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Steam/PC Mega Thread

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Dungeons Of Dredmor!


Cheap DLC.

Steam Workshop enabled.

Simplified Rougelike.

Really funny.

It's amazingly kickass. It's easier to do some stuff with the mouse, but I think everything is mappable to the keyboard and it's not a pain in the ass to switch to the track pad to deal with inventory, etc.

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Can anyone suggest some cheap (£10 or less, £15 at a real stretch) turn based games on Steam? More specifically, things that play well without a mouse whilst my USB mouse is fucked.

Dwarf Fortress?


There are a bunch of letsplays. Seems to be very fun, i want to check it out and it´s free.

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Can anyone suggest some cheap (£10 or less, £15 at a real stretch) turn based games on Steam? More specifically, things that play well without a mouse whilst my USB mouse is fucked.

Dwarf Fortress?


There are a bunch of letsplays. Seems to be very fun, i want to check it out and it´s free.

Or this Star Control remake.


There is a big atari sale going on at gog. 60% of Rollercoaster tycoon 2 you say? Yes please.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So I think I've finally made the switch from console to PC. Instead of getting both Dishonored and XCOM for PS3, I decided to get them for cheaper on PC, where they'll look better. Hopefully they run well and aren't shitty ports (more Dishonored than XCOM). If they do, I can see myself sticking closer to PC gaming. Much cheaper, only downside is I can't trade the games in when I'm done.

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So I think I've finally made the switch from console to PC. Instead of getting both Dishonored and XCOM for PS3, I decided to get them for cheaper on PC, where they'll look better. Hopefully they run well and aren't shitty ports (more Dishonored than XCOM). If they do, I can see myself sticking closer to PC gaming. Much cheaper, only downside is I can't trade the games in when I'm done.

I think as soon as Sony and MS bring on their new hardware that will shift back as it always did. I think it´s pretty nice to have the console and see how much the developers can get out of it years and years into the cycle (like Uncharted for example) while with PC you might have games in a year or two that require new hardware - at least if you want to play at the level you see in the trailers.

I think this might involve some "we don´t need to do better" sloppy codeing on PC. (look at how good Blizzards games run on old hardware to see how much is possible if an effort is put in)

That said i am looking forward to my new iMac, if it ever gets announced... there's a bunch of PC games from the past years i would like to get a look at (or just enjoy them running with speed like FM, Civ5 n so on)

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So I think I've finally made the switch from console to PC. Instead of getting both Dishonored and XCOM for PS3, I decided to get them for cheaper on PC, where they'll look better. Hopefully they run well and aren't shitty ports (more Dishonored than XCOM). If they do, I can see myself sticking closer to PC gaming. Much cheaper, only downside is I can't trade the games in when I'm done.

I think as soon as Sony and MS bring on their new hardware that will shift back as it always did. I think it´s pretty nice to have the console and see how much the developers can get out of it years and years into the cycle (like Uncharted for example) while with PC you might have games in a year or two that require new hardware - at least if you want to play at the level you see in the trailers.

I think this might involve some "we don´t need to do better" sloppy codeing on PC. (look at how good Blizzards games run on old hardware to see how much is possible if an effort is put in)

It also depends on how much effort end users put into their computers. I saved for over a year and build my computer to last. I've had it coming up on two full years and it still plays every new release with maximum settings and barely breaks a sweat.

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Don't you mean expense not effort? I mean if you spent $2500 on a gaming rig then yeah it will still run in 2-3 years. But that's a vastly different outlay to a console which is what $800 at launch. In my experience there isn't much effort involved with a PC even if you build it yourself. It all comes down to a matter of budget, oh I guess there is the effort of making sure everything is compatible and you are spending cash in the right places, but I'd still say cost is the main factor.

Having said that PC parts are much cheaper now. I built a computer that was near top spec (only has one 670 in it and no SSD) but is ivy bridge i5 overclockable, good MB etc etc for AUD$1500. Plus I use it as a computer rather than a dedicated gaming machine. So for me personally I feel it represents decent value.

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