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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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WWE Universe mode is so addicting. Iv'e finally got around to actually playing the matches, and the storylines that develop are actually interesting. Miz, Husky Harris, Otunga and McGuillicuty have formed a stable and are wrecking havoc on John Morrison, R-Truth and John Cena over on RAW.

On Smackdown, the number one contender, former World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus has just won a match against the Undertaker for the right to face Randy Orton at the rumble for the WHC. After the match, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and Mark Henry all attacked Taker with a chair, he should be out for some time.

Interesting to see if Orton can stop Sheamus come the rumble, especially when Sheamus has Henry and McIntyre on his side.

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Vader, Husky Harris, Brock Lesnar and Mark Henry have formed a stable and are constantly attacking Rey Mysterio and Zach Ryder. For some reason, this doesn't seem fair at all.

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Sigh...so it's time for my 'Royal Rumble Winner's Event' Match...and of course, my WHC Daniel Bryan is there...but WWE Champ Cena is not. Brock Lesnar is. More dumbass shit from this game. What am I supposed to do now? If I, as RR winner Del Rio, attack Lesnar, does that mean he'll face Cena? Can I edit the match to include Cena and still have it be the 'RR Winners Event' match? Or am I screwed?

That 'break up moves in progress' feature they hyped this year was so spectacularly fucked up as well. Multi-man matches can get beyond tedious because of it...I'm doing a move, halfway through...so the third guy comes in and does a 'grapple', which actually just awkwardly breaks up what I'm doing and looks shit for all.

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I've yet to have the WWE Championship defended at WrestleMania. I've simmed a few times around now, just to see what happens. Considering they added pretty much nothing to Universe Mode this year, you'd think they'd have spent some time fixing the god awful glitches that pop up at every corner.

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Scramble online is godawful. Nobody plays realistically, everybody breaks up every pin, whoever is the champion will just run outside the ring and avoid damage so that they can jump right back in. And last but not least, with about a minute to go, Lesnar (the current champ) AND the ref both floated away into the crowd.

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I was able to grab a couple more CAWs last night - but online is really starting to get to me. Not to mention that PPVs with matches full of CAWs tend to freeze on me - but that's what I want to do with my Universe mode - I spent a lot of time setting up a WCW vs. WWE kind of thing and I'll be damned if I can't play it. :angry:

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I'm playing Universe mode "as it is". Kelly Kelly have turned heel and joined Beth & Natalya in Divas of Doom (Announced as Pretty Mean Sisters). It also features Mason Ryan and Alberto Del Rio, Beth came out after their matches where they won and accompanied them to the back. And after Otunga's last match after he (I) won, Beth came out with Michal McGillicutty in a cut-scene where Otunga joined them. Beth sure gets around. A lot. <_<

Ezekiel Jackson & Sheamus also seems to have a formed an alliance of sorts. Was playing as Sheamus against Ezekiel and before the match he got attacked from the crowd by Drew McIntyre, and in mid-match by Mark Henry, who ran from the crowd. And after I lost, Ezekiel started to leave the ring and Drew McIntyre came and tried to attack Sheamus but Zeke made the save and left the ring.

After a match I played yesterday as Sheamus against Eddie Guerrero, Ezekiel Jackson came to the ring and threw Eddie out and they shook hands, thus turning Ezekiel heel.

Edge & Christian have also re-formed. And Kane has been injured, and stretched out twice. First time around I injured him as Undertaker (he took THREE Tombstones and a Last Ride in the match). He returned as a mystery opponent against The Undertaker on SmackDown!, was playing as him. Took a Tombstone and lost and he was stretched out again.

Justin Gabriel was also injured by Heath Slater (me) in a triple threat match. He returned saving a face from a chair shot. Only to hit him himself and turning heel. Santino is also a heel now.

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Getting injured had to be the best thing to happen to Mason Ryan. My main event of RAW was Kevin Nash vs Triple-H (who just returned from injury a week before) and Punk attacked HHH before the match and it was a one sided fight for Nash the whole time. After the match Nash is leaving the ring, and Mason Ryan's music hit, and he returns beating the crap out of Nash!

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