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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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It sounds like something is going to happen with Calendar Man on Halloween (and possibly future holidays). I'm looking forward to that after reading Long Halloween.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it's a little much to expect someone to be playing this game all year round.

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I'm only about few hours into the game, there seems to be lots of other stuff to do along with the main story. The Catwoman stuff was a DLC after all? :(

I'm now at the museum going after Penquin.

Awesome game so far. I haven't been this hooked to any game since Mass Effect 2. The opening was brilliant.

Edited by The Sandman
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I'm stuck on Penguin mission.

I've got to destroy the last jamming machine thing, and it's underground in the subway system, I have no idea how to get down there. I'm finding this game too hard, too many people with guns!

Directly in front of the Museum is the upper level of the Subway Station, beneath the big glass tunnel bit. If you go in there, and look around, you'll see the entrance. Its not far from the Museum.

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I can't for the lift of me find any entrance, there's too many people around that shoot me and kill me. This is incredibly frustrating, been looking around for about an hour or so! Grrrr. I just suck


Done it now, I must be a muppet. Lol. :blush:

Edited by Gooner27
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The only knock I have against this game so far is that travel sometimes feels a bit awkward, with the run button being the climb and jump button and that the gargoyles in the city put you at a dead stop automatically.

Otherwise it's really good.

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If you do the AR training, your first upgrade is a grapnel boost. So when your gliding around the city, instead of grappling something and stopping, you have the option of just propelling yourself higher into the air.

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In the Bowery. Not that hard to find, really.

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Just completed the main story.

Was a bit disappointed with the last boss fight with Clayface, found it way to easy, hardly got hit at all. Found other boss' a bit harder to be honest. Not sure what to think about the ending either really, is Joker really dead? Got shit load of side missions by the looks of it to do now.

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Man, the Ra's Al Ghul bits were naff. Such an awful attempt to recreate the magic of the Scarecrow bits from Arkham Asylum.

I dunno. I like the game and all, but I feel like there's not enough focus on stealth. I'd rather they upgraded that a little more than just some additional enemy types for fighting, as the straight up combat is fairly boring and button mashy. I'd like if there were more options for the vertical takedowns than just the gargoyles. A lot of the time the way the thugs are set up, there's only the choice of one stealth takedown or combat. It needs more things like in the first part in the church, I don't think I've ever had the opportunity to break through a wall and grab enemies since that one moment, for example.

A massive gripe to do with stealth is the same one myself and a lot of others had with Deus Ex, too. All of the bosses are combat only. It's all dodge, dodge, dodge, punch... repeat. Granted I'm only halfway through the game (I think), maybe there's more of what I'd like later on, but it feels like I'm just going from place to place for the same boss battle a lot of the time.

The inclusion of more of a reason for detective mode is nice too, with the Deadshot cases for example, but they're also pretty barebones. I'd like to have to search a little bit harder to solve things like this.

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Restarted the game today, and realised the man in front of you in Line A, as you go to walk into Arkham City, is Deadshot.

Its the little things like that, which keep me playing this again and again :wub:

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I'm really curious about the Watcher guy, I hope it leads to something rather than just an achievement or something when you get that to 100%. Unlocks another side mission or something. It probably doesn't, though. It's kinda dumb that the last TITAN container is in a locked area, too. I'M SORRY, BANE. :crying:

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