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The Penn State Scandal


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As someone who done get a scholarship at Penn to play football this year this absolutely sucks, I'm no fag, I didn't get raped, this shit shouldn't be affecting me. I mean dang this shouldn't be happening. Now what them expecting me to do? Play some pansy ass sport like soccer or hopscotch? I was gonna go NFL, baby, Oswaldo Jones all the way but now cause I didn't let some polak stick his finger up my fanny and didn't let some italian feel me up I gotta fall back on some piece of shit school like Notre Dame and play fourth string to some guy twice my size? That's some bullshit. I mean, they talk about victims, what about me? What about Oswaldo Jones? Ain't just them kids got raped, I needed this so my mama can done get her a real big house, you hear?


Oh boy.

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Think one thing people are forgetting in this whole PSU mess is how Bill O'Brien has handled this whole thing with class. When students/alumni were in an uproar over him being hired, he said the right things and stayed on course. When this whole scandal started and as more was revealed, I don't think anyone would've held it against him if he jsut threw up his hands and said "Ya know what, I'm out" and quit. I am very much looking forward to seeing what he can do with this team this season. He's got a long hard road ahead of him for the next 4 years, no one should fault him if the team struggle , but he'll deserve a ton of respect if the team is successful

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  • 2 months later...


The coach had a strategy, a two-part game plan and he was executing it. On Monday, Amendola instructed him that a sentencing hearing wasn't the time or place to attack witnesses and argue innocence. If he tried, Judge John Cleland would silence him on the spot.

Within hours, a pre-taped audio statement from jail was conveniently playing on Penn State's ComRadio. It allowed him to condemn the system, label everything a conspiracy and beg those with "the courage to listen" to "evaluate the accusers and their families." He then promptly did it for them, of course, labeling his victims as greedy, dishonest, disloyal, poor, trashy, troubled liars.


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The coach had a strategy, a two-part game plan and he was executing it. On Monday, Amendola instructed him that a sentencing hearing wasn't the time or place to attack witnesses and argue innocence. If he tried, Judge John Cleland would silence him on the spot.

Within hours, a pre-taped audio statement from jail was conveniently playing on Penn State's ComRadio. It allowed him to condemn the system, label everything a conspiracy and beg those with "the courage to listen" to "evaluate the accusers and their families." He then promptly did it for them, of course, labeling his victims as greedy, dishonest, disloyal, poor, trashy, troubled liars.


I hope the piece of shit gets what's coming to him in prison. There is nothing worse than doing that to kids, nothing. Those kids entire lives were ruined and he still won't admit to what he's done.

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