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Singalongs with mates


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What songs were you and your mates favourite singalongs? Every group seems to have them, and I don't mean that one time when you were in a club when you sangalong to that one song, I mean songs that your group seem to go back to a hell of a lot.

For some reason, the main ones that I can remember with my mates were Spandau Ballet's 'Gold' and The Foundations 'Build Me Up Buttercup'.....odd choices, but fuck it. I think they spilled over from several nights out at Jumpin Jakks, so makes slightly more sense that way.

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A friend and I would always sing "Common People" by Pulp together at karaoke and whip the rest of a group into a Pulp frenzy. Beautiful.

Other than that I don't have many shared musical likes with my friends and workmates considering they're mostly Aussies, Yanks, Canadians, Malaysian or Japanese. <_<

Back in the UK there used to be some shared love of some cheesy power rock and Bryan Ferry.

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GG Allin - I Wanna Fuck Your Brains Out

We started this when we were on a holiday together and it somehow keeps going, although I'm the only one who likes his music :shifty:.

Good stuff.

Can't say I have any singalongs with friends, we've never really done it before. The odd one off song with a friend here and there, but mostly we don't do much singing.

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Bohemian Rhapsody. Every. frickin. Time.

Also Tribute by Tenacious D. We did it once at a camp while washing up and there were randoms just standing around waiting for us to finish, listening to us sing this song. Was quite funny.


And stuff from Glee. All of the girls in our group sing their stuff repeatedly...

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We have a few that we always sing along to in work, for various reasons. The main ones are Don't Stop Believin' (although we stop when we realise it's the Glee version ¬_¬) as a tribute to our old head chef, and that Eminem and Rihanna song, but only the Rihanna bits ¬_¬

Also at rock nights me and my mates attempt to sing along to Battle Metal by Turisas (even when it's not being played ¬_¬), even though I'm the only one that knows the words. And Holy Diver is always a singalong song, but if it's the KSE version we have to look generally nonplussed and uninterested, them's the rules.

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