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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot; How the hell do you get comebacks to work? I've tried pressing the button, spamming the button, and it every time since getting into it, I've been reversed. Is it just the sliders being too high on reversal? Or am I doing something wrong? :| The game is a blast and all, but I'd like to at least get myself a win once in a while through non-jackass ways (Dominating the computer, being a spammy bastard, reversing finishers, ect)

For comebacks, you press the button as close to the right time as possible, not spam it it, I believe.

After activating the comeback state you need to position your opponent in the right place for combo to start. With Daniel Bryan, for example, after activating the comeback state you need to get your opponent in the turnbuckles to do his backflip.

I wanted the 450 :(

I think he also has that. I think the whole moveset is a sort of mock Aries moveset.

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So I had a Undertaker vs. William Regal match and the cut scene afterward was....odd. William Regal was loaded onto a stretcher by EMTs. Well, actually one EMT....and The Undertaker. He was in his ring gear and acting like an EMT. I had a good laugh.

Well, I for one would be terrified if I was being stretchered out by the embodiment of death and evil, so it makes sense for Taker's character kinda.

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Anyone know what exactly causes move sets and entrances to get wiped when you edit attires?

I've taken to just making all the attires first and then making that stuff after but what stuff can I edit without it wiping everything?

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I got pinned, the pin kickout meter didn't show up until the count of 2, giving me no chance to kick out. Does it do that on purpose as a way of saying "you've taken too much damage, you lose"?

I've only ever had that happen in Elimination Chambers, where it happened twice - once to me, once to the missus. I think sometimes it's just a glitch because there's so much stuff happening, as I don't think she was that beat up.

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Anyone know what exactly causes move sets and entrances to get wiped when you edit attires?

I've taken to just making all the attires first and then making that stuff after but what stuff can I edit without it wiping everything?

I had that problem as well. Pissed me off because I decided to edit a CAW's attires just after I had finished his entrance and moves. When I finished his moves and entrance had reverted back to the Jacob Cass defaults.

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You can modify Cass's moveset after you've started the Hero SL. You just can't modify his abilities/points.

Also, I hate that I never got to finish the Hero RtWM. It would always freeze while trying to load up Elimination Chamber.

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I sort of wish I hadn't used the unlock thing you get with the access everything pack. I'm thinking half the fun may be in unlocking people. pinch.gif

Unlocking Billy Gunn in SD 2 = fun.

Unlocking Michelle McCool in WWE '12 = not so much.

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