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Official Premier League 2010/11 thread

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"Andy, Liverpool have conceded two goals from corners so far this season. Maybe zonal marking under Benitez wasn't so bad?" - @Zonal_Marking

That's a good question, mate. The way I see it goals are going to come from corners from time to time, whatever method you choose to defend them.

Rafael Benitez famously preferred zonal whilst Roy Hodgson is more a fan of man-to-man but it's less about which of the two methods is better than about the players defending the corner properly.

Ahahaha, didn't take the twat long, did it?

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"Andy, Liverpool have conceded two goals from corners so far this season. Maybe zonal marking under Benitez wasn't so bad?" - @Zonal_Marking

That's a good question, mate. The way I see it goals are going to come from corners from time to time, whatever method you choose to defend them.

Rafael Benitez famously preferred zonal whilst Roy Hodgson is more a fan of man-to-man but it's less about which of the two methods is better than about the players defending the corner properly.

Ahahaha, didn't take the twat long, did it?

So fucking predictable. The way that most people buy into lazy cunt punditry like that and use it to back up their arguments like it's some sort of irrefutable fact pisses me off.

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Ancelotti has announced his side to play City this weekend:


Ivanovic Alex Terry Cole

Mikel Essien Ramires

Malouda Anelka Drogba

Whilst Mancini has virtually already conceded defeat in his team's title challenge by proclaiming that Chelsea are basically going to walk it.

Given that virtually all of the players who might have otherwise had a chance of starting (primarily Kalou, Benayoun, etc.) got injured on Wednesday night, the line-up could have been predicted by anyone who possessed at least three brain cells anyway.

I doubt Mancini was ever really aiming for the title. He would only ever have said so (if indeed he ever did) as a way of justifying City's massive expenditure with ambition. Champions League is their real target, as always.

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Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson says Wayne Rooney is feeling the strain of the scrutiny he is under.

As a supporter of a team which includes both John Terry and Ashley Cole, I say the following with as much respect as it deserves:

Oh, diddums.

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Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson says Wayne Rooney is feeling the strain of the scrutiny he is under.

As a supporter of a team which includes both John Terry and Ashley Cole, I say the following with as much respect as it deserves:

Oh, diddums.

Ahahahahahaa I was coming in here to post that.

... as we like to tell our athletes on this side of the pond ...

"Quit crying you big pussy"

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Two things from that game:

1. I'd never realised how much Nijel De Jong looks like Kaval with a little 'tache.

2. Andy Gray doesn't understand the concept of the minimum minutes added on. Its referees discretion to add extra time on for incidents within injury time, its not a fucking rounding issue you divvy.

Oh, and Man City should thank Newcastle for wiping out Chelseas 100% record first...

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And in the most surprising news ever, Kieron Dyer has been forced out of the match at Upton Park due to an injury.

Still, currently up 1-0 over 'Arry, and playing well, from the sounds of it. Hopefully we can keep the play up and grab all 3 points, cause we really need it.

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