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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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The PS3 has an exclusive case. "Consul's Car Traffic Case"


Shurly this will end up on 360 someday aswell.

I used my magic skills to preorder this via gamestop, so i´ll have it on friday for a UK import price + free DLC, yay. Just ordert AC2 and DW6 to trade in. :-D

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I suck at interrogations. Is there one key I should be looking for to get things right? It seems like every time I choose "lie" I accuse them of being the criminal so usually its between doubt and truth, right? It doesn't seem like getting interrogations correct is anything you have to do, but it would make it more fun.

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I suck at interrogations. Is there one key I should be looking for to get things right? It seems like every time I choose "lie" I accuse them of being the criminal so usually its between doubt and truth, right? It doesn't seem like getting interrogations correct is anything you have to do, but it would make it more fun.

Well you have to make sure you have evidence to contradict them if you're going to accuse them of lying, otherwise they'll react badly. If you don't have evidence, but think they're lying, that's when you should use Doubt.

I'm only through one desk but best case so far:

The Fallen Idol was great, loved getting to investigate the prop store, and then the huge shootout on movie set was great, really well done and lots of fun in a very cool setting.

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Those of you US chaps and chapettes who pre-ordered LA Noire for PS3 - does the pre-order DLC content work without the PlayStation store up?

I want it on PS3, but I may have to go 360 since I'm an impatient bastard.

PreOrder DLC usualy comes as a Store Code, so i don´t know why it would work without it being up. Besides that the PS3 still has an exclusive case and you got a 15-20 hour game to play before DLC is needed. So your also a very unaware bastard wich explains a lot.

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Can we not derail yet another thread with this Matzat vs the Universe bullshit? And by can we, I mean don't. Give the flaming a rest, some people might not take it as lighthearted as you may have meant it.

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Exclusive case and marginally better graphics? I'm selling my 360 now! In other news - the Gamestop exclusive is awesome, and I haven't even played Naked City or the challenge yet.. just the fact that it came with this, which I totally didn't expect:



Nifty little film strips that I assume show the locations for the challenge, etc.

Edited by apsham
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Yeah, I really loved that, Rockstar knows to package bonuses. That PS3 exclusive case isn't even really exclusive, it's the same as the Wal-Mart preorder bonus, which means it will probably be out for 360 soon enough.

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Just made it to Traffic and am in the middle of my first case at the moment, having gotten two side crimes done. The controls take a bit to get used to, and I like that the first few missions were pretty much a tutorial that allowed you to go back until you got it correct, whereas the main stuff doesnt.

Seems nice thus far. Cant wait to unravel the rest of the story.

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