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EWB's Top 51 TV Shows of 2013: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Shameless is a fucking incredible show. I'm not a big binge-watch/rewatch guy, but I watched all of season one lsat night, just because it was on. So good. And, Emmy Rossum titties.

Modern Family is really good, too. I've just started watching it, and kind of jump around through the seasons, and I think the earlier ones are funnier, but it's always good for a few hearty laughs an episode

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Quick thoughts on those five; Axe Cop good, Treme great, Modern Family I stopped watching when the season 3 premiere sucked out loud, Supernatural will probably be making this list for the next five years on top of the last four because at this point I'm assuming that show will never end, never seen Shameless. Onwards!


25. The League (49 pts, appeared on ten ballots) (Last Year: #27)


24. Masters of Sex (51 pts, appeared on five ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


23. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (52 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #13)


22. Person of Interest (61 pts, appeared on five ballots) (Last Year: #24)


21. The Newsroom (61 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: #21)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 51 TV Shows of 2013: Peterson was a great guy and he did not deserve to get beheaded like that. Now, I dont know about you, but I'm getting sick and tired of getting invested in their personalities and their backstories and then having them DIE.

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Masters of Sex is awesome. I still haven't seen the entirety of season 1 yet (episode 8 was yesterday!), but from what I have watched it is pretty fantastic TV.

It's Always Sunny is a really funny show, but just not something I've gotten hooked on. See an episode here and there, that's it.

The Newsroom is fucking awesome and everyone should watch it. It dipped a little in quality this season compared to the first, but still, so, so good.

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It's funny you say that about The Newsroom because I feel like season two was leaps and bounds better than season one. I pretty much hate-watched the first season, honestly, and I intended to do the same with season 2 but it was actually good.

I still need to start Masters of Sex, and I also need to catch up on The League and Always Sunny. Is Person of Interest really that good? Looked like a generic CBS cop show to me.

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I think season 1 of The Newsroom was Aaron Sorkin being masturbatory. Season 2 he decided to turn it into a TV show.

That said, I actually did like Season 1 more, but completely for reasons I don't expect anyone else to care about.

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That's kind of a shit group.

I saw the first episode of Masters of Sex and had no interest in watching further.

The Newsroom sucks out loud, on toast, with a side of more suck. That's despite having several fine actors in the cast.

The rest are meh to I don't care.

Get better, list!

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Honestly, Josh, continue watching Masters Of Sex, it's amazing. They've really toned down the skin scenes and really have made it about some fantastic characters. I'm calling the ending of the whole prostitute angle the moment it got so much better.

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I meant to check out Axe Cop but never got around to it. May have to look into it if it's really that good.

I like Shameless but it wears thin on me sometimes and I haven't even watched most of the last season. I'll catch up on it one day but sometimes it's not something I'm terribly into.

I don't mind Modern Family but that will be the extent of my enjoyment of it. It's just not good enough for me to watch every week.

I stopped watching Supernatural awhile ago. Jesus Christ, CW, just put it out of its misery already.

I may get around to watching Treme one day but I think I should actually tackle The Wire first.

I used to love The League but it's fallen off for me, so much so that I haven't even finished watching the latest season. It's devolved more into Always Sunny territory than it originally was and is something I'm not terribly fond of.

I'm in the process of going through Masters of Sex right now. I put it on hold a bit so I could re-watch Justified before the season premiere on Tuesday but I plan on getting back to it shortly. I enjoyed what I've seen so far but it apparently gets better? Awesome.

I used to love Always Sunny but the shtick just got old. They just don't/didn't have enough ideas to warrant 10 seasons.

Apparently Person of Interest gets quite good in the second season (from what I've seen on AV Club) but I'm not sure I can trust CBS, Elementary notwithstanding.

Honestly, The Newsroom gets shit on a bit too much. Was the first season perfect? Not by any means but the amount of unnecessary vitriol (as Josh has already graced us with) is flat out ridiculous. Take aim at shows that actually deserve that venom instead of at a fairly competent show that had some growing pains, including getting the aforementioned Sorkin masturbatory elements out of the way.

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Honestly, The Newsroom gets shit on a bit too much. Was the first season perfect? Not by any means but the amount of unnecessary vitriol (as Josh has already graced us with) is flat out ridiculous. Take aim at shows that actually deserve that venom instead of at a fairly competent show that had some growing pains, including getting the aforementioned Sorkin masturbatory elements out of the way.

I can do both./It is one of those shows.

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Love The League, just marathon-watched the entire thing a couple months ago and watch the new season as it aired.

Masters of Sex is wonderful. I was ready to dismiss it as Showtime going back to their roots of just showing tits after 10pm, but it's the best show of the new season. Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan are marvelous and it's just a great little show that shouldn't work as a series, but does.

Haven't watched It's Always Sunny in years.

I only watched the first few episodes of Person of Interest, but it was everything I loathe about TV dramas, CBS dramas in particular. I hear it's gotten better, but I don't trust anything on CBS besides How I Met Your Mother.

Is The Newsroom good or bad? Someone just give me a definitive answer already.

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