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What super hero don't you actually like?


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Batman's superpower is that he is a physically and mentally perfect human being who also happens to be obscenely wealthy and the DC Universe's best martial artist point blank. Psychologically healthy, not so much, but otherwise, yeah, he's essentially a superhuman when you consider all the shit he knows and is capable of. Plus, didn't he kick Superman's ass a couple times, without Kryptonite? I mean, hell, nobody ever says Iron Man has no powers. And all Stark has on Wayne is a nuclear-powered suit of armor.

TL;DR, the only guy who has no superpowers is Punisher, and even that's not true if you consider Born canon. And he can kill the entire Marvel Universe off single-handedly, so no superhero is just a "normal guy".

But yeah, the only time Superman has ever been interesting to me was because of Superdickery.com (Note: don't go there unless you have a good anti-virus program). Hell, even the 90s cartoon was dull except for that one episode with Lobo in it.

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It's powered by Arc Reactor technology! Did you even watch any of the films!? :angry:

I've had two hours of sleep in the last 48 hours. It's a miracle I can still form coherent sentences.

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Hal Jordan. I grew up with him as Green Lantern, and actually prefer Kyle Rayner, who was automatically more interesting than Hal has ever been. I also didn't like the shitty way they resolved the whole `Hal goes crazy then becomes Parallax' thing, and making him the Spectre temporarily was stupid. He should have stayed dead for 20+ years instead of Barry Allen.


Deadpool, but only because the motherfucker is seriously overused.

USAgent. He started off as a lame semi-hero/semi-villain called Super Patriot, became the replacement Captain America, then USAgent. He's a jerk, and I didn't like it when he was added to the West Coast Avengers, and avoided the Invaders series (and the original 70s series rocked) because he was in it. He may be a former Captain America, but I call him "Asshole America".

And I still like the character, but in the past couple of decades Marvel has ramped Wolverine's regeneration ability up to ridiculous levels. He's now practically impossible to kill and Marvel even did a story where he was burned down to just his adamantium skeleton and regenerated. While back in the 80's they did a story where he was badly injured in a duel with katanas and took about two weeks to fully heal.

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Actually, my least favourite/absolute most favourite thing about Wolverine, depending on my mood and how seriously I'm taking comic books today, is that Wolverine's entire personality is "gruff loner". Yet he's in more god-damned superhero team-ups than anyone.

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Actually, my least favourite/absolute most favourite thing about Wolverine, depending on my mood and how seriously I'm taking comic books today, is that Wolverine's entire personality is "gruff loner". Yet he's in more god-damned superhero team-ups than anyone.

Every superhero team needs a loner! And a comic relief! And a natural born leader who questions his ability to lead the second he makes a single mistake.

It's like you haven't been paying attention to pop culture for the last twenty years.

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Actually, my least favourite/absolute most favourite thing about Wolverine, depending on my mood and how seriously I'm taking comic books today, is that Wolverine's entire personality is "gruff loner". Yet he's in more god-damned superhero team-ups than anyone.

I'd give that title to Spidey. He actually has a book just dedicated to team ups

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Come to think of it, the more I think of Batman, the more absurd he is. He's a billionaire martial artist detective with a rocket car and more gadgets than James Bond. That's not a "dark and gritty" superhero, that's the scribblings of a nine year old.

I'm not denying that some of the greatest comic books have all time have been Batman comics but, jeez, I think they were great in spite of the Batman character, not because of him. All the best Batman stories are the ones that look at Batman as quite an abstract concept, rather than as a character - the comics that equate Batman with the soul of Gotham itself, or the now massively overdone "Batman and the Joker need each other" bit.

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Come to think of it, the more I think of Batman, the more absurd he is. He's a billionaire martial artist detective with a rocket car and more gadgets than James Bond. That's not a "dark and gritty" superhero, that's the scribblings of a nine year old.

It does help that he has character flaws... specifically that he's far from a psychologically sound individual... depending on the writer, he's a mixture of PTSD and DID at best, at worst he's a stark raving lunatic. But otherwise I agree that the best thing about Batman in lore is the symbol and not the man himself. Which, if you really think about it, is the whole point of Batman: He does just enough to maintain his legend and makes Gotham a relatively better place because of the legend.

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Yes. The one thing you have to realize is, that while Superman is really Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne is really Batman. In other words, he's putting on an act when he's in public out of costume, not the other way around. The `real' Bruce Wayne more or less died when his parents were murdered.

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I've hated Superman since I was a younger kid. Just all around terrible. Never cared for Aquaman, Green Lantern, or Cyclops. I've also been split in the middle about Wolverine. I don't necessarily hate him, but he's just too boring to be likable for me. I feel like the main reason he's become as big as he is was due to Hugh Jackman. I know he was popular beforehand, but never on the "classic" levels like Batman or Superman.

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Actually, my least favourite/absolute most favourite thing about Wolverine, depending on my mood and how seriously I'm taking comic books today, is that Wolverine's entire personality is "gruff loner". Yet he's in more god-damned superhero team-ups than anyone.

I remember a rather comedic 4 part marvel series where the given reason for Wolverine being on the big super-team (that were the protagonists of the story) was

"Because he's on every superhero team."

To which Spiderman, who was also on the team, said.

"Wow, sounds tiring, No wonder you're always so cranky!"

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Come to think of it, the more I think of Batman, the more absurd he is. He's a billionaire martial artist detective with a rocket car and more gadgets than James Bond. That's not a "dark and gritty" superhero, that's the scribblings of a nine year old.

It does help that he has character flaws... specifically that he's far from a psychologically sound individual... depending on the writer, he's a mixture of PTSD and DID at best, at worst he's a stark raving lunatic. But otherwise I agree that the best thing about Batman in lore is the symbol and not the man himself. Which, if you really think about it, is the whole point of Batman: He does just enough to maintain his legend and makes Gotham a relatively better place because of the legend.

I dislike it when people use terms used in psychiatry/ology and have no idea what they mean :/

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