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EWB's Top 51 TV Shows of 2013: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Previously, on EWB's Top 51 TV Shows of 2013:


This is an interesting year. Let's get to it.


50. The Originals (19 pts, appeared on three ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


50. Haven (19 pts, appeared on three ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


49. Toast of London (22 pts, appeared on two ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


48. Bob's Burgers (22 pts, appeared on three ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


47. Revolution (23 pts, appeared on two ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


46. Luther (24 pts, appeared on two ballots) (Last Year: N/A)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 51 TV Shows of 2013: You're not even a man. You're like an early draft of a man, where they just sketched out a giant mangled skeleton but they didn't have time to add details like pigment, or self-respect. You're Frankenstein's monster, if his monster was made entirely of dead dicks.

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Haven't seen Vampire Diaries, therefore I haven't seen The Originals. I'd like to say I'm going to get to it eventually but no, probably not.

Haven't seen more than two minutes of Haven. It looks like a SyFy series for sure.

I really need to get on plowing through Bob's Burgers episodes until it gets as good as people say it gets. Just haven't found time for it.

Revolution has supposedly gotten genuinely good in season 2, but it's too late for me. I can't be bothered to make it through the rest of season 1, and it's in the same time slot as both Survivor and Arrow so I can't DVR it either.

Not seen Luther.

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Only one of those I explicitly like is Luther.

Revolution was dull as hell when I tried watching it. Made it to about six episodes in. If it has improved I may go back to it, but not for a long time. Bob's Burgers I thought was awful based on the one episode I've seen, once again not planning on going back it it.

Not seen any of the others.

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I'm digging The Originals a lot (hence my current name/avatar) and it has quickly surpassed the show it spun off from. The best part of the show is the fact that there really isn't a true protagonist in the series. While that may indicate issues ahead with regards as to who you should be rooting for, the show does a tremendous job of outlining who you should be rooting for in a given episode as opposed to someone you want to root for in general. I can definitely see the show getting even better and perhaps even climbing up EWB's list.

The only things I know about Haven are that it employs Eric Balfour in 2013 for some reason and the female lead is beautiful (and voices the female leads in the Uncharted series). Outside of that, not much.

I've never even heard of Toast of London.

I like Bob's Burgers enough but it's hard for me to appreciate the show when I hear the voice and immediately think Archer. And then I just want to watch Archer.

I started watching Revolution when it started but it got boring and I got sidetracked. Doubt I'll ever make it back.

Luther is on my list of things to watch that I will get to eventually (probably not).

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Luther is utterly compelling, brutal storytelling. Idris Elba is excellent of course but the stories and the bad guys throughout the series are equally excellent. Standouts include the episode with the taxi driver who kidnaps women, the guy who keeps victims captive in a chest freezer and the guy in series three is seriously freaky (hiding in womens houses). It's stonking TV with no flashiness.

Toast of London really grew on me. Watched the first one and I was happy to watch again but after that it just got under my skin and I really enjoyed it. Matt Berry was perfect for the role and some of the lines and the succession of weird women cropping up in his life were great....and Clem Fandango of course. It's very British though. Very.

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Also forgot to post votes, though it's probably for the best since I tried to make a list from memory of everything I watched and only got to nine. Forgot all about Bob's Burgers. It is a cute show, but I agree with the sentiment that it's too reminiscent of better shows. I think I'd like it way more if it were live-action.

Never seen the rest and, outside of Revolution, never heard of them either.

So using this list as a guide to catch-up on all I've missed...

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Basically what I know about UK television in 2013 is that there was a show where people have sex in a box and it's called Sex Box. I think.

Oh right and the pale guy isn't Doctor Who anymore and now it's Malcolm Tucker.

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I need to watch more of Bob's Burgers.

You really do. It's a wonderful show that reminds me a lot of the early Simpsons - family centric stories with a typically quirky twist. Even Gene's toilet humour (which seems really annoying at first) is well done for what it is, and every character has a purpose in most stories.

I won't watch The Originals until I get around to TVD, which will probably not be for a while (at least not til True Blood ends), Revolution just tired me out with it's genericness (is that even a word?). Luther and Haven I will probably watch this year, ditto Toast.

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I've never even heard of The Originals, and only heard of Haven, I know nothing about it.

I voted for Toast Of London, so huzzah for that. I love Matt Berry, and it's exactly the kind of thing I love. It's silly, and wordy, and in many ways parodies social scenes that I've been on the fringes of, so I find it hilarious, though I can see why barely anyone else seems to find it funny, or even know it exists. A pleasant surprise to see it make the list, at least. Thanks Hammy.

I don't know Bob's Burgers, but I see screencaps pop up on Tumblr all the time.

I don't know Revolution at all. If you haven't been able to tell, I don't really watch TV.

Luther's great, though admittedly, I've not watched as much of it as I'd like, just the odd episode. It's great, though, and Idris Elba is one of my favourite actors around right now, and as cool a motherfucker as they come.

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Glad my late second vote for Luther managed to get it on the list. Didn't get into it until recently at the behest of a few work colleagues and it's top stuff.

Haven't seen any of the others. Will give Revolution a go eventually if it keeps going. Maybe Bob's Burgers too.

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Luther's probably the best show I'll never get around to watching. Not a diss, just a likelihood.

Bob's Burgers has its moments, but it's hard to plow through sometimes. And I have nearly a genuine hate for the creator, given how he comes off in the one live appearance I've seen him in.

No interest in the rest.

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The wife watches The Originals and loves it. I'm behind on The Vampire Diaries, so I haven't caught it yet. Need to check out Bob's Burgers and Luther too.

Revolution suffers from all the same problems any post-Lost sci-fi shows on major networks have suffered from: constant commercials immediately kill the immersion, too many episodes, and the gimmick makes for a good pilot, but the nature of network television demands 22 45-minute episodes with a goal of at least 6 seasons. Revolution could be a solid 5-season show with 13-episodes a year, but there's just too much time to work with so little.

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