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UFC 2010

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I'm playing as a LHW now, with a European named Ivan "Drago" Wagner.

Heeling it up with him too. Sadly no option to say "If he dies, he dies".

Some of the disrespect dilouge options are mild, but some are just not that disrespectful. Saying you plan on being champion for a long time is disrespectful?

Interestingly enough, I've gotten maybe one 'let's look at this cut' since installing the game, that was when I was first doing career mode. Despite giving wounds that close eyes since then, the refs haven't stepped in since.

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i've had it once the looking at the cut against Thiago Alves in my career mode when i was in a number 1 contender bout with him and i thought lets get the achievement for Doctor Stoppage and win by every method but ended up knocking him out :(

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I finally got the Doctor Stoppage with Brock against Todd Duffee I believe. It was in exhibition. I basically pounded away from the clinch and then took him down and punched without posturing up. I believe I finally got it looked at in the second round and stopped maybe a minute later. It's certainly a bit of a random achievement because sometimes you'll open a cut from the clinch but it won't always been above the eye where it needs to be.

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the difficulty of the stand up game and ground game needs to be balanced. playing on beginner I chose Frank Mir(Me) vs Kimbo Slice. 1st round we touch gloves . Kimbo throws a punch I block it and he takes me down with ease. I'm full stamina he mounts me and submits me easily even though I was full stamina and shining perfectly.

I go for a rematch thinking I'd go for the sub time because Kimbo doesn't have that good of sub defense. 3rd round I have low in stamina and rocked. I have full stamina take him down and go for the sub. he breaks free mounts me and ko's me with one punch.

Career mode is even worse about doing that. Also seems like counter punches and elbows are way over powered.

I think they should have made swaying available only to those that do it in real life. Like Anderson Silva. You rarely see Brock swaying all around but in the game he can sway like the best.

Also for those that get the suplex to side control how do you do it. I've tried to learn ti but you have to perform a trip or slam from the clinch and whenever I do a career none of my caf's can do that from the start ?

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Yeah, the easiest way to learn it is to just do the actual suplex. Just clinch without holding any shoulder buttons to get into the double underhook, hold down L1/LB and do a small transition to do the slam (Just look it up in the action list, but I'm sure it's just straight up and to the right) and then stand them up to do it again. If any of this is wrong someone just correct me as I haven't played in a few days but I'm fairly sure it's all correct.

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You need to go to the official forums then, I saw something on there where you need to leave your GT and they are going to fix it

Oh and I found out a way to make subs easier

1) when in position click in the stick for a sub and let go (click to charge once you start the sub but let it go right after)

2) once the CPU stamina gets low click the stick again and let go

3) shine like a mo-fo

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Did you do everything here:


Title Mode

Title Defense Mode

Tournament Mode

Ultimate Fights Mode

Career Mode

Event Mode

Xbox Live Fight

Create a Fighter

Then go to the tutorial section and do both Practice and Guided Modes

Check stores

Go through all the options

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Did you do everything here:

Exhibition Of course

Title Mode I did

Title Defense Mode Both titles with Brock

Tournament Mode Got the achievement for that, so yes

Ultimate Fights Mode Did this one today

Career Mode Still working on it

Event Mode Got the achievement for that

Xbox Live Fight Currently 6-6

Create a Fighter You know it!

Then go to the tutorial section and do both Practice and Guided Modes Yup. Anything in specific you gotta do for Practice?

Check stores Pretty sure i did

Go through all the options Same here

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Trying to build an undefeated fighter in career mode on experienced so that it's easier to do, but not so easy that I'm bored out of my skull.

I have now reached a point where the game has decided to be outright infuriating with this. Built my guy to be a striker, strength is up to 100, cardio's almost to 70. Speed's the only thing I'm lacking because I can't get it to 50 yet. All my stats are sitting at 50. My only two choices for opponents right now are Fabricio Werdum and Brock Lesnar.

If I choose Werdum I get sub'd in the first ten seconds of the round (true story, fucker started the match by tackling me after we touched gloves and applying an armbar for the sub, despite having full stamina and shining like I know to). If I choose Brock I stand a better chance, but he flash KO's me at random and seems to love doing takedowns that break my reversals and guards against them despite my knowing I've timed them right.

I've given up trying to beat Werdum because no matter what I do I can't stop him from taking me down and by the time it goes to the mat, he randomly gets hulked up and I can't escape a single fucking thing. Trying to beat Brock, however, is a chore in itself because of how bloody broken the ground game is against him when you're a CAF.

What gets me is that I've been pacing my matches too, facing the lowest ranking fighters so I don't get thrown against the larger names until I'm ready, and then the game turns and forces me into it before I can even get my stats to a respectful level by comparison.

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Good strategy against a take down artist is to fight with your back towards the cage, and hold the right stick backwards when he presses you up against it. Won't always save you, but sometimes you'll be able to get him in a sprawl position and do some damage.

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The game becomes ridiculously easy (on advanced) once you settle all your stats nicely on 70. I've mowed everyone in my path since.

Oh, and mastering the sway.

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Hold it backwards? Fuck me, no wonder Brock kept taking me down when I put myself against the cage, I was holding it towards him instead, because I thought I was stuffing takedowns that way.

Also, I'll echo the sentiments of some others here as well, training at other camps is a fucking pain. The coach just wants to keep running away from you, and when I was having to do stand-up combos on the guy he kept trying to take me to the mat, which would reset us back in the standing position. At one point the CPU just kept spamming takedowns on me when I needed to do combos and next thing I know it's done and I only got, like, less than five in.

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Also, I've noted a problem recently either with my copy of the game or my PS3. At random points it just starts to slow down and lag for no real reason-- now, mind, this is during single player, not online. It just slows down considerably and completely messes up the game for me because when this happens, my controls are completely shot and the CPU just starts beating the shit out of me in slow motion, which is obviously irritating.

Only other game I've actually experienced this with is Batman: Arkham Asylum. Any other game-- even God of War III-- and I've had no troubles with my PS3 playing them for prolonged periods of time without lag. Yet for some reason, UFC and Batman have been pushing it hard or something.

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Also, I'll echo the sentiments of some others here as well, training at other camps is a fucking pain. The coach just wants to keep running away from you, and when I was having to do stand-up combos on the guy he kept trying to take me to the mat, which would reset us back in the standing position. At one point the CPU just kept spamming takedowns on me when I needed to do combos and next thing I know it's done and I only got, like, less than five in.

You're echoing me, and I still feel like delivering a swift kick to THQ's nutsack for their design job of it. :shifty:

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