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The Mass Effect Thread


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Blue Green or Red.

That and the god-damn plotholes.

Ending plotholes..

Destroying a mass relay destroys planets near it. Yet.. we see them ALL destroyed.. How your entire crew (including the two running towards the beam with you when you're all shot at..) managed to get off Earth, onto the Normandy, away from a massive galactic fucking space war.. and through a mass relay.. I mean come on. WHAT? You're telling me they ran. Your crew, who from the second you met them have been set on ending this war with you, run from the battle? And then you're telling me they had the time to do this? Including the two shot at next to me in London.. I.. It's just ridiculous!

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I personally think this:

Ever since seeing the Indoctrination theory, I think that that was going to be the big reveal. April comes, and it turns out that that wasn't the original ending. But so many people finished the game so quickly and felt shafted that they couldn't act like, "EA made us release an unfinished game, so we gave you an ending that didn't make sense, but we're going to fix it." That would piss off their parent company. So instead, they have to act like the game was finished, so that EA doesn't fire the entire BioWare team because they admit that EA fucked up the game. Although I'm glad Mass Effect has more exposure because of the EA purchase, I really wish it hadn't happened now, because BioWare probably would have just pushed the release date back to May. Sure, Mass Effect would be an XBox exclusive because of that, but Microsoft Game Studios seems to care more about the game being complete than about the game getting released on time. Good studios finish a game on time for release - great studios release a game when it's finished.

Just as an example, both of the Batman Arkham games are incredible. But Arkham Asylum was pushed back three months so the game would be truly finished. Meanwhile, Arkham City was pushed from a March release to a November release. Both games are incredible, and the company that made them still made a lot of money. The Mass Effect fan base would have been totally cool with waiting, especially if they knew that the game wasn't truly finished. Hell, I would have preferred it, since they may have made more N7 versions available.

Oh well. Hopefully, come April everything will be fixed.

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To me, from what it sounds like, they had already planned to have DLC that would tidy up everything nicely BEFORE the game was released and the public backlash happened. Because of the passionate feedback, they have decided to address it, and that's why they said they are always listening to constructive feedback. When I streamed this game on release day, before everyone got their panties in a bunch, I beat it on Wednesday and some of the writers were in there and invited me to Bioware HQ, telling me that they wanted to show me some stuff they were going to be working on. From that, to the interviews, to everything I'm reading on twitter, I firmly believe that the "clarification" DLC was already planned long in advance.

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I doubt it's like that, I think it's because of what happened with the script leak back in November. They were able to fix a lot of the game, minus the ending, had to rush it, are releasing their actual vision of the ending as free DLC later on. My theory anyway, but I'm kinda crazy :shifty:

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If they charge us for the ending the internet will burn.

I belive it´s all about the used game marked. You buy it now and you have to keep it if you want to see the games ending. Thus more original game sales while. If you consider how much of a dick EA and Bioware are about these things (like the overpriced day one DLC with a very important character or the fact that you have to use your online code to get to the "best ending") i firmly believe there was a plan on this all along.

The only thing that makes me believe that it might not been like that would be the scene after the credits. Because thats a different kind of fuck you.

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It really should have been 400 MSPoints, truth be told. The DLC for ME2 was at least detailed and story worthy. I suppose they priced it that way because the mission DLC for ME2 (Shadow Broker and Arrival) were 800 points each ... I think. I could be wrong about that, but that sounds right. So it was sort of like, "Well, it comes with the N7 edition, built in to the price, but we couldn't fit the actual mission on to the disc, just the character. Since we priced other mission DLC at a certain level, we're going to be consistent about it."

That's my take on why it cost what it did, anyway.

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It was good actually but it was only like 45 minutes. The character is pretty important but still overpriced

I found that The Prothean paid for himself. His reactions and interactions were absolutely hilarious throughout.

Yeah, his joke with James Vega was great. Did you know that its parnaps could glow?

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