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Dead Island

DJ Ice

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I actually really like the look of this. I couldn't stand Left 4 Dead and I didn't enjoy Dead Rising 2. It looks like it's a lot more focused on what I'd want a zombie game to be focused on: semi-realistic survival. I could give a shit about L4D and it's generic billion zombies and shotgun shooting or Dead Rising and it's hundred billion zombies that you can hit with anything, but the things you actually want to use break after a few attacks... I like that there's a stamina thing for running, I can see that leading to a lot of tense moments and I love that there's not just hordes of zombies everywhere. I hate that in games. I'd rather the less is more approach so that I'm actually scared to turn each corner.

Things I'm not keen on: some of the animations look terrible, kicking in particular. And the blood splatter screen is fucking awful. And I can see that getting knocked over is going to be a game breaker if it takes too long. And the collisions look like they still need some work. I love the idea of the RPG element though, being able to make a character that's more gun oriented sounds great, but then hopefully it'll result in attracting more zombies. Whilst a melee based character would deal with less zombies, but would take a lot more damage from each one.

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Doesn't look as good as I was hoping. Whoever said "Could be like Mirror's Edge" I think you hit the nail on the head. Good concept, but just something that is gonna be a huge challenge to translate into an enjoyable game.

That said, here's hoping future videos of the game show a serious improvement because I really love the thinking behind this game.

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I'm not one for shitting all over a game before it's even out. To be honest, I'm just glad some studios are trying something different, even with the perhaps overly-familiar concept. Rag on Mirror's Edge all you want, I found it incredibly refreshing.

Sometimes I think it's just us against everyone else mate. :(

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I watched the video and do like the look of some of the gameplay stuff like stamina and earning XP to progress your character. The voice acting/grunts they make aren't great. I suppose if L4D's constant ''RE-LOADING...I'M RE-LOADING...RE-LOADING'' didn't bother you, then this certainly shouldn't put you off.

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The gameplay looks a lot more interesting than what i was expecting. I like that they seem to have a zombie byte be fatal, you get your "minigame" wen they get to close but your not that uninfecteble person.

But it´s a bit silly that a zombie can barly get up, but than starts running at you right awaay...

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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The gameplay looks a lot more interesting than what i was expecting. I like that they seem to have a zombie byte be fatal, you get your "minigame" wen they get to close but your not that uninfecteble person.

But it´s a bit silly that a zombie can barly get up, but than starts running at you right awaay...

Actually, all the playable characters are immune to the infection.

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More like


(wich also would have been a less boring cover...)

I love how they had to change the Logo (the zombie now is just standing there, not hanging of the palmtree) but you still got a girl with no arm in much greater deteil on the cover...

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  • 1 month later...

So, with the game being released in little over a month, here is the achievement list!

Regular Achievements

Rootin’ Tootin’ Lootin’ (30 points):

Loot 5 Exceptional Weapons.

Tis but a flesh wound! (10 points):

Sever 100 limbs.

There and back again (30 points):

Explore the entire island.

Catch! (10 points):

Kill the infected with a grenade blast.

Road Trip (10 points):

Drive a total distance of 10 kilometers.

Cardio (10 points):

Travel a distance of 20 kilometers on foot.

Swing them sticks (25 points):

Kill 150 enemies using Analog Flighting controls.

Gesundheit! (10 points):

Heal yourself with a medkit 100 times.

Light my fare (20 points):

Set 10 zombies on fire simultaneously.

10 heads are better than 1 (15 points):

Kill 10 zombies in a row with headshots.

A taste of everything (25 points):

Kill a zombie with 10 different melee weapons.

One is all I need (20 points):

Kill 5 infected in a row with a single blow.

Can’t touch this (20 points):

Use a gammer to kill a series of 15 zombies without taking damage.

Humanitarian (15 points):

Kill 50 human enemies.

Tae Kwon Leap (25 points):

Kill 25 zombies with your bare fists.

I want one of those (30 points):

Customize 25 weapons.

Karma-geddon (15 points):

Kill 50 zombies using a vehicle.

To put it bluntly (25 points):

Kill 250 zombies using blunt melee weapons.

Hack & Slash (25 points):

Kill 250 zombies using edged melee weapons.

Guns don’t kill but they help (25 points):

Kill 250 zombies using firearms.

Need a hand? (10 points):

Join another player’s game.

Warranty Void if Used (10 points):

Create a customized weapon.

Gotta find’em all (20 points):

Find 60 collectibles.

Nearly there (25 points):

Find 120 collectibles.

Steam Punk (30 points):

Create weapons to rival the gods of fire or thunder.

Originality (10 points):

Play in a co-op team of 4 different playable characters.

Together in the light (10 points):

Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same partners.

Going steady (25 points):

Complete 25 quest while playing with at least one co-op partner.

Rageman (25 points):

Kill 100 enemies with fury attacks.

People Person (10 points):

Play with 10 different co-op partners for at least 15 minutes each.

Ménage à trois (25 points):

Complete 5 quest with 3 co-op partners.

Right 4 Life (30 points):

Complete act I with 4 different characters.

A very special day (30 points):

Kill 250 zombies with modified weapons.

School of hard knocks (30 points):

Reach level 50.

Knock, Knock (15 points):

Breach a locked door with the first blow.

Busy, busy, busy (60 points):

Finish 75 quest cumulatively.

Learning the ropes (10 points):

Reach level 10.

Dedicated student (25 points):

Reach level 25

Anyone else plan on getting it? I wanna play with EWBers :(

And there seems to be a few online co-op achievements...nothing too hard, though.

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