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Official Premier League 2010/11 thread

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Big Sam on Sky right now. The usual stuff: Was unexpected; popped in to see the chairman this afternoon and got handed his notice; doesn't think it was anything to do with the results; thanks everybody at the club; disappointed; etc.

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I'm glad Big Sam was shown the door this week, because if it had been within 24 hours of Houghton going the entire city of Newcastle would have gone up in flames.

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Would've bet on Rooney to score from the spot after he's finally starting to get things back on track. A frustrating game for him even without that miss, as he basically had no service throughout the 90 minutes.

Scratching that, what a fantastic win. We pretty much shut out Arsenal, Nasri was non-existant and there wasn't even a real scare aside from van der Sar's mistake. Vidic was pure class, again. Finally looking like the rock in the back he was before Torres humiliated him at Old Trafford. I also have to give credit to Anderson who I usually criticise ('cause, well, nine times out of ten he's shit). Did really well altogether, and that's probably the first time I've ever said that. 2 points clear of Arsenal with a game in hand - things are finally looking great for us. Bring on Chelsea!

Edited by Shelty92
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It all clicked didn't it? Fletcher and Park always raise their game against Arsenal you know Carrick's going to be out there just guarding the back 4 so it was all down to whether the defense is solid and Anderson was the only wild card and he stepped it up, constantly drove at Arsenal and showed great strength on the ball.

Rio put in some crucial headers, Vidic was a rock. Samir Nasri who everyones been jizzing about all week didn't get a look in against Rafael and Evra was beastly, the best he's played all season.

Hoping we don't lose to Chelsea, we really struggle at Stamford Bridge.

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Where dya hear that? :unsure:

Ladbrokes is saying Jol, followed by mon, shearer, souness, hughton and sven. Same on sky bet last I heard.. no mention of Maradona anywhere.

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Last night was great, and once again Carrick proved how frustrating he can be, because he played FAR better than in the Valencia game the week before. He did lose the ball a couple of times and worried me whenever he decided to pass backwards, but an improvement is an improvement. I can see the same XI starting the Chelsea game, because if Scholes comes in, it'll probably be for Ando, and there's no way Fergie should drop the guy at the moment. He could replace Carrick instead and play Fletcher deep, protecting the back four, but as I say, if it's the same eleven, I won't be surprised at all.

I love that, for the first time in a few years, United go to the Bridge with the pressure on Chelsea to win the game, and not us. I don't say it often, but I really think we have a great chance of winning there this time.

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