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The FA Cup Thread 2010/2011


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Typical United fan saying it was a penalty. If Torres had done that you'd be crying blue murder. Was never a penalty in a million years!

To clarify, I'm not a United fan. Not the Manchester kind anyway :)

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Ok, I don't think that should've been a red card...

It was dangerous play which - in theory - should be a red card every time.

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Can understand Gerrard getting sent off, did lunge off the floor but that wont certainly help us. We haven't been playing too badly as well been pretty even

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No complaints about the red card, Gerrard's an idiot! That's him out or three games just when we need to start a run of form.

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They just aired the sending off and penalty, both were stupid decisions taken by the Liverpool players, the occasion clearly got to Gerrard as debatable as it was when you're going in two feet off the floor in this day and age you're in trouble and an experienced pro like Gerrard should know that.

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I support Liverpool, I thought it was a penalty. The red card though, ridiculous.

I'm the other way round. Definite red, two footed lunge (although Rafael shouldn't be getting away with it just because Meireles jumps out of the way), no complaints. Berbatov took an age to go down for the penalty though, 'stupid' defending or not it shouldn't really excuse Berbatov from taking a tumble only when the ball was no longer in a decent position for him.

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Just seen them both at half time. For the penalty, it looks like a swing and a miss and Berba went down, might have caught him with his air kick but fairly soft. Can see why it's given but would be pissed off with how soft it was.

Sending off, he's left the floor with a desperate lunge and has to go, made worse by not getting the ball which sometimes is used as a defence (sending off for the Geordie lad for example). Rafael seems to have got away with barely a mention. He doesn't leave the floor so dramatically but had Meireles not pulled out of the challenge it could've been nasty.

Back to Spurs' looking incredibly pedestrian against Charlton... Thank you Andros, sounds like a decent goal.

Edited by lanky316
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Berba did take a tumble, but he was still fouled. It made the penalty look really soft, and the slo-mo didn't do the attacker any favours at all, but if you don't go down (rightly or wrongly) you don't get the penalty. I think more blame should be put on the defender than the ref.

And as for Gerrard, I feel sorry for him. Yes, it's easy to see why it's a red card, and I completely 'get' why he was sent off, but I believe he didn't go in to hurt Carrick.

United have got to up it in the second half, because Liverpool have more than matched us up to now. We're keeping the pace of the game way too slow at the moment.

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Berba did take a tumble, but he was still fouled.

Only because the definition of a foul changed when diving became a problem in terms of the image of the game. The idea that he 'touched him a little bit' or 'you don't actually need to touch someone' for it to be a foul is bollocks.

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I didn't really get a clear view of the penalty and couldn't tell from the replay, but it didn't seem like that horrible a decision... I'll have to wait until I can study it properly, I guess. Gerrard had two feet off the ground and lunged in horribly, so no argument there thouggh. Just a shame our offence will now consist of Torres stranded on his own and everybody deciding so shoot from 30 yards.

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