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RoHitman Reigns

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It´s fun that you guys don´t seem to remember this at all. (or your just not old enough)

It´s been in the makeing for over 10 years (i think he started doing it after an argument over no mercy, smack down and king of Colosseum) and we had nummerus topics on here about it. Ranging feom - this will never happen, holly shit, this just might happen, wtf this still exist and by now i have to say wtf it´s still not out? (i think they have been talking about more or less close to release for over a year now)

This makes me want to dust of KOC2 right now. To bad my PS2 is 400km away. >_>


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I guess there is a difference between some company deciding to make some game and some dork that never touched code before going on to create a fully modabel 3d sports simulation. It will just take some time, not this long but long.

And i doubt that after what he put in and what money he took (government funding, preorders) not releasing this at some point is not an option. I hope it will be good enough to become some sort of cult title when it ever gets put out eventually.

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Why is it apparently impossible to buy Guild Wars 2 anywhere? It's either sold out, not being sold currently, going to take at least 2 weeks (aka. sold out) or £50 from GAME. And that just seems like a lot for a PC game.

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The same thing happened with Diablo. I mean, that sold a ton so it could have been supply shortages but, I dunno.

It is weird if it's gone out of stock EVERYWHERE like Diablo did. It leads to the kind of thinking of purposeful stock shortages like on console releases which people persist with but never really make too much sense.

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The same thing happened with Diablo. I mean, that sold a ton so it could have been supply shortages but, I dunno.

It is weird if it's gone out of stock EVERYWHERE like Diablo did. It leads to the kind of thinking of purposeful stock shortages like on console releases which people persist with but never really make too much sense.

I actualy was able to sell the Trial keys that came with diablo on ebay. It was crazy.

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The same thing happened with Diablo. I mean, that sold a ton so it could have been supply shortages but, I dunno.

It is weird if it's gone out of stock EVERYWHERE like Diablo did. It leads to the kind of thinking of purposeful stock shortages like on console releases which people persist with but never really make too much sense.

An intentional shortage doesn't make sense when the developer sells the game from their website :\

Unless the intentional shortage is to spike their own sales and reduce the money going to third parties.

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The same thing happened with Diablo. I mean, that sold a ton so it could have been supply shortages but, I dunno.

It is weird if it's gone out of stock EVERYWHERE like Diablo did. It leads to the kind of thinking of purposeful stock shortages like on console releases which people persist with but never really make too much sense.

An intentional shortage doesn't make sense when the developer sells the game from their website :\

Unless the intentional shortage is to spike their own sales and reduce the money going to third parties.

Actually, ArenaNet stopped selling GW2 on its site to reduce server loads. This, in turn, has caused customers to look elsewhere, causing a run on copies in other stores. Surely, though, this won't last terribly long.

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Looooong article with interview on NY Times.

Game Maker Without a Rule Book

Every way I look, the scene shifts, the battle unfolds. I have a crazy contraption strapped to my head: a boxy set of goggles that looks like a 22nd-century version of a View-Master. It immerses me in a virtual world. I whirl one way and see zombies preparing to snack on my flesh. I turn another and wonder what fresh hell awaits.

Behold the future of video games. Or at least the future as envisioned by a bunch of gamers, programmers, tinkers and dreamers at the Valve Corporation here. This is the uncorporate company that brought us the Half-Life series, the hugely influential first-person shooter game.



Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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