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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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..be careful with your horses. I shot mine in the back of the neck trying to get a coyote once and during a race tutorial I jumped a fence which led me directly into a hill which the horse tried to jump - and came down about 5 meteres breaking its legs and killing us both.

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Oh, about the whole posse thing. It's really just a different way to say party, it's not an official clan or something like everyone seems to be making it out to be.

It's just a way of getting together with the group you want to play with. You enter a free roam game and go to the player list, then ask the players you want to team with to join a posse. Then you can take that group of people with you into the other multiplayer modes, or just do challenges in the free roam lobby together.

You have a form a posse every time you go into free roam mode, it's not permanent or anything. It's just a way to get together with the 7 other people you want to play with in a free roam room of 16 people.

If I remember correctly in GTA4 if you wanted to go from free roam to a gametype you had to ask permission and you'd bring the whole free roam lobby with you. Here, the posse leader can choose to go to another multiplayer mode and will only bring along the members of his posse.

Also with all the use of the word posse, I can't help but include this


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I've played about an hour of the game so far and it's been fantastic. It looks great, the voice acting is top notch, and the combat is pretty fun. I'm certainly looking forward to playing it for an extended amount of time.

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Yeah I haven't been able to do anything related to online. I tried putting in my Assassin's outfit code and the Social Club deal, neither worked. The servers will probably be sorted out soon but I'm also guessing this game sold pretty well so probably the online portion is a little flooded at the moment.

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