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Weapon of Choice


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You can go with this,

Or you can go with that,

You can go with this,

Or you can go with that,

You can go with this,

Or you can go with that,

Or you can throw with us

...Wait, no. Wrong thing.

Since the dawn of time, the human race has had a thirst for blood. In the days of hunter gatherer, we were all ttly badass; slaying big fuck off lions with rocks the size of cars and dragging the corpses home to eat before making sweet, passionate, tree-swinging monkey love with the wife. Then someone built a Tesco's and a WH Smith and a Subway and a Cash Converters and then we all sat around and got fat and played second hand video games on our Mega Drives and Commodores. We didn't have wives, we had Deep Space Nine boxsets. We didn't have rocks the size of cars, we had Deep Space Nine boxsets, and we didn't slay big fuck off lions, we had Deep Space Nine boxsets. But we retained one thing, our blood-lust. No longer was it used productively, to feed our families or emancipate our enemies, instead it was used to help Sam Fisher get out of fishy situations or to assist Palermo Plumbers Penetrate Plucky Pink Princess'. But no matter what our bloodlust had become, we were given a virtual armory with which to do it with.

Which leads me to my question; it seems every game these days has a choice of around 40,000 different guns, gadgets, grenades and lasers (fuck alliteration, I already did it once in this needlessly long introduction) with which to obliterate, decapitate and eradicate the evil within, and it would also seem in most of these games, when it comes down to player one and big nasty endgame boss (or in the case of Mirror's Edge; 'that guy that didn't really do anything'), everyone will rely on just one or two weapons with which to see them through. I have friends who use nothing but sniper rifles and the occasional proximity mine, whilst I myself prefer a good scoped magnum. And if that's not a good euphemism for sexuality, I don't know what is.

So EWB, when push comes to shove, what do you use to turn that shove into a pile of unnamed henchmen remains?

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The flare gun in Blood might be my favourite video game weapon ever. Just the way the alternate fire could make scary chanting cultists run around shouting "Shit, I'm on fire!"

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A nice high caliber pistol, be it revolver or automatic. Something that's meant to kill a bear or an elephant in one fucking shot. I love it when I am offered these. The Python in GTA: VC and the Magnum in Goldeneye brought images of Dirty Harry to mind, blowing the fuck out whatever I hit. The Desert Eagle in San Andreas was just as fun, only you can move while firing it! Why use that AK-47 or M-16 when it takes 3 or 4 shots at range, when you can take them out in one shot?

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I'll second the Stake Gun from Painkiller. Might not be the most effective sometimes, but it's damn sure the most fun.

I've always been a fan of the old-school Plasma Gun from Doom though. You can keep your BFG 9000's with their slow fire rate or your rocket launcher which will kill you if you're too close to the impact - for no-nonsense, rapid-fire, gonna plow right through you, it's the Plasma Gun.

I'm probably forgetting a few though since I'd have to rack my brain through every game I've ever played with a gun in it.

OHH!!! Fuck it, I've got it. Weapon of choice? PSI POWERS from Psi-Ops. That game was just so much damn fun. It never got old just playing god, standing back, picking up some helpless goon and leaving him floating in mid-air in front of you. You could shoot him and leave his bloody corpse still floating there. Nah, just slam him into a wall. Or hurl him into the distance. Or into an explosive barrel. Or into other people. You could just do what you fucking well pleased.

Damn I need to dig out my Xbox and play that again...

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Bah, I forgot.

The Metal Blade.


Keep your Gravity Guns, and all your other little toys. I'll fire off a shitload of these bastards at you all day.

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If you absolutely must take out a group of enemies at once, the M-490 Blackstorm Projector in Mass Effect 2, which only people who pre-ordered from Gamestop got. Or the Gatling Gun or Orbital Cannon powers in Champions Online.

Against other players,though? The Redeemer from the Unreal Tournament. Nothing beats a remote controlled nuclear missile.

For taking out a single opponent, whether its computer controlled, or another person, give me the Rail Detonator from Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight. Since its secondary fire option sticks the explosive right on the target so there's no escape it hits them. (Though I was better at Lightsaber duels than gunfights against other people in that game)

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Hidden blade in the Assassin's Creed games.

I'm going to go right ahead and second this, it most definitely had the 'fun' factor down. Walking past someone all coy only to reach out and stab them in the throat never got old. Ever.

Right now, I'm loving the Tesla Cannon in Fallout. There's just something about a gun that's made of electricity that makes me happy. I was never really a 'big guns' person before Fallout, I never really enjoyed rocket launchers or miniguns, but the likes of the Tesla Cannon, the Fat Man and the Drone Cannon made lugging around huge heaps of metal pretty fun.

My go-to weapon in any FPS tends to be a good ol' shotgun. Slow as all hell and horrible in long range, but god damn there's nothing more wonderful than a Combat Shotgun round to the face of a zombie or four hundred.

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My weapon of choice is Doviculus from Brutal Legend's Quadruple-Necked Guitar. Kill them with METAL!

Of course I suck at guitar, so I'd probably be better off with Fallout 3's Fisto! weapon, so I can literally punch people's limbs off.

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The thermorocket from Red Faction: guerilla.

Pop a rocket in, shoot at something and you blow up the whole neighborhood with it.

It is always fun to use, especially when it is enabled online and everyone is screwing around with it.

And i also love the Grappling hook in the Just Cause 2 Demo.

You can do almost everything with it. You can rope people behind cars, onto helicopters or pull them off of ledges and cliffs.

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