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Current Generation Memories


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The vibrancy of the graphics of Star Ocean: The Last Hope which was one of my first PS3 games. I'd previously been going through every PS2 RPG I could get my hands on and some of the graphics in those were only a small step up from the PS1 really so it was a big leap for me.

Riding into Mexico in Red Dead Redemption.

The downward spiral of Final Fantasy. :(

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The vibrancy of the graphics of Star Ocean: The Last Hope which was one of my first PS3 games. I'd previously been going through every PS2 RPG I could get my hands on and some of the graphics in those were only a small step up from the PS1 really so it was a big leap for me.

Riding into Mexico in Red Dead Redemption.

The downward spiral of Final Fantasy. :(

In fairness, that began last generation.

RE: LA Noire - that would have been fantastic if they hadn't changed the interrogation prompts to things that were completely stupid.

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Playing FIFA all night and far too much back in the day.

Playing through GoW at release and playing GoW2 online with my buddy while really high constantly for about a month.

The Mass Effect trilogy. Halo 3 with a bunch of friends, griffball.

Betting on games with my mate on PES6, ended up winning his DS off of him.

GTA4 midnight launch.

Halo 3. Staying up all night playing co-op on ODST the day before it came out when my mate got it, smoking loads of weed and eating snacks, I can barely remember the actual game but everything felt so epic that night.

Assassin's Creed, Saints Row, The Elder Scrolls. Alan Wake.

Getting my girlfriend into Halo to the point of her being addicted.

So much more...

I'm gonna miss this gen :(

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Oh yeah, Dragon Age: Origins was the first western RPG that I ever gave a shit about, and I'd still put it above Skyrim and Oblivion. I beat that game like four times which I don't think I've done with any game this generation. One day I'll play Dragon Age 2 through all the way. One day.

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The Uncharted series.

Also the amazing story telling in games like Red Dead, the Arkham games, Walking Dead, The Last of Us. Even though all of those games involve action, that's not what the game is about. It's about a story and drawing a strong emotional connection to Clem, to Ellie, to John Marston, and all with heart wrenching endings.

Also XCom, I love that game.

Finally how much I hate Heavy Rain and how it makes me angry. It could of been such an amazing game but it's non-sensical storytelling is infuriating to me.

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I will beat this drum until the world marches to my tune. Heavy Rain is the most amazing game that one can play and never play again. A lot of games are better becase you can replay them, but HR is the best game you should play precisely once.

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I will beat this drum until the world marches to my tune. Heavy Rain is the most amazing game that one can play and never play again. A lot of games are better becase you can replay them, but HR is the best game you should play precisely once.

I'd probably agree with that.

In fairness, I would've totally re-played it if the killer changed depending on decisions/paths taken throughout the game.

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I just remembered another, I went out and bought Fight Night Round 3 and absolutely loved it at the time. It was the first boxing game that I actually liked a lot, especially after their being so many shitty ones on Sega Genesis. Sega Genesis's boxing games made me afraid to ever play another boxing game, but I took a chance on Fight Night and loved every minute of it. Granted, I was a cheap bastard and switched the controls to use the buttons for punching instead of the stick, it was still awesome.

I took my 360 to my brothers one night and had a great couple of fights against him and his friend. One in particular against his buddy was him as Manny Pacquiao and me as Marco Antonio Barrera. Neither of us knew who the fighters were but we said fuck it and just beat the shit out of each other. I think it was round 9 or 10, he knocked me down twice and I thought I was fucked, but then I just started an all out assault on him and ended up winning by KO after getting knocked down twice. That rocked.

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