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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Need to catch up a bit...

Like most who grew up in the 90s, The Simpsons will always have a place in my heart. But also like those who grew up in the 90s, I have pretty much dismissed any episode of The Simpsons lately. That said, there's quite a lot that's worse so I have no real qualms with it being on the list.

I watched the pilot for Wilfred and it was promising enough, I'm just not sure why I haven't checked it out further. It'll get watched at some point, for sure.

I really love Daniel Tosh as a stand-up but his show isn't really like his stand-up. That said, I do quite enjoy Tosh.0 and tend to keep up with it for the most part. It's always good for a couple of laughs and is a nice diversion.

Psych is one of my absolute favorite shows. It is quite clearly not a show that is going to win awards for it's technical (or creative, really) brilliance but it's never not entertaining and the Shawn/Gus friendship is quite possibly the most realistic on TV.

I used to hate Survivor and never saw the point of it. However, I did catch more than few episodes of this past season and I will say that it wasn't as terrible as I once thought. I still wouldn't follow it on a regular basis though.

I think I've already adequately expressed my feelings (distaste) for NCIS.

I have a kind of love/hate relationship with Curb Your Enthusiasm. There are points where it's just a great show but there are also points where it's cringe-inducing. For the most part, I've lost most of my interest in it though.

Since I had Justified as my #1, I'm obviously disappointed it's not higher but given the overall lack of awareness of it, I'm pleased it's even on the list. All that said, it was clear and away the best show on TV in 2011 for me (and it even aired at the beginning of the year). Everything from the acting to the writing to the direction was absolutely superb. I was pleasantly surprised when Margo Martindale won the Emmy for Best Actress but she clearly deserved it as she put on one hell of a show this past season. The fact that Olyphant was recognized with a nomination in the Best Actor category was nice to see as well and I can only see him getting more and more as the series continues. A lot of people call Breaking Bad the best drama on TV but while I do love Breaking Bad, Justified is just at another level for me. I cannot recommend it enough.

I like 30 Rock but I don't love it and never really have. It's a solid show and I don't mind watching it whenever it's on but it's just not there for me.

I love The Colbert Report. I almost put it in my Top 15 and I tend to shy away from including talk shows on my list but there was just too much great scripted TV this year that it just couldn't make the cut.

I enjoy Burn Notice but it's 2011 episodes are far from it's best. The show is still entertaining but it's best episodes are behind it.

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A little bit late, but while it was very high on my list, I'm not too bothered about Misfits being low. The third season was a massive drop in quality compared to the second, not only with the loss of Robert Sheehan, but because the writing just got lazy. Woody from This Is England did make it a lot of fun, but they just made all of the characters a bit boring and completley ruined all of Simon's momentum.

I feel the exact opposite on everything you said. My only real complaint is that

Kelly didn't seem the least bit altered by what happened to her, despite the fact that she seemingly remembered both realities.

And Rudy more than made up for Nathan.

Really? I thought Rudy was a great addition to the cast, but it still missed Nathan considerably. I also thought they made Alisha really boring this season, it just didn't seem like there was anything to her character after her arc last season, which I found very compelling. I also hated the early part of Curtis' story. I feel they made a mistake by putting them back into community service, because it felt like a cop out instead of really expanding and exploring other possibilities. I just remember loving season 2 so much - this season just never picked up in momentum until the last 15 minutes of the last episode.

Don't get me wrong, I'll watch Season 4 and it was one of my favoured show of the year, but I'm very worried for the next season.

Especially if they stick with Simon dying to save Alisha. Because then, without Nathan or Simon, Rudy's the only character I really like.

I loved Rudy. I meant he didn't make me miss Nathan at all. Every laugh I had came from Rudy.

"I'm washing your shit off my cock" or something to that effect was the line of the season.

As for your spoilers bit, I will reply with my spoilered bit with is a MASSIVE season four spoiler:

The actors that played Alisha and Simon actually tweeted shortly after S3 finale to say that they were done and moving on and wished the show best of luck for S4.

As for this batch....

NCIS. I can steal Fuck Right Off right? Please? Thank you. In tv Molly is the worst :)

You know I have seen like 4 episodes ever of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I liked them all, and yet I never watch it. I feel a S1 and 2 CYE marathon coming on.

Justified! The best show nobody on this board that nobody but like 3 people watch. When season 3 starts in a few weeks I am starting a Justified Is The Greatest Show Ever S3 thread.

I need to get caught up on 30 Rock. I last saw S2 I think.

Colbert is so good, and I almost never catch it.

Behind on Burn Notice, but as I said in another list it is by far the best of the USA shows.

Oh and Srar, if you watch Misfits, and this goes to GoGo too, Hulu is missing the S2 X-Mas episode last I saw.

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25. Glee (67 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #25)


24. Fringe (76 pts, appeared on seven ballots) (Last Year: #47)


23. Castle (79 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #44)


22. True Blood (81 pts, appeared on ten ballots) (Last Year: #21)


21. Boardwalk Empire (83 pts, appeared on ten ballots) (Last Year: #23)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: You know, the down vibe in here is totally ruining my Charlie's Angels fantasy.

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The fact that Glee didn't drop a single spot is maybe the biggest shocker of this list for me (actually, there's one more that we won't get to for a little bit). Admittedly I'm part of the problem because I gave it one point (and that point was for Santana Lopez, a great character stuck on an awful show, whose subplot Glee's third season has apparently sought out to ruin), but even still, this was an incredibly bad year for Glee. Unless something drastic changes I really, really can't see it even in fifteenth place on my list next year (but I bet I said that last year too).

Fringe is on my queue of shows I need to watch, but there are so many other shows that would be easier to catch up on that I'm going to probably end up waiting for it for a while.

I like Nathan Fillion but I don't really have a pressing desire to watch Castle. It's a procedural cop show on network TV and I basically never like those.

I watched like two episodes of True Blood, hated it, and dropped it. It was much too bad to actually stick with.

Boardwalk Empire is my Most Improved TV Show of 2011. Last year I watched it partially because I enjoyed it and partially out of a sense of obligation because come on, a Terrence Winter-helmed show with a cast that strong? I have to watch it! This year I watched it entirely because I enjoyed it, and it was appointment viewing for me even when I was too swamped with schoolwork to do anything but DVR Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels (which I've now dropped) on Sunday nights. Would have liked to see it crack the top twenty, but maybe next year.

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I gave up on Boardwalk Empire after 3 episodes, but everything I'm hearing says Season 2 is way better, so I might catch up in time for Season 3. I love Steve Buscemi, the show was well acted, it just seemed like nothing was happening. I had the same problem with Mad Men season 1, and that also has resulted in me not following up on it.

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Stray thoughts on the list so far:

Okay, I can understand casually watching Glee in the same way that people stuck with Heroes. Even though it sucked after season one, that season was so good, you wanted it to stop sucking. Glee had a very charming front 13 in season one, but every season is worst than the last and I really can't believe anyone would put the show on their best of list. I've only seen a handful of episodes this season, but holy shit they're awful. Really, really awful.

I still can't decide if American Horror Story was great or terrible, I need to watch the finale though.

Fuck Survivor. My wife watches every season and I got into it the year they had the gravedigger on as a contestant, I thought that was a fairly enjoyable season of television. Everything I've seen since though is the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen on television. Note to Survivor contestants: God doesn't give a flying fuck if you win Survivor. It's a game... a bad and predictable one at that, fuck off with your preachy, egomaniacal, tacky religious bullshit.

Misfits would've made my list, but I haven't seen any of the new series. Fun fact: my wife and I entered our wedding reception to the Misfits theme song. Our wedding party entered to Community's.

I just don't get Boardwalk Empire. I missed this season since I don't have HBO at the moment, but the first season, while decent, felt uneventful. More like BOREDwalk Empire, right guys?!

I really need to catch up on Fringe.

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I thought the god shit was hilarious this season on Survivor because it wasn't actually a positive thing at all. Of the three devout Christian players who went on and on about it, one used it as a pretense for making an astonishingly idiotic move that cost him the game and the other two were seen as absolute hypocrites who fell back on it as justification for stabbing people in the back. Meanwhile, an atheist who shrugged and let them hang themselves with it just sort of sat back and won the game.

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I need to catch up on Boardwalk S2.

Why'd you drop Hell on Wheels, GoGoooo? It's been kind of a slow start, but I'm digging it.

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I just thought it was getting pretty boring and I had too many other shows to watch. There was usually one good scene per episode (and The Swede is neat and should be on a better show), and I just didn't feel like keeping up with it. Besides, I haven't even finished Deadwood yet and that's a much better TV western.

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I meant to put my two cents worth in on the list as it happened but in typical Slogger style that kind of went pear-shaped.

But none the less:

2 Broke Girls: I had heard of it before the list but shugged it off as another sitcom that wouldn't live to see season 2, Reading up on the plot via wiki doesn't rally give me anything that would change my mind.

Mirai Nikki: Ugh, No offence to anyone that likes this kind of stuff, But I cannot stand this kind of Japanese anime.

Steins;Gate: See above.

NCIS: Los Angeles: Of course I'm going to stick up for it, I voted for it - But I've watched a lot of crime shows and this just seems to hold my interest week in and week out, The much more light hearted buddy cop style brother of NCIS.

QI: Never heard of it but my wiki-fu tells me that I have to get around to seeing atleast an episode or two, Seems pretty awesome.

Bored to Death: Never heard of it but I may try and catch it if it ever hit's our shores, That said I'm not in love with Zach Galifianakis as everyone else seems to be.

Leverage: Always had meant to watch this but never got the chance, Seems like something that I would enjoy.

Smallville: Seen a few episodes but never really liked it at all.

The Mentalist: Near seen it, Don't have any wish to see it either.

Misfits: Brittish Heroes? Sounds pretty cool but not really in my wheelhouse.

The Amazing Race: Seen a fair few seasons, Nothing that I would watch religiously though - Better than nothing.

American Horror Story: It's like they took The Murder House episode of the Simpsons and put it on TV, Definitely something I need to check out.

Archer: I've liked what I've seen but I haven't seen much.

Once Upon a Time: Meh, Seems kind of lame, No real urge to see it.

Happy Endings: After watching some promo's that looked kind of lame I did some digging and the cast seems kind of half decent so I may give this one another shot down the line.

The Simpsons: It's the Simpsons, One of the only shows that I can flip on randomly to a repeat and watch the entire episode credits to credits - Didn't vote for it because the last new episode I saw was the one with the Mannings in it.

Wilfred: It's a crime that I haven't seen a single second of this, Sounds freaking awesome.

Tosh.0: I watch it more for the clips than Tosh's commentary but not to the point that I have to mute him.

Psych: Always did mean to start watching this but did never got around to it, Take it for what you will.

Survivor: Haven't seen this in for-ever and from the sounds of it I dodged a bullet.

NCIS: The darker elder sibling to Los Angeles, Loved it since season 1 and will continue to watch it unconditionally until it ends, One of the best Police Procedurals on TV and that's one hell of an over saturated market.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Never saw the appeal, Don't care for it all that much.

Justified: Looks like something I might enjoy if given the chance.

30 Rock: Never saw the appeal, Never found it funny.

The Colbert Report: Very Funny but I can't ever seem to make it though a full episode.

Burn Notice: Criminally low on the rankings, While I agree it's lost a step and gotten more dark and super serious over the last few series' it's still one of the best shows on TV.

Glee: Can I steal a pair of lines from Jeff Winger? "I hate Glee ", "I hate it. I don't understand the appeal at all."

Fringe: I got bored just reading the summery

Castle: From the sounds of it wouldn't be the worst thing I ever watched but I don't think I cold ever get behind it.

True Blood: Vampires? No thanks.

Boardwalk Empire: Can't see myself liking it but I would give it a chance if given the opportunity.

Let's bring on the next 5.

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I get why Glee is popular (at least I think I do), and I will completely admit that I see its popularity as a symptom of a culture I feel I am above. Yeah, I can be a pretty sanctimonious son of a bitch. Shocker, I know. That said, I have many actor friends who love the show and that confounds me further - but I try to keep my rage bridled around them, as I do see how it can bring joy. Empty, meaningless, platitudinal joy, but joy. Let's quietly file this one under Fuck Right Off.

Fringe and Castle have just never appealed to me. I suppose they're likely inoffensive? That's the best I can say.

True Blood appealed to me for a few days. I saw some clip of the villain giving a hammy-as-all-fuck performance, and it started to have a sort of pro wrestling appeal. Given the steady stream of negative things I've heard about it from people I respect, this has gone back to . . . well, not Fuck Right Off, but I have no desire to watch it.

Boardwalk Empire! This may be chief among the shows I have not seen and badly want to. The pedigree is just too damn good to ignore it.

Our wedding party entered to Community's.

Clearly, Zero and his friends are streets ahead.

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I get why Glee is popular (at least I think I do), and I will completely admit that I see its popularity as a symptom of a culture I feel I am above. Yeah, I can be a pretty sanctimonious son of a bitch

No matter how hard you try, you'll never be as sanctimonious as the folks in the Glee writers room.

And I still dig True Blood and thought this season was pretty fun. It takes itself less seriously with each passing season, which I appreciate since it only continues to get more ridiculous. Barely made my top 10, but for my money, it's still the best horror show on TV and the current wave of horror TV owes its success to Alan Ball's silly little show.

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I get why Glee is popular (at least I think I do), and I will completely admit that I see its popularity as a symptom of a culture I feel I am above. Yeah, I can be a pretty sanctimonious son of a bitch. Shocker, I know. That said, I have many actor friends who love the show and that confounds me further - but I try to keep my rage bridled around them, as I do see how it can bring joy. Empty, meaningless, platitudinal joy, but joy. Let's quietly file this one under Fuck Right Off.

Fringe and Castle have just never appealed to me. I suppose they're likely inoffensive? That's the best I can say.

True Blood appealed to me for a few days. I saw some clip of the villain giving a hammy-as-all-fuck performance, and it started to have a sort of pro wrestling appeal. Given the steady stream of negative things I've heard about it from people I respect, this has gone back to . . . well, not Fuck Right Off, but I have no desire to watch it.

Boardwalk Empire! This may be chief among the shows I have not seen and badly want to. The pedigree is just too damn good to ignore it.

Our wedding party entered to Community's.

Clearly, Zero and his friends are streets ahead.

My favorite show is "likely inoffensive"? I might have to borrow your filing system for you sir! :angry:

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Still holding out hope..into the top 20 and Sons of Anarchy hasn't appear..come on top 10 showing!

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Glee should have called it quits after S1. So bad.

Fringe is so great!

True Blood has steadily gotten worse, but it's still far better than a lot of shows and it is still quite enjoyable.

I don't watch Castle or Boardwalk Empire, but I admit both shows kind of interest me from time to time. Maybe someday.

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First part of a double-update for today as we get through 20 to 11, and then a three-parter on the 31st for the top ten.


20. House (87 points, appeared on eleven ballots) (Last Year: #17)


19. Supernatural (88 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #18)


18. Doctor Who (94 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #27)


17. The Big Bang Theory (103 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #22)


16. South Park (104 pts, appeared on seventeen ballots) (Last Year: #14)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2011: Well, I guess this is it. Hey, will you guys let me know if this ever airs?

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