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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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According to Game Informer, having a sub par Road To Wrestlemania is inexcusable and thus the entire game is crap, despite everything else in the game being good. They gave it a 5.5 http://www.gameinformer.com/games/wwe_12/b/xbox360/archive/2011/11/22/review.aspx

That might be the most ridiculous review I've ever seen, someone really loves their Road to Wrestlemania.

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Guest flierthananostrich

So is it just one RTWM, that's the mode i play/enjoy the most and its a real pain if there is only one this year :(

Really disappointed guys guess im waiting another 12 months to see what they come up with next time.

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From what I've read from those who got the game early, RTWM seems to be the weakest aspect of the game. Apparently, a lot of the challenges can be either uninspired and tedious or frustrating and unintuitive. Personally, I'll wait until I play the game before I pass judgement, but it probably bothers me less than many other people because I wasn't particularly interested in the RTWM mode to begin with.

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I dunno, shitting all over the game because road to wrestlemania is iffy is like shitting on Call of Duty for a bad story mode, or Madden because Be A Pro mode. He said the game was solid besides that, which means as a wresltlong game, it works as it should. Giving it a 5 because of one mode is just stupid.

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Yeh RTWM ain't my biggest priority, most of my energies go into WWE Universe mode really when I play.

That's a pretty bad review though if he's crapped all over the game because of one mode, You said it best Maxx with Madden. Maddens a really fun game for me but Be a Pro is pretty crap that doesn't mean the whole game is awful.

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Good god I suck at this game so much. Haven't won a match yet, and have been completely squashed a few times. What's the point in making guys get up for moves faster if they just get up all groggy and shit? I can't recover fast enough to do a move before my opponent is already doing another move on me.

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My first match was CM Punk Vs Heath Slater in a custom WCW Fall Brawl arena I downloaded. I really love custom arenas already, it gives the match a different feel, including the use of the old steel fence style barricades was such a nice touch.

My first thought was wow, this game is a lot slower paced than it has been in the passed. It's delivered on all it's promises though, the camera angles are nice, makes it feel more like a WWE broadcast. Wake up taunts are awesome and makes for a fun way to finish off matches. The AI is no slouch either, Heath was reversing quite a bit.

Ratings are probably going to annoy a lot of people. Took me 6 tries to beat Undertaker with Husky Harris. Had to turn reversals down, otherwise I would get about 5 strikes in the entire match, Taker would just reverse everything.

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Shawn Michaels, Lawler, Jim Ross and Michael Cole are all available already for 80 points each, I'll be grabbing them all later and having Michael Cole beat Randy Orton for the title.

Cattle Mutilation being in is awesome, but it's far weaker than the LeBell Lock, I gave Chavo the Cattle Mutilation about 3 times and he never tapped out. Played him again, slapped on the LaBell Lock once and he tapped immediately.

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Anyone figure out how to switch belts in Universe mode? As in swapping the spinner for the attitude era title, etc.

I don't have the game, so I apologize if this is wrong but..

you go to the calender, select the show you want to switch the belts of, press X (or Square, if you're on PS3) and change the belts.. simple!

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