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Multiplayer confirmed.

Little bit let down to be honest. I love and trust Bioware, but I'd rather they concentrated on making the finalé of the story than put time into something which would probably be served much better in a spin off, or DLC.

We don't know that the two are mutually exclusive. The game was originally meant to be out this autumn, for all we know the story and game were done and the delay WAS to add multu-player. Okay, it's unlikely that the delay was just for multiplayer, but still.

It doesn't really bother me either way, I'm not gonna use the feature, and nothing I've seen or read so far suggests that single player will be a let down in any way. Can't wait for this.

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Depends what it is. I trust Bioware not to sacrifice story for multiplayer, like, a lot. That's the least of my concerns. I'm more wondering what the multiplayer will be, if it's some kind of Team Deathmatch etc. vs. mode, then yeah, I highly doubt i'll play it. BUT, if it's something like RAGE or Resistance 2 had, then it has potential to be a fantastic addition.

For those that didn't play those two, it's like additional story campaigns played with two or more players.

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Ugh, so many people on the forums were dreading this myself included. I don't like it.

It already sucked that the release date was pushed till March. I trust Bioware still but this just seems like another EA dumb idea. it just shouldn't have multiplayer.

please keep the multiplayer away from the main story mode. just make it extra shit that doesn't matter.

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We can officially confirm that there will be a multiplayer feature in Mass Effect 3. However, please reserve your appraisal until we are able to give more information. Our Executive Producer Casey Hudson says it best: "Yes, co-op MP missions for ME3: they're real, and they're spectacular. Rest assured it's nothing of what you've feared. More soon..."

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If it means people can pop in and pop out as other members of your party - be it local or online - I'm for it. That'd be fun.

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From what's been said, it seems like it'd be extra missions featuring probably one player as Shepard and one player as another character, I'd guess. Or maybe even use this as an excuse to make some older characters playable in missions Shepard didn't have a part in? Play as Garrus and Rex trying to destroy a Reaper base? Miranda and Jacob trying to hold off swarms of Reaper as they attack a settlement? Could be a lot of fun and add to the game. :)

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Further details on multiplayer mode

Basically, the co-op missions won't feature any established characters and instead allow you to play as a variety of different species. Although the co-op mode will affect the progression of the single-player storyline, it's said by Bioware to be "optional" and not essential for the full completion of the story.

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Makes me wonder HOW it effects single-player story progression. Like, would it be best to do the co-op play first and then the single player?

I'm glad it's mostly seperate. Best way to do it. Sounds good to me now.

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In my head, it's sounding a lot like the multiplayer for Splinter Cell Conviction. The co-op missions I think came before the main story chronologically, and featured different characters, but things you did there could unlock weapons and gadgets to be used in the story if necessary. If they keep it like that, I'll be quite happy. And the note about just playing as a random member of a species is also quite nice.

Turians, asari, quarians, geth, humans, salarians, krogan...possibly batarians and vorcha? I'm trying to think of other humanoid species who haven't featured too heavily just yet. Much as I'd love to finally play as Blasto, I have to accept it's a pipe dream.

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Multiplayer confirmed.

Little bit let down to be honest. I love and trust Bioware, but I'd rather they concentrated on making the finalé of the story than put time into something which would probably be served much better in a spin off, or DLC.

We don't know that the two are mutually exclusive. The game was originally meant to be out this autumn, for all we know the story and game were done and the delay WAS to add multu-player. Okay, it's unlikely that the delay was just for multiplayer, but still.

It doesn't really bother me either way, I'm not gonna use the feature, and nothing I've seen or read so far suggests that single player will be a let down in any way. Can't wait for this.

This. Though I'll probably give the feature a whirl at some point.

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okay it doesn't sound that bad. optional and minor affect on single player. no major characters. leveling up created characters of different species.

I mean I probably won't play it, unless I find some peple that would want to but it sounds like a decent addition. as long as it doesn't mean less of the single player.

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