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Was playing tonight. Got into a Trevor mission with some random dude. Went well, he was cool so we added each other to play again sometime. Got into a survival mission with some more guys. We tried twice, but neither time we got past wave 5. Still walked away with 8K for my trouble though. Would've been better probably, but the host flaked out and never moved the entire 2 times we tried, so it was basically 3 people.

Then, while in freeroam, I took a car to LS Customs to sell it. Walked out and got ambushed by 2 people. Respawned near them, killed them both and hid, they respawned near me and came at me again...killed them again. The one player, something like Miss Shotcaller, challenged me to a one on one deathmatch, so I accepted. She kills me once, then this dude who is a part of her crew starts to run me over/shoot me every chance he gets, making it a 2 on 1 deathmatch basically. So I hid...kept killing him and taking out Shotcaller. At 3 kills to 1, I say into the headset "Hey, your little strategy isn't working. Why not call your bitch off so this can actually be 1 on 1?"

They responded by hiding until the DM was over. Only got $200 for my trouble too...

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Scumbag Chris2K, invites me to game and leaves. :shifty: I had to get up to go use the bathroom, then I come back to an empty session! :@

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I tried to invite you to a survival game and a mission (and Baddar too), but every time it'd say you joined them immediately left.

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I got a load of invites from you but you'd gone offline by then :(

Hammy and I have been tearing through missions this evening, the Bonnie and Clyde combination "stuck it to the man" by destroying a load of police vehicles for Lester. It took four attempts but we GOT THERE.

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gonna be on in a few. Anyone around?

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I would be but my game was acting weird and pizza kept DCing, so I just decided to call it a night. For some reason sometimes when I invite people into a session it says they joined - then immediately left - and it'll do that a few times. Was doing that to me and my friend earlier, I kept trying to invite him and he said he wasn't getting the invites, but I was seeing it as "Left" on my screen. So I was like eh, screw it, bedtime!

I'll be on tomorrow though.

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Yea I saw you logged off right after I logged on. I just assumed I had bad BO..

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When I head online guys do I just hit join game with crew members? Will that take me to the game with most of you in it? Or will it choose any game that has a Hitman in it?

Yeah, like Baddar said just message someone from the crew that's online. What we usually do is make closed crew/closed friend sessions in order to avoid playing with randoms.

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How do you do the armored car robberies? I just got my call from Lester about those last night

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Whenever you're in the immediate vicinity of an armored car you'll get a notification and it'll show up on your minimap. From there, you just blow open the back doors with a sticky bomb and collect loot. Sometimes you have to kill one of the guards to get the cash to drop, though.

And you get a 3 star wanted level for attacking an armored car.

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Is it worth doing money wise?

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