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RoHitman Reigns

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Just let me know if you need some pointers/help.  It took me a while to understand how some of the campaign concepts worked and how to use them properly.  The infiltration system is probably the most important to understand, with the resistance bases being something that can make your life a lot better if you know how to use them.

Plus, it is always good to know how to avoid getting absolutely wrecked in missions that you will not be ready for the first time.

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4 minutes ago, Azazel said:

Plus, it is always good to know how to avoid getting absolutely wrecked in missions that you will not be ready for the first time.

Well, that's what makes it fun. I think I've lost maybe two people outside of Gatecrasher total. My first game was on Rookie, and since then I've been on Veteran (with all the WOTC). Nothing in this game will beat Squadie SomethingOrOther; I remember he was Scottish and he looked like one of the Proclaimers. Anyway, it was a 'hack this thing on the train' mission, and let's just say he's not walking five hundred miles, and he's certainly not walking five hundred more :shifty: , but yeah, just watching him die it's like "...Oh. Shit."

Only other guy was a redshirt that stayed behind during my first UFO attack. 
RIP boys, your pictures are on the wall.


But yeah, this game is definitely "Knowing is half the battle". My whole strategy is basically to find a pod, if I can set up an overwatch ambush and go from there. I use my grenades basically to blow big holes in walls, and my typical team is: 

Psi Operative
WILDCARD (Spark, Tempest, Reaper or Skirmisher). 

I generally have my A-Team and B-Team, alhtough more often than note I use the Reaper on the A team because of the insane scouting they're able to provide. 


In the current campaign, I've dealt with two of the alien hunters. The first was the Viper King who made it to two encounters, the initial one and then I ran into him on some Guerilla Op; my B-Team ranger got the kill with bladestorm after he let him loose after being shot and moved. The Berserker Queen, well....lol. She lasted one whooping turn and died to what was going to be a chain shot from my sniper (I figured well, might as well burn these multi-shot abilities) and I got an execution on the first shot. I think the last time the Assassin showed up my Reaper killed her with an Overwatch execution as well. Didn't even plan that one. 

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The Archon King at least gives you amazing armour.

I will gladly let you get wrecking in Long War, but its just nice to understand the mechanics so you don't do what I did that first time and send 8 rookies to fight like 30 advent in the first week, or have to scrap a campaign hours in because you have no money and you badly need to upgrade your equipment and you just figured out how the economy works.

You'll also need like 60+ soldiers and will still have times you need to turn down a mission because not enough people are available.

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Archon King put up the best fight, which is to say, not much. 

My ranger got a shot on him with a Dragon round, so he just ran away...overwatching himself into where I had most of my troops. He went for devastate, and while I had gotten one of my guys out of the way, my grenadier was still in the way. Archon King missed, and my sniper promptly got another execute on him. 

Much scarier in the mission was when a Spectre copied my ranger, but thankfully I had my Spark in range and just punched the thing out of existence. 

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I'm only starting to get upgraded weapons and I wanted to do this mission because I needed extra supplied but holy crap, what a enemy pod to run into turn 1.  I'm actually glad I found them first so I could initiate on my term otherwise I would have had no chance since I could fire an upgraded rocket into the middle of the group and kill 1 unit, damage the rest and shred all the armour.  I killed 5 of the 8 turn 1, the Berserker was stunned and the Shieldbearer was disoriented so I was pretty safe.

I took more damage from the 8 man Advent Pod across the map because I couldn't get the jump on them like I did here.

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My biggest gripe with the current campaign is that too many teams I have my A-Team pepped and ready to hit a black site, but either the guerilla op pops or there is a retaliation. Thankfully the Avatar project is being kept in check by a slew of covert actions, but right now there are four damn facilities I need to take out. I'm holding off on using the Skuljack because I am going to cripple ADVENT, but still. Thankfully, the B-Team is almost caught up. 

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Put together a third squad of slightly undertrained soldiers, Black Market recruits and sparks so they can take care of a mission so you can do the bases.  You can probably win with just 2 squads if your A team is max rank you don't lose anything by training new soldiers and using 2-3 of your A team to babysit them until they rank up.


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I did augment the unit a bit, more rookies and I snagged a captain rank grenadier off the black market. More Sparks might be an issue since the game hasn't been the kindest with continental bonuses and resistance orders. I need more battle suits! 

On this plus side, one of the new recruits has the last name "Kowalski" :pervert: . 

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So, regarding Twitch, maybe someone can help me out here concerning the use of music under copyright. 

Obviously, when I start streaming, I'm not going to use anything licensed, but here's where I have some concerns with the legality of the whole thing. 

One of the streamers I watch is Lanipator of Team Four Star, and when he starts his stream he has a bit of an intro gallery showing off fan art along with remixed music (stuff like Simon's Theme from Super Castlevania IV or the Chocobo music from Final Fantasy). Now, my understanding of the law is that this music would be protected under copyright since the rights are (presumably) held by Konami and Square Enix, respectively. However, since they are remixed, they would fall under the definition of a derivative. 

With that being said, let's say I were to create my own rehashes of music from video games using a MIDI format...would that legally be allowed on Twitch? 

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3 minutes ago, Mick said:

So, regarding Twitch, maybe someone can help me out here concerning the use of music under copyright. 

Obviously, when I start streaming, I'm not going to use anything licensed, but here's where I have some concerns with the legality of the whole thing. 

One of the streamers I watch is Lanipator of Team Four Star, and when he starts his stream he has a bit of an intro gallery showing off fan art along with remixed music (stuff like Simon's Theme from Super Castlevania IV or the Chocobo music from Final Fantasy). Now, my understanding of the law is that this music would be protected under copyright since the rights are (presumably) held by Konami and Square Enix, respectively. However, since they are remixed, they would fall under the definition of a derivative. 

With that being said, let's say I were to create my own rehashes of music from video games using a MIDI format...would that legally be allowed on Twitch? 

It should be allowed, in the worst case your stream will be selectively muted anywhere the system might recognize licensed music, so you shouldn't have to be afraid of losing your account.

Might be best to try it out and see what happens, nothing ventured and all that.

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1 minute ago, Jasonmufc said:

It should be allowed, in the worst case your stream will be selectively muted anywhere the system might recognize licensed music, so you shouldn't have to be afraid of losing your account.

Might be best to try it out and see what happens, nothing ventured and all that.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking since derivative, and the only times I would even consider it would be in like an intro/outro bit if I even wanted to do that. 

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Remixes were still classed as copyright material and were getting people warnings. Hell, playing the in game music to WoW got some streamers warnings. Twitch is very hit and miss on what gets you a warning and what doesn't. Even now a lot of streamers have gone back to just playing whatever they want. Twitch will mute VODS and such for it. I'm not necessarily saying that you should do that if you're worried about getting in trouble, but it's not as worrisome as it was a few months back. 

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Things I've learned in this campaign:


The Icarus Armor might as well be the YEET armor. More often than not my Ranger jumps into a pod, turning what was going to be a precision military strike into an episode of Jerry Springer. 

THANKFULLY, said Ranger has Reaper, Bladestorm and Serial with a laser sighted storm gun, the axe and, depending on the mission either talon or blue screen rounds and either a flashbang or EMP grenade. 

Reaper is also a hilarious ability. In addition to my Rangers, my Templar also got it. 

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Got into No Man's Sky. Had to restart the game after I first got to a space station because I scrapped my first base, then they tell me they want me to teleport back.... and wouldn't let me use my ship instead :(

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