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EWB's Favorite Movie 2011: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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And thats the first hint I actually get. Kinda Sad that.

Captain America was probably my favourite Marvel film of last year. Haven't seen any of the others though.

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Alright let's see...

Movies I haven't seen but want to:

The Adventures of Tintin

Red State


Movies I haven't seen but have a mild interest in:


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (I used to really wanna see it, but a friend that shares a lot of the same interests in me when it comes to movies told me it left him wanting more and disappointed. We'll see.)

Hanna was pretty good. I had fun watching it. Definitely one of the better releases from last year.

Tucker & Dale vs Evil was an excellent concept, and decent laughs. I really enjoyed it.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was excellent. I've said all I really need to say about it in that thread srar made, but to summarize: Though, I enjoyed the Swedish version more, this one was great too and definitely one of 2011's best.

Horrible Bosses was pretty hysterical. The marketing was pretty shitty and made the movie looked a hell of a lot more pedestrian than it actually was. It was great.

Warrior is another one that, during advertisements and such, left me with little interest. But, christ, did this movie fucking deliver. It's really emotional, and Nick Nolte gives one of the best performances of his career. The movie is definitely one of the best of 2011 and was so much better than it had any right to be.

The Artist was just so god damn endearing. How it's possible that anybody could hate the movie is ridiculous. The acting was excellent and it was a beautiful throwback to silent films. I really enjoyed it.

Attack the Block was incredible and, though, I was already expecting to like it, it exceeded even those expectations. I expected to really enjoy it, but not to make my top 10. Awesome movie. Loved the alien design too.

Super 8 was a wonderful throwback to 80s movies. I had a good time watching it, but I don't know if I'd put it in the top 10.

Captain America: The First Avenger just doesn't deserve to be this high to me. Don't get me wrong, the movie wasn't bad, but it really wasn't all that great either. It really felt like the prologue to the Avengers, instead of being a stand-alone film. The romance angle was rushed, and Red Skull didn't feel like he was really a big deal, which made the climax rather.. well... anti-climactic.

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Yeah, I agree with LL's criticisms of Captain America. I had fun watching it but it definitely felt a lot more prequel-y than, say, Thor. It finished tenth out of the ten movies I saw last year for a reason. Still, Chris Evans is great as he often is, I enjoyed the Howling Commandos, and any movie that has a sequence/song as great as "The Star-Spangled Man" is still worth seeing.

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Yeah, I agree with LL's criticisms of Captain America. I had fun watching it but it definitely felt a lot more prequel-y than, say, Thor. It finished tenth out of the ten movies I saw last year for a reason. Still, Chris Evans is great as he often is, I enjoyed the Howling Commandos, and any movie that has a sequence/song as great as "The Star-Spangled Man" is still worth seeing.

Yeah I also rated Captain America tenth on my list as well for a reason even though I also saw Red State which was only slightly better than Captain America. The last good Kevin Smith movie was Clerks II.

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I heard Attack The Block was going to be good, and was actually let down by it somewhat. Sure, it was decent, but if I hadn't have had the hype (like I'm sure a lot of people didn't have upon first viewing), I would have been more enamoured with it.

Plus, I teach kids like that.

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6. Thor (55 pts, appeared on nine ballots)


5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (56 pts, appeared on eight ballots)


4. Drive (58 pts, appeared on seven ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 30 Movies of 2011: Where am I? Why am I so fancy? This is not good for my image!

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I did really enjoy Thor, but I question whether it deserves to be this high. Captain America shouldn't have been as high as it was either. Not angry or anything with it being on the list, because they were fun films, but there were much better films this year in my opinion.

Harry Potter however ... I give up. Watch more films people.

Drive is very much the consensus critic's choice this year, and for good reason. Outstanding film, snubbed by the big award ceremonies, but you can't argue with something that is routinely topping lists by just about everyone. Incredibly stylish and cool, superb acting, thrilling story presented in a very simply way, I could go on. I struggle to think of anything bad to say about it, to be honest.

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I watched a Thor but I can't really comment on it because I fell asleep about twenty minutes in. This isn't the film's fault. I was just awfully tired.

I loved Harry Potter obv.

I haven't seen Drive but people have asked me to put the soundtrack on at work a few times. It's boring, but I can imagine it being good in the context of a film.

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I watched a Thor but I can't really comment on it because I fell asleep about twenty minutes in. This isn't the film's fault. I was just awfully tired.

Ha! That's actually pretty funny because I fell asleep right before the climax of the movie. Again, not because it was boring, but because I had just gotten off a 14 hour shift. I ended up watching the end a few weeks later. I'll say this, Thor was fun, and even though I found it to be better than Captain America, it still doesn't deserve to be this high by any means.

Harry Potter was great! If I were to look at it as a stand-alone I dunno if I would rate it this high, but that's not how it's meant to be seen. It ranked number 2 for me because all the events that led to this movie made this movie so emotional. Though, the wrap-up at the end was a little weird, a involved did a fantastic job. And to the doofus up there that told those that liked this to "watch more films," I'm willing to bet I've seen many more 2011 films than you have, and here I am. Fuck off with your silly little argument.

Drive was the absolute best film of the year. Stylistically, it was awesome and it felt so different than any movie to come out in the last decade. Movies don't take their time anymore like this one did. It really is a freakin' gem.

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Meh, I didn't even vote for Thor so I'm not getting into a debate about how a fun throw-away film had more entertainment value than the entire Harry Potter franchise.

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3. 50/50 (68 pts, appeared on eight ballots)


2. X-Men: First Class (89 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots)


1. The Muppets (90 pts, appeared on twelve ballots)

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Really glad X-Men FC got some love in the votes. To me it's probably my favourite x-movie in the franchise (X2 a close second), though it wasn't really difficult to be better than Wolverine & X3. I didn't think I'd enjoy it at first with the teams being rather random and non of my favourites being on either side, but it worked greatly (except for Darwin who i felt was completely throw away). The Fassbender/McAvoy r'ship as Magneto and Xavier was awesome (athough nothing can come close to the epicness of McKellen/Stewart in such a role). Never really been a fan of Kevin Bacon and didn't know who January Jones was before this movie (felt she came across a little wooden, but that might just be the way she acts, I don't know). So bravo for an excellent movie geting second.

Not seen Muppets yet, but I've heard goo things about it, so might pick it up at some point.

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