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PES 12

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VERY early news so far, but Konami have said that they want to improve:

- Defense system

- Movements with ball

- Passing, dribbling and attacking

- Physicality

Watching the video, it all sounds like positive steps, but we've heard a lot of this before and the improvements have failed to materialise. Hopefully though this is the year PES gets its mojo back. I'm actually quite excited for the potential in this years PES and FIFA games. Hope it's not misplaced.

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Personally I loved the last addition. There's things that clearly need to be improved upon, but I feel they've got a system and style that is almost spot on and with work down the line can really be something special. I thought the passing system was brilliant, the long passing system is simply outstanding when you master it and better than any long passing system I've ever seen in football games.

I thought it was miles better than Fifa, but I'm sure there's many people out there that think the opposite, as always they're pretty different games, which is a great thing and you've got options open to you. Any news on pricing of this though? I read that Fifa was going to be 55 quid this year? Surely that's not on 360/PS3? Madness.

Certainly many little tweaks they need to make. The referee needs work for sure. I'm glad that you get cheap freekicks, because it happens in real life, but there's just too many of them, some which don't even make any sense, so that's an area that has to be slightly tweaked. Celebrations is something I'd like to see them switch up a bit, wouldn't mind them applying something along the lines of what Fifa did, but a little less of it, so something just simple but still effective. Personally I really like the shooting system, despite some having complaints. I think it's a great system that as a few things above, just needs little tweaks here and there.

Another little gripe is Master League Online. Outstanding mode, where with a few changes, could be even better. I still think it's ridiculous that the likes of RVN, Raul, Ronaldo, Carlos etc couldn't be brought in Master League. It just made no sense. RVN is a guy still playing throughout Europe, as was Raul at the time, so I just didn't understand why they weren't there. Why couldn't Ronaldo be brought, despite being in the game? I thought they'd add some of these once they made the update, quite weird really.

One other thing I'd like to see finally incorporated into the game is handballs. I don't get why Fifa or Pro don't have them in (don't think Fifa do?). It's a massive part of the game, you see it happen on a regular basis. I understand the worry that it could backfire and ruin games, but surely there's a way to put it partly into the game so that it fits in properly? It's just something I've always wanted to see. Even throwing in a possible deliberate handball during a last ditch moment on the goal line or something? Understand there could be possible drawbacks, but surely there's a way around it?

Cant wait though, should be even better than '11. Any news on a possibly release date for the demo?

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After a year break from football games, I'm tempted to go back to PES. I've never gotten into any of the FIFA games, ever. I at least loved PES back in the PS2 days.

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When FIFA had their slump (personal opinion there) from 2003-2007, I went to PES, but got frustrated with the matches ending 7-6 and left with a 5-a-side match with the amount of red cards. I havent played it for ages, can someone tell me if this is still and issue?

Minor grievances also include, TIM's, Lack of licensed teams and leagues and Mark Lawrenson.

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When FIFA had their slump (personal opinion there) from 2003-2007, I went to PES, but got frustrated with the matches ending 7-6 and left with a 5-a-side match with the amount of red cards. I havent played it for ages, can someone tell me if this is still and issue?

Minor grievances also include, TIM's, Lack of licensed teams and leagues and Mark Lawrenson.

Lawro's gone now, thank fuck. He was replaced by Jim Beglin for 2011. If they were to freshen the commentary up this year, adding plenty of new lines, it could be great. The commentary is something I don't expect them to focus a great deal on though, sadly.

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When FIFA had their slump (personal opinion there) from 2003-2007, I went to PES, but got frustrated with the matches ending 7-6 and left with a 5-a-side match with the amount of red cards. I havent played it for ages, can someone tell me if this is still and issue?

Minor grievances also include, TIM's, Lack of licensed teams and leagues and Mark Lawrenson.

Lawro's gone now, thank fuck. He was replaced by Jim Beglin for 2011. If they were to freshen the commentary up this year, adding plenty of new lines, it could be great. The commentary is something I don't expect them to focus a great deal on though, sadly.

Thank Fuck, and an ex-Leeds player n'all.

Didn't enjoy the tashy one saying I should be sacked for not using my 3 subs at half time.

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Come on, Champion is awesome. Got to love his line when you score a goal.

"It looks good, it sounds good...IT IS GOOD!".

Don't really mind the commentary, could be improved, but it's not really a major gripe. Gotta say I haven't tried to foreign commentary on the recent Pro, going to have to check that out, always good for a laugh.

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  • 1 month later...

There's a bunch of other videos too showcasing the differences this year (click on the video, you'll find the others on the sidebar of YT). The defending looks much more improved, actually looks brilliant. So far the new additions and changes gameplay is looking fantastic to be quite honest, looking like it could be the best Pro in a long time.

Downside is that the UK release is set for October 14th, while everybody else gets it two weeks earlier, which is utterly bizarre in all honesty and quite a shame if you're an MLO player.

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The zonal marking one is worth watching in that case, looks quite clever. Looks really interesting, and the manual runs thing looks better than what I'd read in a magazine which made it sound like the Wii pointing thing. I'll be buying it anyway really, still enjoying this years although I've sworn off single player and online entirely in favour of local 1 on 1's and 2 on 2's, not had a FIFA since 98 and can't get into it when I try it.

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That looks brilliant. I just hope that the balancing of it isn't all in the attacking teams favour - in the video, it looked like the defenders were exposed far too easily.

Yeah that was a worry at first, but it was actually the defense being toned down in this so that the new off ball system could be properly demonstrated.

They've clearly improved majorly in this area. As you see in the zonal defense video, they've finally got the shape of the team down properly, because as they show from '11, it really was a problem at times last year. The player reactions in terms of defense seem to have been looked into and really adjusted well. Think that was a key component to the game really, the AI and the defensive shape is crucial, certainly when it comes to the higher difficulties.

One thing that they really need to put back into the game is advantage being played, they had it spot on at one stage in the series.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's a demo up on the PSN. Was NOT expecting it that soon. Though it does say (DEMO 1) after the title and makes a point of mentioning how it's an 'early' look; so I'm guessing it's a demo of an early build and that they'll be a fuller demo up later.

Probably won't get much of a chance to play it until next week, but I might get a quick blast out tomorrow afternoon.

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There's meant to be 2 demos, 1 today and another mid September with more polish to it and different teams. I had read that the first demo had been delayed, on XBL at least.

Demo 1 teams: Manchester United, AC Milan, FC Porto, S.S.C Napoli, Santos FC, and C.A. Panarol.

Demo 2: Tottenham Hotspur, Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Rangers, Club America and Sport Club Internacional

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