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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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Just bought this on the 360, mainly because I found you can tie people up on the train tracks. That was really all I needed to know.

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Just bought this on the 360, mainly because I found you can tie people up on the train tracks. That was really all I needed to know.

Nigger stole my horse!

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Awesome, awesome, just plain awesome! Just the random stuff you encounter riding around is worth it. I came to a camp, guy called me over, when I went over he started shooting at me so I killed him. After he was dead a woman started calling for me to help her, she was tied up by his tent and all over the ground were body parts and bones, and more in the pot over the fireplace cooking. Cannibals ftw, heh

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So this guy was randomly shooting all over and hit my horse. I calmly took out my rifle and shot him. How is that not legal? :angry:

Yeah, I've been annoyed by stuff like this. A guy was about to rape a women, so I shot him and suddenly I'm a wanted man!?

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I just finished the game so I figure I'll give some of my thoughts:

I guess you have to compare this to GTA IV as they're closely related in not only who made the game but the basic gameplay and story telling method. So is Read Dead better than GTA IV? Not to me. However it's one of the best games to come out on any platform in quite some time. It joins the elite list of amazing 360 and PS3 games like Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, and GTA IV.

I generally liked the story and really never felt like "ughh can't we just get this over with". The action was pretty well balanced and the on horse battles were both very difficult but also very fun. The game's map was incredibly diverse once you really start exploring. Yes, you're in a desert like land but that's countered by an incredible area of plains. The fact that you explore all of this thanks to missions and the desire to hunt out side objectives means the developers knew how to utilize such a big map.

My biggest complaint was that the characters compared to those in a GTA IV were a big let down. The only likable character from the first portion of the game to me was the Marshall. Everyone else was poorly written and plain annoying. Irish sort of redeemed himself but soon after you never see him again. The Mexican side was much better with Ricketts, Luisa, and Reyes. Even De Santo wasn't too bad. This certainly helped the game along during it's middle portions.

To me it was the final act when you make it to Blackwater where the game really shined. Aside from the menial final few tasks before the last mission, you certainly had some fun. The Professor was a cool little minor character that gave some laughs and Dutch was built up enough so that when you finally meet him it was nice that he didn't disappoint.

As far as the ending goes I sadly had it spoiled but it was done well. I hope this means that we will get a sequel or in the very least a Lost & Damned style DLC later on. I actually left the game wishing I had more to do aside from jobs and side missions.

Gameplay wise it felt good. Riding and shooting was fine. Dueling was a pain in the ass though and sometimes you were just really outnumbered. Especially towards the end of the game. I just didn't have enough time to reload as packs of enemies swarmed on me. I will add that the checkpoint system is absolutely fantastic in the game and other developers should take a note of it.

I probably won't ever do any multiplayer but I'll hang on to the game just in case some single player DLC is announced.

Edited by wolves
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