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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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I fucking love FTL. Did you guys know there's a modding scene starting up? Not much amazing yet, a few mods to add more quests and one that removes the rebels chasing you out of the sector (which sounds fun, I always want to explore more... but I feel like it might create balance issues) and a bunch of new ships (and a ship creator!). But there's one with someone working on changing the story of the game and setting it back in time in the FTL universe where you play as Space Pirates. And another awesome one where a guy is trying to make the game infinite, removing the final boss fight and featuring random ships that might just crazy powerful.

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I know right! I hate not being able to explore. I actually purchased the game on my girlfriends laptop to play at hers (and now she's addicted too) but after hearing that I kind of want to buy it for my PC too so I can test out these mods!

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Just tried the "No Rebel Chase" mod (stupidly easy to install, as you simply overwrite a .dat file).

Yeah....Kestrel's kicking ass and taking names. That mod + Long Range Scanners = OP ship (though Solar Flares are absolutely decimating me.)

Realistically you should be able to get the most OP ship possibly by the end, as you can go to every sector, know which areas to avoid, explore literally everything else and get a ton of scrap for some badass weapons. I think one of the best ideas is to get 3 double lasers and a missile. You'll penetrate pretty much any shield and do damage to weapons/shield/drone (because realistically, why bother aiming at anything else >_>)

Though, small hint: try getting a boarding crew/teleporter or decimating enemy O2 supplies. I think you get more stuff for taking the ship alive and there's also an achievement for it, which apparently can be useful.

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Upgrade your blast doors and then it's harder for them to break through and you can suffocate them. Otherwise send as many troops as they have, then when they get worn down send them to the medbay and once healed a bit send them back. It's rare for an invading party to disable any of my stuff taking that approach.

TEOL is amazing, every time I create him and have him pilot I make it through to the final boss.

Final boss spoiler.

I killed the final boss, only for him to jump and for me to need to fight him again. Boo

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You have to build that section of the ship on - then you just divert power to it. But to build it on you have to get lucky with shops basically.

The block shaped ship you unlock has that section default.

But that ship is a little bit terrible. I unlocked the ship with the green shield that deflects missiles and resets every jump. That's a good ship.

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Go for blast door upgrades and follow the intruders around, emptying oxygen in the rooms they are in. Eventually they will either die of suffocation or reach your crew members but be so damaged from near suffocation that they are easily disposed of.

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