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EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Glee is something that my girlfriend loves - it's about the only day a week she won't come over, her and her sister watch it together and I think that's adoreable but I still can't get myself into it. Oh well.

Futurama came back strong and it's super awesome that it did - she picked up the DVD that came out recently and I can't wait to rewatch all the episodes with some of the most entertaining commentary that's out there as far as special features go.

Big Bang Theory is a show that I enjoy in small measure - I don't even think I've seen all of the current season that's showing at the moment - we tried to follow on it, but there is so much to watch on Thursday that it just kind of dropped off after a while. No big loss really, and I will end up seeing the rest of it at some point but it's pretty far back on the list. Still, a good show when it wants to be.

True Blood - man, I was such a huge fan of this show in seasons 1 + 2, hell I have a case of True Blood sitting behind me on my shelf right now. But I really cannot get into season 3 - it probably follows the books rather well, but it just feels to me like we are in major fangirl territory now with the content. I might one day go back and take a look, but the first few episodes entirely turned me off.

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True Blood: Never got my attention. My gf absolutely loves it but I see it as an adult Twilight. And that automatically makes me turn away from it.

Yes, yes, all vampire media is just like Twilight.

No... Just True Blood.

Lost Boys will always be awesome as long as you dont watch 2 & 3

I absolutely loved Dracula. I can't remember if I've seen Nosferatu. Is that the one with the bald vampire?

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Finished the first season of Parks and Rec. Better than I remembered, but the first two episodes are still really shaky. You can definitely get away with just watching the sixth episode and be up to speed for season two, though I guess you'd be missing out on the payoff for how they develop Leslie's relationship with her mother in the prior couple of episodes. Anyway, second update of the day, with a lot of pictures of characters outside on the street for some reason early on!


20. Burn Notice (88 points, appeared on 10 ballots) (Last Year: #27)


19. The Inbetweeners (90 points, appeared on 9 ballots) (Last Year: #22)


18. Supernatural (90 points, appeared on 12 ballots) (Last Year: #20)


17. House (91 points, appeared on 11 ballots) (Last Year: #6)


16. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (93 points, appeared on 11 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2010: Lesbian Mario Brothers!

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True Blood: Never got my attention. My gf absolutely loves it but I see it as an adult Twilight. And that automatically makes me turn away from it.

Yes, yes, all vampire media is just like Twilight.

No... Just True Blood.

Lost Boys will always be awesome as long as you dont watch 2 & 3

I absolutely loved Dracula. I can't remember if I've seen Nosferatu. Is that the one with the bald vampire?

Apart from, you know, the fact that it's about as similar to Twilight as Buffy is. As in, not at all.

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Everything other than The Daily Show (delighted it made it this high, wish it could have made it a bit higher) I haven't seen more than a season of. First season of Burn Notice was entertaining stuff, second season's pretty close on the Netflix queue. The Inbetweeners I've seen the first two episodes of and I found it pretty funny so no objections there. House I watched... about four episodes of? Well executed but it felt kind of same-y. Never seen an episode of Supernatural. It seems like every geeky girl I know swears by it and I can't tell if it's because it's a good show or if because it stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki (or however you spell it), and Mischa Barton.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

House is overrated. The Daily Show is good but could really use the occasional shakeup to make it more unpredictable. Haven't seen the rest but have generally heard good things.

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Man, True Blood and Supernatural not being in the top ten is verging on a crime. What makes it worst is that the fucking Inbetweeners is ahead of True Blood.

Not sure what to hope for from here. Dexter, Lost, The Walking Dead and HIMYM placing near the top are about the only shows left that can make me happy.

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Burn Notice I like, but I just can't be assed with it any more. It's all so much of the same every week. The performances are great, but the stories are just... eh. I just can't bring myself to care when every series seems to start and end the same. Never had any interest in The Inbetweeners. Saw one episode and it was just terrible. I love Supernatural and while the new series isn't AS great as the previous, it's a nice new twist and turn with some great fan service. House, see Burn Notice but with only one decent performance. +Olivia Wilde. Mmmmh. Never seen The Daily Show.

Also GoGo, I think you mean Misha Collins. :P Barton is not in the show.

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Glee should've dropped off the list entirely. I have never seen a drop in quality from a show quite like the first half of season 1 of Glee and everything that came after it. Victim of its own hype and popularity for sure, but it went from this quirky, cute, charming show with a fun cast of characters to a disjointed, meandering, often plot-less show filled with hackneyed, unlikeable characters and ridiculous song choices. It has its moments still, mostly thanks to Britney, but for the most part, it's gone from the best new show on television to one of the worst in just one season.

Never understood the love for The Big Bang Theory. Maybe I'm missing something, but every time I've watched it, it's "lol, nerds" which was cliche thirty years ago.

True Blood deserved the drop too. I really enjoyed this season in parts, but as a whole, it wandered off the beaten path almost as much as Glee. Way too much going on and a completely flat ending.

House deserved the drop as well, while this season has been better than the last, nothing has come close to the two-hour House in rehab premiere that we got last year.

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Other seasons have house have been better, but I'd still rank it over all but maybe 2 or 3 shows (in fact, I think I did.) Similar story for The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and - to a slightly lesser extent - The Simpsons.

I am totally judging everyone in this thread that did anything to keep those shows out of the top 10 - especially considering some of the shows it seems will make it that high.

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I watched an episode of Glee and couldn't stand it. Fuck that show and fuck every fucking moron that keeps asking me if I've heard "That song from Glee, you know, 'Don't Stop Believing?'" Fuck you.

I love love love Futurama, but I can't say I love this comeback season considering I've seen less than a handful of the episodes. I feel bad about this.

I hate seeing Boardwalk Empire this low. I don't really understand the whole, "Victim of its own hype" argument considering I found the story and characters fascinating (if a little slow paced.) I love where the story is headed and it's one of the most cinematic shows ever.

I have no problems with Big Big Theory as a show. I think it's passable and humorous. But I decided to boycott it ever since it was moved to Thursday and began competing with the best show on network television, Community. If Community fails, it's BBT's fault.

The only episode of True Blood I saw was the season premiere of this last season. Meh.

Burn Notice is like the little engine that could for me. I watch it in little sporadic waves as it keeps trying to maintain my attention. It's an alright show, but a little too high I think.

House is a show I don't follow, but enjoy enough to catch episodes every time they're doing a marathon on USA. It's an easy story to follow even if you don't keep up with a season, and House is just a great fucking character.

The Daily Show is fantastic. Although I prefer The Colbert Report, I'm happy to see the show make it up this high on the list.

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I have around 10 episodes of Boardwalk Empire on my DVR, and getting through the ones I've watched have been such a chore. I love the idea of the show, the production is absolutely top notch and Steve Buscemi is one of my favorite actors, but the show just isn't clicking with me for whatever reason. I hear it gets really good though.

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I used to be well into House, but I haven't kept up to date with it. I would try but I have no idea at what point I fell off and I don't fancy re-watching every episode until I figure it out.

Daily Show I enjoy when I get to catch it. I used to be on a site that put the newest episodes of it and The Colbert Report a few hours after they aired in America, but it stopped working on PS3 so I haven't went out of my way to stream an episode in months. I did always prefer the Colbert Report though.

Burn Notice seems like something I'd like but I've never had a chance to watch it. It is on my to-do list for when I have more free time and a computer with enough space to download it all.

Inbetweeners is a big :wub: from me.

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I hate seeing Boardwalk Empire this low. I don't really understand the whole, "Victim of its own hype" argument considering I found the story and characters fascinating (if a little slow paced.) I love where the story is headed and it's one of the most cinematic shows ever.

I think my thing and why it finished around tenth for me was that the story is fine, the characters are well-defined, but it rarely had that hook that made me go "holy shit I can't wait for next week!" But season one really seemed to be more about setting everything up for the main conflict in season two, which is the kind of thing you have the luxury to do when you have the kind of clout going in that everyone involved with that show did.

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