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We kinda' just play. I'm not sure if there's a set time, really. Evenings?

EDIT: So, just beat three rounds of Silver tonight. Having the right squad really helps. Second time around, we had the fourth guy bail because we didn't revive him, even though it was round seven, and his body had two ravagers and a bunch of cannibals camping it. *sigh* Spectre packs are so nice when they don't cost Microsoft Points.

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From the Mass Effect Facebook page:

We are aware that there are concerns about a recent post from this account regarding the ending of the game. In this post it was stated that at this time we do not have plans to change the ending.

We would like to clarify that we are actively and seriously taking all player feedback into consideration and have ruled nothing out. At this time we are still collecting and considering your feedback and have not made a decision regarding requests to change the ending.

Your feedback and opinions are of the utmost importance to us. We apologize for any confusion this has caused. Our top priority regarding this discussion is to keep communication with you, our loyal fans, open and productive.

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Jesus....Quarians vs Geth

I chose the Geth, and I lost Tali AND Legion. My god...this sucks. Even with the quick time thingy, I couldn't save her

:( Jesus....what have I done?!


:o You lost Tali! Bad Ruki! BAD!

I feel horrible for it! Like...I pressed the Paragon button, I even reloaded and tried again two different times...but no matter what, Tali always died...I could never reach her in time


Fucking Quarians! Why wouldn't they accept peace?!

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I think there's a number of things that determine Tali's fate because they factor in decisions you made in ME2 and did you rescue the Adrimal and do the Geth Figher Squadrons mission before doing the Priority mission on Rannoch? Your paragon/renegade needs to be at a certain level as well. Also I think no matter if you hit the Paragon button you still just miss catching her.

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I think there's a number of things that determine Tali's fate because they factor in decisions you made in ME2 and did you rescue the Adrimal and do the Geth Figher Squadrons mission before doing the Priority mission on Rannoch? Your paragon/renegade needs to be at a certain level as well. Also I think no matter if you hit the Paragon button you still just miss catching her.

I didn't do the Geth Fighter.....

Oh god...Tali! Maybe I can reload and save her.....

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I went totally renegade in ME and ME2, but found too hard to be the same in ME3 due to feeling an emotional connection the characters. Legion died on me, but Tali lived. I saved the admiral and...can't remember the geth fighters

and if there really is no plan to change the ending, then I think this may have been the last Bioware game I bought. I was disappointed in Dragon Age 2, but I figured ME3 wouldn't let me down. ME3 let me down, so now my faith in BioWare is kinda broken

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I went totally renegade in ME and ME2, but found too hard to be the same in ME3 due to feeling an emotional connection the characters. Legion died on me, but Tali lived. I saved the admiral and...can't remember the geth fighters

and if there really is no plan to change the ending, then I think this may have been the last Bioware game I bought. I was disappointed in Dragon Age 2, but I figured ME3 wouldn't let me down. ME3 let me down, so now my faith in BioWare is kinda broken

I'd love to say that, but I love the games they produce, one bad ending isn't going to put me off their stuff. Besides, I'm still holding out hope that they really are releasing rumoured "The Truth" DLC for free, just praying that the guy who posted it wasn't just being a terrific troll.

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Suppose I may have a dayoff from writing essays considering I've just finished one and need to hand it in today and have a mass effect day and recover from the weekend day as well. Seen as though this threads turning into spoiler box central :P last mission I did was the citadel one so dunno how far I'm into the game

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I went totally renegade in ME and ME2, but found too hard to be the same in ME3 due to feeling an emotional connection the characters. Legion died on me, but Tali lived. I saved the admiral and...can't remember the geth fighters

and if there really is no plan to change the ending, then I think this may have been the last Bioware game I bought. I was disappointed in Dragon Age 2, but I figured ME3 wouldn't let me down. ME3 let me down, so now my faith in BioWare is kinda broken

I'd love to say that, but I love the games they produce, one bad ending isn't going to put me off their stuff. Besides, I'm still holding out hope that they really are releasing rumoured "The Truth" DLC for free, just praying that the guy who posted it wasn't just being a terrific troll.

Would people be better of knowing this obvius that they got soled an incompled game?

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It's hard to gloat because the game doesn't really give any confirmation but who's got two thumbs and two packs upcoming?

This guy!

In other news, I think I might actually start the game today. Got all the DLC done on ME2 (well, not Firewalker) over the weekend.

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