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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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No, I'm saying people are absolutely shitting on him for no goddamn reason, and he hasn't done much of anything to deserve it. In fact, he's done plenty that deserves praise, but he doesn't get it. I don't know of a lot of athletes who spent their summers building hospitals in third world countries. Yeah, we don't know him, but you seem to be implying that he could be a complete dick in person. There's plenty out there to dispute that, and by all accounts he's a really nice, genuine person off the field.

I'm also not saying no one is allowed to dislike him. Every fan of another SEC school has plenty of reason to hate him, for instance. I'm saying its fucking stupid to hate him because he happens to be Christian and get a lot of coverage about it. Especially since, as I said before, he's a Christian that actually back it up with his actions. If we have to deal with a Christian athlete getting loads of media attention, I'd rather it be one that's actually genuine.

He gets himself a lot of coverage for it too. He accepted being a spokesmen for a bunch of right wing loons. Is it unfair to assume he practices what he preaches?

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So, 42-7 and Brady has thrown 6 TDs. Who wants to be he stays in till the 4th quarter?

I say an even 10 Touchdowns and then pull him. If you're going to beat them down, might as well do it in style.

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No, I'm saying people are absolutely shitting on him for no goddamn reason, and he hasn't done much of anything to deserve it. In fact, he's done plenty that deserves praise, but he doesn't get it. I don't know of a lot of athletes who spent their summers building hospitals in third world countries. Yeah, we don't know him, but you seem to be implying that he could be a complete dick in person. There's plenty out there to dispute that, and by all accounts he's a really nice, genuine person off the field.

I'm also not saying no one is allowed to dislike him. Every fan of another SEC school has plenty of reason to hate him, for instance. I'm saying its fucking stupid to hate him because he happens to be Christian and get a lot of coverage about it. Especially since, as I said before, he's a Christian that actually back it up with his actions. If we have to deal with a Christian athlete getting loads of media attention, I'd rather it be one that's actually genuine.

He gets himself a lot of coverage for it too. He accepted being a spokesmen for a bunch of right wing loons. Is it unfair to assume he practices what he preaches?

No, it's not unfair. If fact, I'm saying he's better than most right wing loons because he does practice what he preaches.

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You are correct, Zero. Great evil has been done in the name of both religion and the catholic church. Now what the hell does that have to do with Tim Tebow?

Did you even watch the Tebow ad?

The point was that just because Tim Tebow has done some good things doesn't make him immune to criticism for doing terrible things. Like be the spokesperson for a hate group.

Did you even read the post?

But yeah, none of this even matters since we won't have to talk about this assclown for another nine months. Apparently he didn't know that Jesus is Jewish and doesn't work on Saturdays.

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ugh, oh god not another Patriots superbowl. anything but that.

I think a lot of football fans are forgetting that point. Everybody's so caught up on hating Tebow, that they're blind to the fact that Enemy #1 is going to become the Greatest Evah(!) should this run continue.

Tom Brady is a Michigan guy, thus he DESERVES to become the Greatest Evah! If he'd gone to Ohio State, or Pedo State, I could get on that hate bandwagon.

Also, just because it can't be said enough. . . Eli Manning is the last thing that stopped him from already being crowned the GOAT. You're welcome.

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Such a great fucking win. I think I almost had a heart attack three different times in the last two minutes of the game. Alex Smith really stepped up his game and was super clutch. His poise at the end of the Lions game earlier in the year really made me believe he could pull it off and he did. It's eerie how similar that Davis TD + celebration (crying) was to TO's TD + celebration (crying) in 99. The defense came to play today and really played a great game until the end and I can't really fault them for it since the offense took a shit in the second half and you can only stop Drew Brees so many times. I'm really confident that, no matter who wins the Giants-Packers game tomorrow, they will have a great chance of getting #6.

I didn't give a shit about the Broncos-Patriots game before kick-off and it's proven why. Still think Baltimore will end up beating New England next week though.

I think Harbaugh Bowl II would not only be a really great story but also a really great game.

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still hoping the Ravens/Texans can beat the Patriots. I'd like to see GB go on, but if Green Bay loses to the Giants....

then it would all be worth it to see Eli crush Brady's dreams again. the memes/gifs would be great. they could call him Eli the Brady Killer.

I mean whatever as long as the Patriots don't win.

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Well if The Patriots go to the Superbowl and the Packers or The Giants go, that would make it a Superbowl rematch of either the 2 Kraft Era Superbowls that the Patriots lost.

But yeah, I thought the game would be much closer. I thought the Broncos defense would have held them down more.

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I know some people do not like Patriots running up the score, but I think it is something more teams should do. This season had so many comebacks from every score and you are against a guy that has had some crazy comebacks, why not keep playing aggressive? I think the Saints and Patriots are the only teams that do this and it is strange to me. Some teams will just play conservative, run the ball, and the other team comes back. The Patriots did not want that and they made sure it did not happen.

Saying that, my pick for the SB is still Packers/Ravens.

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Tebow apologists crack me up. What percentage of so called Tebow haters actually hate him because of his faith? But to act as though he doesn't flaunt his religion is laughable. Whether it is Tebowing, his eye black, his website, his twitter feed, etc. He has to remind you of his faith. Every press conference begins with a mention of Jesus. Heck, take his Super Bowl ad. Yes, the Tebowing is media driven but everything else is all him. To me religion is a personal thing. It is the same problem I have with the Pakistani cricket team....every interview starts with mentioning God.

I'm supposed to like him because he does charity work? Really? Why even watch sports if that is the criteria we're going by? Here is a list from the NFLPA of players charities.

Most people hate Tebow because he is a below average player at best and people like to act as though he's something more then that. Broncos went 8-6 with him. They had one nice run while the defense was holding the opposition to something like 15 points a game from what I remember. Take most of the starters and backups in the league and and they can win with a defense allowing 15 points a game in this offensive era.

Earlier in the season I said that Tebow won't be a starting QB by the middle of next season. At this point I'll be surprised if they don't replace him a lot earlier then that.

Over to my 49ers. Hats off to Alex Smith. Hats off to Vernon Davis. I thought the 9ers had to keep the game in the 20s to win but what a game. If the Packers win tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised to see them put up a big number against the 49ers. Rodgers will be motivated big time for that game. He grew up a 9ers fan and the 9ers chose to draft Alex Smith over him. At this point I want to see 49ers/Ravens in the Super Bowl.

Edited by sahyder1
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You're not gonna win many football games when your QB goes 9/26 for 136 yards, you average 3.6 yds a carry, and have to punt 7 times. You're especially not going to win when the opposing team is lighting you up for 6 TDs and over 500 yards. Patriots did what the Steelers did not. They forced Tebow to make throws early as well as quickly and they protected their own QB. Hopefully Ravens can win tomorrow because they'll surely go into New England with a better defensive strategy than the one Denver failed to execute today. I like Houston's chances too, at least on defense, but Yates worries me too much.

As for game 1 of the day. Instant classic, what a finish. Must feel great to be a 9ers fan.

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