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EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I only watch(ed) Fringe out of the first part of that list, and I think it's rightfully placed on this list. It's taken a real dip in quality since the first season and I just can't get interested in it again.

I will now simply refer to you as The Guy With The Shittiest Opinion Ever...or Fucking Douche for short. If anything minus a slight dip in the first few episodes of S2, Fringe has simply gotten better and better as it has went along.

No really, you suck.

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A good few shows on that list. I'm suprised Castle didn't edge any higher, considering EWB's love for Nathan Fillion. Good to see the UK Apprentice make an appearance, too. Can't really comment on any new Smallville because I'm two seasons behind, but I've heard positive things.

I only watch(ed) Fringe out of the first part of that list, and I think it's rightfully placed on this list. It's taken a real dip in quality since the first season and I just can't get interested in it again.

I will now simply refer to you as The Guy With The Shittiest Opinion Ever...or Fucking Douche for short. If anything minus a slight dip in the first few episodes of S2, Fringe has simply gotten better and better as it has went along.

No really, you suck.

It got really slow and boring. I felt the over arching story was weak and they dragged out storylines for far too long. I didn't make it to the last few episodes, which did sound quite interesting, but I lost all interest in watching them. The first few episodes were promising, but the middle had no real substance. I wanted some real story to sink my teeth into and I just got a string of episodes which were more 'monster of the week' than anything story worthy. For me, it just got boring.

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Can't stand Peep Show, the whole show just irritates me. I have next to no interest in watching any more than I already have. NCIS: LA I haven't watched, but as far as procedural cop shows go, it seems like it'd be a bit more fun than the usual crap. I'd probably have watched it if I hadn't recently lost all the time I used to spend watching TV. Family Guy has actually been a little more entertaining in the last few weeks. It's been on a downward spiral for some time but I've enjoyed it a fair bit lately. It's A Trap was wonderful. Fringe I've seen series 1 and the first part of series 2 but it just couldn't keep me hooked at the time. I may go back to it one day though. And The League... eh. It's funny but I've pretty much stopped watching it lately. It was a show I watched because I had plenty of time to watch shows and now I don't, it just didn't really make the cut.

Never caught Justified, looked good though. Castle is a hard one for me. On the one hand I love Fillion but then it's just not a great show apart from that. Beckett is good, but everyone else is boring as sin and the stories just aren't great. Like, at all. Don't watch The Apprentice. Smallville has been beyond wonderful that past few series, but I can see why it's not any higher. (The only people that know it's greatness this series are those of us that managed to survive the 8 series before it started to get really good.) It really has been fantastic though, Zod was a wonderful storyline and Darksied has been great thus far. Was Scrubs even on this year? I liked the Interns show once it stopped being all about JD, Lucy and Cole were great.

Bit of a disappointing batch for me, with only really Smallville being one that I care about. Interested to see where shows like Supernatural and True Blood drop this year.

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Love The League and voted for them pretty highly. It's even gotten to the point where I was looking forward to it more than Always Sunny. Justified started out pretty slow but once it got going, it got real good; can't wait for Season 2 in February. Castle's good but since I have less time to watch TV now, it's lost a bit of it's appeal but still good nonetheless. I have really enjoyed Smallville and this is coming from somebody who isn't the biggest Superman fan. Like TKz said, the earlier seasons weren't always the greatest and certainly a lot slower paced but the last couple of seasons have been really good.

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Scrubs basically qualified for this year on the grounds that they still had a handful of episodes left to air on ABC. Same way Dollhouse was eligible too (that didn't make it, though). And now, the most pleasant surprise the Vote Count Fairy dropped upon my door on Christmas Eve.


40. Party Down (43 points, appeared on 4 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


39. Spartacus: Blood and Sand (44 points, appeared on 4 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


38. Top Gear (44 points, appeared on 6 ballots) (Last Year: #22)


37. Friday Night Lights (45 points, appeared on 6 ballots) (Last Year: #30)


35. Lie to Me (45 points, appeared on 6 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


35. NCIS (45 points, appeared on 6 ballots) (Last Year: #21)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2010: I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? Last year I saw three Jonas Brothers make out with three Robert Pattinsons. It was amazing.

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Love NCIS but have only caught a couple of episodes of Season 8. Definitely going to catch up on it in the new year...

For some reason I just stopped watching Lie To Me. I'm thinking because I don't watch very much free-TV I don't see it advertised when it comes back.

Still a fan, I catch replays of seasons past and still enjoy them.

Never heard of Party Down, never watch Friday Night Lights (I did see some last night but didn't hook on).

I've been thinking on & off about Sparticus as I've seen Season 2 is coming up. & Only catch Top Gear whenever I remember it's on.

I should start DVR'ing more shows other than wrestling.

I think everyone may have an idea of what could be #1 but there could still be a surprise. I think I've narrowed it down to 2 possibilities.

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So far:-

Peep Show (Y)

The Apprentice (Y)

Top Gear (Y)

Scrubs and Family Guy are okay. I should say though that Scrubs remains my favourite sitcom of all time, but the latest series (which I assume this list refers to) sucked balls.

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Well, technically the actual bottom of the list included the likes of CSI: Miami, Eastenders, 10 Things I Hate About You, and something called Scrum V. 49th out of 183 isn't so bad! (Speaking personally, though, I would have had it much lower.)

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Can I just say that the American version of Top Gear is shit? I'm just putting that one out there, because seeing Top Gear place reminded me that History airs an americanized version that isn't nearly as amusing.

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Can I just say that the American version of Top Gear is shit? I'm just putting that one out there, because seeing Top Gear place reminded me that History airs an americanized version that isn't nearly as amusing.

The same could be said about the Australian version. I don't even know what channel it's on, if it's on, any more.

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Can I just say that the American version of Top Gear is shit? I'm just putting that one out there, because seeing Top Gear place reminded me that History airs an americanized version that isn't nearly as amusing.

The same could be said about the Australian version. I don't even know what channel it's on, if it's on, any more.

Channel 9.

and last time I checked, Shane Warne was hosting.

Friday Night Lights, Lie to me and NCIS being that low makes me wonder what kind of crap is going to be higher up.

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