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The 2010 NFL Thread


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Why? Because it upsets you? We'll call him Rapethlisberger and refer to him as "the rapist QB' to our hearts content, much in the same way we'll call the Patriots cheaters and crack jokes about Rex Ryan's foot fetish. They're all public figures, they shouldn't be putting themselves in stupid situations and you shouldn't be defending them like they're a relative.

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Why? Because it upsets you? We'll call him Rapethlisberger and refer to him as "the rapist QB' to our hearts content, much in the same way we'll call the Patriots cheaters and crack jokes about Rex Ryan's foot fetish. They're all public figures, they shouldn't be putting themselves in stupid situations and you shouldn't be defending them like they're a relative.

I hardly think calling a team of proven cheaters what they are, or making fun of a fucking harmless fetish some guy has is in the same ballpark as labeling someone a rapist.

You're right about putting himself in a stupid situation, though.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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You're almost inflating my ego, insinuating that me calling him a rapist will have some effect in the grand scheme of his life whatsoever. You need to accept that fact that due to his own poor decision making, he's brought this stigma onto himself and for awhile, your team's QB is going to be jokingly referred to as a rapist. Are you e-mailing Daniel Tosh an essay about how reckless it is when he mentions it? Or how about Eminem? Because they've got a much better shot at hurting poor Ben's feelings or damaging his reputation than we do here on this board. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone who's called him a rapist when I say if you're going to launch a crusade to stop it, do it somewhere where it will actually have an impact, instead of here where no one gives a crap.

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You're almost inflating my ego, insinuating that me calling him a rapist will have some effect in the grand scheme of his life whatsoever. You need to accept that fact that due to his own poor decision making, he's brought this stigma onto himself and for awhile, your team's QB is going to be jokingly referred to as a rapist. Are you e-mailing Daniel Tosh an essay about how reckless it is when he mentions it? Or how about Eminem? Because they've got a much better shot at hurting poor Ben's feelings or damaging his reputation than we do here on this board.

Perhaps you are right about me taking it too seriously.

But that doesn't change that, you know, you're all wrong.

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Yes, because no one has ever committed rape and gotten away with it. That has never happened, ever. Stop acting like the lack of a guilty verdict means there's zero chance whatsoever that any wrong doing took place, and maybe everyone will stop hassling you so much about it.

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Well there was also the story in sports illustrated that interviewed people in Pittsburgh and his hometown that painted Ben as a giant douchebag..

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Yes, because no one has ever committed rape and gotten away with it. That has never happened, ever. Stop acting like the lack of a guilty verdict means there's zero chance whatsoever that any wrong doing took place, and maybe everyone will stop hassling you so much about it.

There weren't even charges. I honestly would not care about the "rapelisberger lol" shit if he had been arrested and charged. He wouldn't be in Pittsburgh, and I wouldn't be able to support the guy.

But there wasn't even enough evidence to charge him.

Well there was also the story in sports illustrated that interviewed people in Pittsburgh and his hometown that painted Ben as a giant douchebag..

Yeah, it's pretty common knowledge around here that a lot of that was bullshit.

Those people complaining about how Ben was rude? They're the same type of ignorant drunken buffoons who give Pittsburgh a bad name. They think that because they're a fan of your team that they are entitled to bug you all the time for autographs.

Not to mention the publicity hounds and the gossipers who decided to come out of the woodwork with stories once the spotlight was on it.

Were some of the stories true? Yes, I know of a couple people who I know wouldn't lie about it that said Ben was a dickhead. But there were just as many made up stories, or stories about Ben being a nice guy in public that went ignored because they didn't have many juicy details.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Hey guys, you hear Roethlisberger raped a girl last summer?

In all seriousness though, Packers-Jets Super Bowl. I'm buying into all the Jets hype, because any team that can stop Peyton and Brady in back to back weeks can definitely stop Roethlisberger. Not saying he's not a good QB, but Peyton and Tom are 2 of the greatest, ever. Ben, while he probably will at least get close, isn't on their level. If they can get Sanchez to play within the system and figure out a way to control the ball, they're golden. On the NFC side, there's no better QB in the tournament than Aaron Rodgers. The dude's absolutely playing lights out right now, and that'll be the difference in this game.

Of course, now that I said that, the Bears and Steelers will be playing in the Super Bowl.

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And this is what I am talking about.

There were no charges first and foremost, because the accuser choose not to file any, because she didn't want to be in the national spotlight for getting raped, and really, who can blame her. I get you want to jump out and say these incidents are just a case of girls trying to get famous or score money off of Big Ben, and the first charge very likely was exactly that.

The second one? Roethlisberger claims he had no contact with her that wasn't "consummated", but admits that she was drunk. If she was drunk, it doesn't matter what she was saying yes to, because she was drunk and thus not in possession of enough of her mental faculties to give consent. You play this up like it's just some drunk bitch trying to get Ben's money, when the accuser hasn't done a single thing to attempt to exploit the situation in any way whatsoever. She could have written a book, she could have sold her story to tabloids, she could have milked it for money and she didn't. She chose not to file a civil suit because she didn't want to be tossed into the limelight as "The girl Roethlisberger raped" Does that sound like a drunk girl just trying to score money off a celebrity?

You can't even admit to the possibility that something happened, and that is why people will continue to call you out about it. Do we need to get Zero in here to give you a lecture on rape culture? Because it's pretty obvious you're unaware of the message your defense of Roethlisberger sends out. You don't want us to assume he's 100% guilty? Then don't come in here preaching that he's 100% innocent and acting like the criminal justice system in the country is completely infallible and being declared not guilty, or not being charged at all is like the fucking word of God.

Now I am tired of having this discussion and continually breaking down "our side" of it. Those that want to call him Rapelisberger or "The Rapist QB" or "Benny McRapesalot" will continue to do so, probably more so if they can tell it pisses you off, obviously. We're entitled to our opinions on what happened, as are you. However, if you don't want to get into this discussion OVER AND OVER like you claim, STOP REPLYING TO THOSE COMMENTS LIKE YOU'RE HIS PUBLICIST. To a lot of people on this board, he's Ben the Rapist, due to his own stupid choices in life. Just like it's Belicheat, or Tony Homo, or whatever other stupid nicknames we like to come up with. That's how it is, you want to avoid giant discussions like this? Ignore it, and move on a discussion about what's actually happening in the game and everyone else will follow suit. It's not a hard concept, and I can't believe I seem to have to devote this much time explaining it to you, considering you've been here for as long as I can remember.

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Guest jaywhyte

That's a very good point. Jets got "lucky" Brady threw that pick on the opening drive otherwise it's a whole new ball game.

I'm sticking with the Steelers. I picked them at the beginning of the year. Too bad their opponent I picked didn't even make the playoffs (Redskins) :shifty:

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That's a very good point. Jets got "lucky" Brady threw that pick on the opening drive otherwise it's a whole new ball game.

I'm sticking with the Steelers. I picked them at the beginning of the year. Too bad their opponent I picked didn't even make the playoffs (Redskins) :shifty:

Whatever you were smoking when you made that pick, I'll take a kilo. :shifty:

I'm too lazy to go back and check my prediction, but I want to say I went with Colts-Packers.

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Oh thats it...I'm totally calling him Benny McRapesalot from now on

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Were some of the stories true? Yes, I know of a couple people who I know wouldn't lie about it that said Ben was a dickhead. But there were just as many made up stories, or stories about Ben being a nice guy in public that went ignored because they didn't have many juicy details.

Moral of the story kids ... it doesn't matter what you did or if you did it, as long as you do good stuff too (Y)


On an actual note about the NFL .. I'm curious as to what Timmons has to do to get some recognition. Same thing happened to him at FSU. Odd. He's been one of the best players on the field since he began starting at FSU and nothing has changed since. He's got amazing range for an inside backer (was actually the perfect weak side guy in a 4-3) and can cover better than just about anyone. Impact player that everyone is pretty much asleep on ? Dangerous.

I just don't see how the Bears win. The one thing they need to do, is keep the ball out of Rogers' hands. How exactly are they going to do that ? I don't rate the running game at all honestly.

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