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Assassins Creed IV

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So far this has been a mixed bag, I really hate travelling on the boat, and the amount of time it's forced me to be at sea is getting stupid. On the plus side, I do love the locations, and it's fun moving about towns for the first time since Brotherhood. The story is weak, and I'm not feeling like it's AC yet, but I do like the out of Animus stuff so far. It could wind up good, it could wind up bad, but I don't feel like it's going to get any strong reaction out of me in positive or negative terms.

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Got as far as the first memory in the second sequence. The out-of-Animus stuff is pretty interesting so far. I need to go back and read the notes around the office at some point.

The locations thus far (all two <_<) are pretty nice. I like the taller vegetation that you can move around in and stalk from, and using the ship seems about the same as in III control wise. Not bad so far. Still some issues of trying to climb something and running into a "wall" or getting stuck for no apparent reason (only happened once so far, though).

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I'm a massive geek for sea shanties - I used to sing in a band that played a few - so seeing so many that I know pop up in this game has made me smile.

Getting around on the ship is tedious just because of how long it can take, and how often it looks like you're going to have to do it, but it's an improvement over sailing in the last game. There's much less busy work than there was in III, or so it seems.

I like the story so far - or, rather, I like the central character. He's nothing earth-shattering, but I like that he's not all there morally.

The out of Animus stuff is fun, though I've done nothing but wander around the office, I don't know if there's anything more to it than that yet.

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Got as far as the first memory in the second sequence. The out-of-Animus stuff is pretty interesting so far. I need to go back and read the notes around the office at some point.

The locations thus far (all two <_<) are pretty nice. I like the taller vegetation that you can move around in and stalk from, and using the ship seems about the same as in III control wise. Not bad so far. Still some issues of trying to climb something and running into a "wall" or getting stuck for no apparent reason (only happened once so far, though).

Entirely agreed on the setting - there's lots of stuff to move around and stealth through in most of the mission areas - this is one of the first time I've successfully stealthed through areas and felt like a badass doing it.

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Outside of the Animus there will be notes around various places. Just look for white pieces of paper with a blue sort of holographic square in the middle I think. Press B at them and you'll collect them. Only have three so far. Hoping to see more from it.

The weapon wheel being gone threw me a bit. Think I prefer the current weapon selection method (the cross over the wheel). I've collected two shanties so far. The first one where you start the game took me five or so tries before I managed to catch up to it.

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Still haven't started memory 2 in sequence 2, but I have everything in Havana collected minus four assassination contracts. The enemies are still as stupid as ever. I was on a rooftop, got spotted by two of them who turned red, and I just dropped down behind a little balcony while they stared right in my direction doing nothing. Combat still seems about the same as ever, but I really like Havana, especially the beach area in the South.

EDIT: Did my first multiplayer just now. Wolfpack with someone on my friends list. I don't know if they made it easier or if it just works better with only two people who know what they're doing, but there was zero problem getting through all 25 sequences. In AC3 it seemed a lot harder. Then again, in that I believe you only had to kill targets, whereas with IV you kill targets, defend chest (and kill targets trying to steal them), and collect medicine (and kill infected targets). Still, I managed to go from level 1 to 5 just from one Woilfpack match. Now I just need to get used to all the characters in multiplayer and hopefully get some good ability sets going (that time shift thing looks really interested; throwing down an area of effect that slows down targets while in it).

EDIT 2: Did a few Manhunt matches this morning and am now level 10 I believe. Unlocked Decoy and Time Phase. Decoy is the same as it has been and Time Phase seems... interesting. Trying to work out a good ability combo to use it with (thinking Money Bomb with it for now as an offensive set, with Disguise and Decoy as my temporary defensive set). Time Phase would be great to use on pursuers to keep them at bay while you get away, or against your targets if they're trying to run away. Really, though, I'm waiting to unlock Poison and hopefully rack up some good kills without team mates kill stealing.

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Picked this up today, loving it so far. It still has all the improvements from 3 (a little more streamlined too) and the main character/story is waaay more interesting. Not done many missions, just been exploring and collecting shit (I usually hate finding collectibles).

May give the multi a whirl later on, never really played an AC multiplayer before so not really sure what to expect.

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Oh and sorry to clog up this thread, but another Ass Creed game that passed me buy a bit was that one set in Istanbul. Is it any good?

You can skip the one set in Istanbul, it was a bit of a turkey all told.

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I've bought this for PS4 since Tesco have it at £48 and I get £10 off. Haven't played an AC since 2, but from the sounds of it I haven't missed much.

You really have, Brotherhood was an amazing game and the pinnacle of the series IMO, and Ezio's story is the best in the series. AC3 is good, but you probably could just read the synopsis, because it's only the non-Animus events that really matter.

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Brotherhood was my first AC game and I loved it. My favorite just in terms of storyline (but Black Flag is up there, and I'm only in Sequence 5 I believe). I enjoyed Revelations for the whole Ezio/Altair thing.

Small things that seem to have stuck in Black Flag that are annoying bits are 1) trying to run left/right while at a wall but constantly running up it (despite there being nothing to grab onto), and 2) it takes too long to become anonymous at times. I shouldn't have to wait 20 seconds to become anonymous when there are no guards chasing me or even around me.

The story has been really good thus far, though. Spoilers about a particular character for around the sequence I'm at (5 or 6, but not entirely sure):

James Kidd is a fantastic side character. I loved him at first, but the mission where you need to go in and sabotage the three bells and such had me loving the character more.

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