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The Olympics ban words in London

NobBe Nobbs

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It's commercialism gone mad; for something that was supposed to bring an economic boom to London and Britain as a whole, they're sure going out of their way to make sure no-one other than McDonalds and Coca-Cola can possibly make any money from this. Can't wait until this glorified sports day is over to be honest.

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Guest mr. potato head

It's an absolutely crazy request from an objective standpoint for sure, but it's understandable that businesses want to protect their investments and it's not like it's hurting anybody. Plus, the language police mean it's actually creating jobs!

Plus, how many tourists do you really think will go all the way to London just so they can eat McDonald's every meal?

Edited by mr. potato head
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Plus, how many tourists do you really think will go all the way to London just so they can eat McDonald's every meal?

Depends how many Americans are coming, I guess.

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Its not pointless when you consider the millions that companies have paid to be official Olympic partners.

I don't see why being an official Olympic partner should extend to a monopoly of the term 'summer'. I didn't realise the Olympics were the only thing happening over the next two months anywhere in London.

I get the stuff like not being able to put a floral recreation of the Olympic rings in your shop window or brand something as a 'special Olympic offer' when companies have stumped up so much money to have their name associated with it, but to ban certain things that bear little relation to the Olympics, exist completely independently of them and will be around long after is, as I said, massively over the top.

But that's just looking at it objectively - it doesn't bother me too much. I only posted in here because I was quite surprised at the lengths they've gone to.

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Yeah, not a fan of attempting to ban things that have existed prior to, and will continue to exist well after this one event. There is no way they could actually enforce against someone having a 'summer sale' to act as if they can makes them look like knobs. Chips I get to a degree as it seems as if they are only banning them in an area under their direct control. It would be annoying though if you wanted a burger and chips and could only get it from McDonalds with a massive queue.

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