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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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In some unfortunate (although certainly not major) news, the Match Flow feature for WWE Universe only works if you use the card the game generates. If you want to edit any match, you have to play the match right then and there as was the case last year. Also reading that if you do that, it'll show the show-opening pyro before each match. I can see this whole thing being fixed for next year. On the plus side, it sounds like the game does a nice job of logically booking to follow storylines - so sticking with the card given to you might actually happen regularly.

Like last year, no titles can be vacated (gotta put them on people not on the Raw or SD rosters if you don't want to see the belts) and the game will still insert legends/non-Raw or SD people into storylines at times.

One last thing - the Royal Rumble match at the PPV in Universe is stuck at 30 entrants. You can edit who is in, but not the number of participants. As somebody who does a lot of CPU simming, Rumble included, I'm happy about that. There's a video on YouTube of a 40 man Rumble and it took nearly an hour to complete. :shifty:

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It's been on IGN and various other boards - some people have advanced copies, including a guy on YouTube who has been posting full matches. Plus some Best Buy locations have the game set up to be played in full in-store.

The title belt and legend things I already anticipated - but the Match Flow thing is kinda upsetting. I find it hard to believe it never occurred to them that most people adjust the cards. Almost seems like it's the annual feature that they purposely don't go all-out with on the first go around so that they'd have an easy fix for WWE13. It also seems like the Raw and SD tag titles, for whatever reason, cannot be placed on anybody outside of Universe. So the workaround you have to do is make sure you give those belts to your Unified tag champs, as they will then only enter with the Unified tag belts. Once I download some CAWs I might just bring back the separate tag belts because my tag division was booming last year with 5 or more teams to a show.

Mind, a week before release is the same time last year when we found out that we couldn't make any alterations to tag matches or MITB - so I'll take these minor annoyances over something major like that any day of the week.

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It's been on IGN and various other boards - some people have advanced copies, including a guy on YouTube who has been posting full matches. Plus some Best Buy locations have the game set up to be played in full in-store.

The title belt and legend things I already anticipated - but the Match Flow thing is kinda upsetting. I find it hard to believe it never occurred to them that most people adjust the cards. Almost seems like it's the annual feature that they purposely don't go all-out with on the first go around so that they'd have an easy fix for WWE13. It also seems like the Raw and SD tag titles, for whatever reason, cannot be placed on anybody outside of Universe. So the workaround you have to do is make sure you give those belts to your Unified tag champs, as they will then only enter with the Unified tag belts. Once I download some CAWs I might just bring back the separate tag belts because my tag division was booming last year with 5 or more teams to a show.

Mind, a week before release is the same time last year when we found out that we couldn't make any alterations to tag matches or MITB - so I'll take these minor annoyances over something major like that any day of the week.

But doesn't that mean that even if you edit the Money in the Bank match, you'll still have to play it and pick who you want to win? That kind of sucks, I'd much rather pick a few suitable contenders, let the computer give me a winner and try and build that person how I'd like to build them, rather than have to pick one myself and then play a match (which is usually at least like 20 minutes long) that I don't really enjoy.

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No, I'm pretty sure you still have the same options as last year when you edit participants...play, watch, or sim. It's just that if you want to actually play or watch, you gotta go back the menu each time like last year - nullifying the match flow feature.

I too will probably sim past MITB now that I can pick 6 people to be in it that I wouldn't mind winning. Universe would take an eternity if you couldn't sim.

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I'm pretty stoked about this game. But, I have a question as someone who hasn't played a WWE game since the first SDvR, other than All Stars... What exactly is this Fan Axxess? The PS3 store already has the add-on available but I'm not sure if I should get them or not. Looks like it might be worth it, but should I do it now or just wait until the game comes out? I'm just thinking buying every character one at a time will get very expensive...

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Guest JukeboxHero

In some unfortunate (although certainly not major) news, the Match Flow feature for WWE Universe only works if you use the card the game generates. If you want to edit any match, you have to play the match right then and there as was the case last year. Also reading that if you do that, it'll show the show-opening pyro before each match. I can see this whole thing being fixed for next year. On the plus side, it sounds like the game does a nice job of logically booking to follow storylines - so sticking with the card given to you might actually happen regularly.

Like last year, no titles can be vacated (gotta put them on people not on the Raw or SD rosters if you don't want to see the belts) and the game will still insert legends/non-Raw or SD people into storylines at times.

One last thing - the Royal Rumble match at the PPV in Universe is stuck at 30 entrants. You can edit who is in, but not the number of participants. As somebody who does a lot of CPU simming, Rumble included, I'm happy about that. There's a video on YouTube of a 40 man Rumble and it took nearly an hour to complete. :shifty:

While these aren't major issues, they are issues that shouldn't be there in the first place. I'm still stoked for the game and all, but it's always something every single year.

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I'm pretty stoked about this game. But, I have a question as someone who hasn't played a WWE game since the first SDvR, other than All Stars... What exactly is this Fan Axxess? The PS3 store already has the add-on available but I'm not sure if I should get them or not. Looks like it might be worth it, but should I do it now or just wait until the game comes out? I'm just thinking buying every character one at a time will get very expensive...

Essentially, buying Fan Axxess is like pre-ordering all of the DLC before it comes out--but at a discounted price, and with the guarantee that any unplanned DLC that might come to fruition in the future will also be covered. Last year's version also automatically unlocked all of the game's unlockables and included a tool to edit the stats of everyone on the roster. I assume this year it's the same way. If you definitely want all of the DLC, yeah, it's worth it.

And that Randy Savage video is perfect. He looks better than most of the regular roster. I'm so excited for this.

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I hate to double post, but....



I know Lesnar is already in the game when you buy it, but people like Foley, Batista, Savage, etc. are all DLC right? The only game I've ever spent a lot of money on DLC on was for Mass Effect 2, looks like I'll be getting a lot more for this game if those characters are DLC. I hope they're included from the start, though.

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