to see if the ref would split us up, but 2 minutes later we were still stuck. Hopefully it was just a minor demo glitch, and won't make it into the full game, but more than likely it was a random one-time glitch.

Anyways, more gaming for me, and perhaps my opinion will change on the ground aspect.

EDIT: Oh yeah, FUCK you THQ for taking out the button mashing for submissions. I could care less about having to shine to DO subs, but when you can't shine for shit and you always used the buttons, god damn are you fucked in this game.

EDIT 2: If anyone figures out how you shove your opponent, PLEASE let me know. I've been knocked out 4 times now after being shoved and hammered, and I need to seek some revenge. I don't mean shrug them off in the clinch, but when your standing toe to toe.

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Got the demo, everything is great but how the hell do you stand up when you've pushed someone out of guard? Jackson is just laying there, doing nothing but up-kicking and in comes Evans and takes the guard again.

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click either R3 or L3 on the PS3....

I like it, it feel much more smooth and if you get someone against the cgae and push off (somehow) you can end the fight pretty quickly, especially with Rampage and his devastating hooks

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You'll be pushing down one of the analog sticks. And for the life of me I can't figure out how to even come close to getting a submission or how to sway. Why don't they let us have the tutorial? Bastards.

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At least it will mean the game will be able to teach me something when i get it rather than just choosing a character to beat the dickhead out of Josh Koscheck (and this time it will blatant be Dan Hardy :shifty:)

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Played first as Jackson and everything just seemed to be soft and lacked any impact. I could never seem to escpae submissions as him either. Playing against him though? What a goddamn beast!

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Played a few matches last night before bed and....I love it. Took me a long while to figure out how to get a submission done (even longer when it wasn't a flash submission). Also, it was great, run in....clinch, dirty boxing (uppercuts for the win!), push him up against the cage, knees to the gut...and apparently from here I was able to get into the muay thai clinch.

Three things I just couldn't get my head around....submission trans (I thought you just had to click the right stick, and you change the type of submission), sway (I figured out how to do it...just not how to use it), and how to get good posture to lay in some knockout blows (also couldn't get out of the down-mount position)

Still a great game! I love it. Tried to get a doctor stoppage (small punches on the cut), but nothing ever came of it.

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how do you sway? I thought they'd have a tutorial with this game to get used to stuff and i know a few people who haven't played before just getting confused as hell.

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just got ko'd like Maia against Marquardt :P Don't know how to sway went to do a left kick to the body of Rampage bam straight in the face and me (Rashad) goes down

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