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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Guest Owned by Quickquid

While the Chris Pratt moment at the end is fine, the best part of the reel was certainly Chris Pratt breaking the light switch.

That's the one I meant. Guess I'd blocked out the Perd Hapley and Pawnee Community College bits.

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Donald Glover is apparently starting his own sitcom at NBC. I presume this would be up for next year after Community is cancelled/finished/mysteriously taken to the woods and shot by NBC. Donald is pretty solid with his work, writing for 30 Rock, his sketches on YouTube, and Mystery Team was fairly funny to me.

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Up All Night did a retool that has killed all the enthusiasm for the show I had left, so I'm dropping it.

The Office still isn't particularly funny. I can't tell if we're supposed to like Andy for being a complete and total ass or not, or think the Oscar/Angela/Angela's husband thing is even remotely interesting. I sort of want The New Andy to be shot into the sun. The Jim and Pam stuff is genuinely interesting, though so I'm probably going to stick with it.

Parks and Rec remains a good show.

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I feel like The Office did something it did not do at all last year, and that was top Parks and Recreation. It was a very promising episode (and they even made Nellie seem redeemable after last year's abomination). I like the long-term directive they seem to be going with now, and talking to the camera crew was a nice surprise. The one problem is that Andy was very unlikeable.

Parks and Rec was good, not great. I fear like it may have peaked the last 2 seasons and has nowhere to go but down...but let's hope not.

Edited by Mofoticon
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Didn't watch The Office. Haven't for.. seasons now. Can't comment.

But Parks & Rec was pretty great, I thought. Out of interest, how did they retool Up All Night, GoGo? I caught a few episodes last season and liked what little I did see.

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They got rid of the TV show (and every character associated except obviously Maya Rudolph's), had Will Arnett's character get a job, and then had him quit his job and start a construction company with a new character they just introduced who is I guess supposed to be Christina Applegate's character's slacker brother or something. I don't really like a single one of those changes and the episode wasn't funny 90% of the time anyway, so on to something else.

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Yeah, I feel like the Thursday night block has begun to slowly bleed out and will eventually die. 30 Rock and The Office will both end this year (just in time and long overdue, respectively); Community's on Fridays and could be done very, very soon (especially with Donald Glover developing his own show); and that all leaves Parks and Rec and NBC's new efforts to go broad with all of their comedy. So Parks and Rec may not even be long for this world. Once that happens - barring a renewed effort to create more shows like Community and Parks and Rec, and fat chance there - the broadcast network sitcom will basically be a dead art for me.

All of that said, I did watch The Office and Parks and Rec.

The Office was pretty discouraging, aside from what GoGo said about Jim and Pam. I did laugh at the Kevin stuff, but that brings no promise for future episodes and is pushing more toward broad comedy than I'd like on a regular basis.

Parks and Rec was promising. Not their strongest episode, but they needed this to set the characters off on various paths for the season. Meanwhile, you got pretty good reminders of how the things we find endearing about these people can hurt them if not kept in check.

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I think Parks and Rec is in an okay spot in that critics love it and it gets a little bit of award show attention, and there are going to be a whole lot of open slots going forward, one of which belonged to 30 Rock. At worst, I think it's going to make it to six seasons which is a respectable run for any show.

Community's future is entirely dependent on whether season four is any good.

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