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Oh god....Tali :crying:

Prior to the attack on the Illusive Man's base, Shepard was alone in his cabin having an imaginary conversation with Tali.

Tali, I'm sorry :(

.........wait, is this maybe a glitch? It seems like that would play if Tali was alive.

But, I like to imagine that the stress is getting to him.

Edi: the best thing in the world: Killing two enemies with one sniper-round. THrough a engineers head and then through a troopers kneecap :D

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Oh god....Tali :crying:

Prior to the attack on the Illusive Man's base, Shepard was alone in his cabin having an imaginary conversation with Tali.

Tali, I'm sorry :(

.........wait, is this maybe a glitch? It seems like that would play if Tali was alive.

But, I like to imagine that the stress is getting to him.

Edi: the best thing in the world: Killing two enemies with one sniper-round. THrough a engineers head and then through a troopers kneecap :D

The whole thing with Tali is actually glitched as fuck, if she dies. You'll find out eventually. It honestly turns quite dumb eventually.

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Oh god....Tali :crying:

Prior to the attack on the Illusive Man's base, Shepard was alone in his cabin having an imaginary conversation with Tali.

Tali, I'm sorry :(

.........wait, is this maybe a glitch? It seems like that would play if Tali was alive.

But, I like to imagine that the stress is getting to him.

Edi: the best thing in the world: Killing two enemies with one sniper-round. THrough a engineers head and then through a troopers kneecap :D

The whole thing with Tali is actually glitched as fuck, if she dies. You'll find out eventually. It honestly turns quite dumb eventually.

Yeah...I realized...

Javin or whatever his name is talked about her as if she was still alive. And the speech near the end? Replaced with a generic soldier!

Bioware, I love you, but you make some silly mistakes.

But, on the final mission! It may be 1am...but, dammit, I am beating this game!

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Just shut the game off..you'll be MUCH happier..

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Just shut the game off..you'll be MUCH happier..

I'm not going to be a negative nancy like everyone else.

End of game stuff...

I've been sitting here for ten minutes trying to make my decision. Destroy all synthetic life? Or become a new species?

-I don't/can't kill the geth, I just gave them sentience.

-I can't force a new breed of lifeform on the universe. That's....that just doesn't seem right.

-Controlling the reapers? Never an option.

Fucking hell. I've never had to think about a choice so hard. There is no 'happy ending'....I like it.

I just have to suck it up and make a choice....

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Fortunately none of your choices matter and the end result is the same no matter what.

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You are all whiny bitches


Sure, it would have been nice to have to have closure on some of the things. But it's not needed.

The ending is perfectly fine the way it is. For those of you wondering, I went with the middle choice.

I couldn't kill the geth, I sacrificed the Quarian's, and more importantly, Tali for them. I wasn't going to erase all that in one split second.

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You are all whiny bitches


Sure, it would have been nice to have to have closure on some of the things. But it's not needed.

The ending is perfectly fine the way it is. For those of you wondering, I went with the middle choice.

I couldn't kill the geth, I sacrificed the Quarian's, and more importantly, Tali for them. I wasn't going to erase all that in one split second.

I wasn't completely broken by the endings either, but that doesn't mean I find them acceptable for the ending of the Mass Effect series.

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You are all whiny bitches


Sure, it would have been nice to have to have closure on some of the things. But it's not needed.

The ending is perfectly fine the way it is. For those of you wondering, I went with the middle choice.

I couldn't kill the geth, I sacrificed the Quarian's, and more importantly, Tali for them. I wasn't going to erase all that in one split second.

I wasn't completely broken by the endings either, but that doesn't mean I find them acceptable for the ending of the Mass Effect series.

You probably hated the ending to Lost too :shifty:

But yeah, as expected, I enjoyed the ending. Great game, and a great way to end the Mass Effect trilogy.

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I tried to abort you down a flight of stairs a dozen times when you were in Elementary school. Damn teachers always grabbing you and carrying you away to safety.

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You are all whiny bitches


Sure, it would have been nice to have to have closure on some of the things. But it's not needed.

The ending is perfectly fine the way it is. For those of you wondering, I went with the middle choice.

I couldn't kill the geth, I sacrificed the Quarian's, and more importantly, Tali for them. I wasn't going to erase all that in one split second.

Nah, it's just shit. It's a bad ending. You don't wonder how your entire squad are on the Normandy going through a relay? You don't wonder how the Relays didn't destroy the systems? You don't wonder what happened to all the armies left in the Sol system? The first two are massive holes, the third is a huge issue. The ending is a horrible way to end such an epic series. An A, B, or C choice. Also, wow, you turned everyone into a Cyborg? Poor form.

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I immediately went for the destroy option. The whole series you fight to destroy and stop the reapers once and for all and controlling or synthesis options are just silly in the scheme of things.

You fought IM all 2nd and 3rd game long to prevent him from trying to control the Reapers and why the hell should I start to control him now? It makes no sense and I had no reason to control them if I could destroy them outright and get them out of the universe for ever.

Doing synthesis also makes little sense, same like above you saw what happened what IM did to people to make them ''better'' with his implants and Synthesis is explained just plain bad. The reapers kill everyone for order in the galaxy because they are Synthetics and if all organic life becomes synthetic themselves all is well... WUT?! Why the hell would I want to make the world synthetic after the same synthetics tried to snuff out all intelligent life as we know it, makes no sense.

The destroy option on the other hand was for me the only sensible option, the reapers will be destroyed for ever and the Geth too. But the Geth where already dead on my game so that was one problem out of the way. Everyone gets to survive and live on happily ever after.

The one thing I absolutely hated from every ending is all the Mass relays getting destroyed, it leaves the biggest possible plothole possible in the entire game. That being is what the hell happens to those hundreds of ships of Quarians, Turians, Salarians, Humans and Asari who where above earth? Do they all crash to the surface, did they survive and if so how on earth (no pun intended) will they be able to get back to their respective homeworlds. The Mass relays are all gone and with Earth in tatters I don't think there is enough supplies to keep them around.

Secondly is the fate of the Normandy, first off all how did everyone get on the ship whilst 30 minutes before they where on earth preparing for the attack? And seeing everyone got wiped out at the final charge for the beam how could they return to the Normandy that quick, get off earth, get through the relay and get destroyed by the blast... And then the whole land safely on a garden world with a ship that is crippled without smashing into the ground?

I want to know what happens to my crew members, I want to know what happens with Tali who I romanced for two games. There is hardly any closure to the story and it doesn't feel right.

And then the whole citadel shit which I don't even want to go in. Stuff like how Anderson got there first whilst there was only one road towards the platform.

Either Bioware screwed the pooch badly on this ending which I can't believe because Bioware have a great track record on endings (KOTOR, Baldurs, Neverwinter). Or someone vetoed and decided to fuck with the consumer and that ''revised ending'' is actually ment to be DLC to sell to us as the ''true ending''. Honestly, I think the second is true.

The ''Indoctrination'' explanation isn't far fetched at all and with the destruction option and Shepard seemingly surviving re-entry in destroyed armor and no helmet I think someone up in BioWare or EA decided to throw the biggest curveball possible.

If this was really the true ending though, then hot fucking damn BioWare fucked up big time.

And the ending isn't truly horrible, but for a franchise where I have dropped 180+ euros on I expected A LOT more.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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