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Worst Movie You Watched This Year?


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Preferably in the "So bad it's good" way, but if you just want to post about crappy movies that would work to. I'm not sure what mine would be as I haven't watched nearly as many movies this year as I have in the past.

Maybe "Tammy"? That's not in a so bad it's good way though. Just a mediocre comedy that gets some things right, some things wrong.

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Tammy looks like the worst shit that lady always does. I watched The Heat, that's from her too, right? Amazing how she can get me to hate a Sandra Bullock movie.

Anyway that's one answer, along with Paradise from this year, Knights of Badassdom, The Dictator, The Condemned, The Legend of Herculles, Easy A, Tokarev, The Purge. All horrible movies I've watched this year that are burned into my eyeballs.

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I caught pre-release screenings Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys and Ninja Apocalypse at Comic-Con a few weeks ago, they were both pretty stupid. The cast of Blood Lake left after ten minutes. The cast of Ninja Apocalypse stuck around for their showing and shouted obnoxiously a lot. Neither of them really cared about their movies I guess.

I also watched Knights of Badassdom there and it didn't seem that bad to me; it had its moments at least.

I think Sharknado 2: The Second One is miles better than the original Sharknado too.

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Rapture-Palooza is easily the worst movie I've watched this year... not sure if it actually came out this year, but recently popped up on Netflix. To make a movie that bad and that unfunny with that cast is inexcusable.

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Transformers 4.

Forty minutes of nothing but pan shots and slo-mo, five minutes of pan shot underage perving and a two hour slo-mo pan shot of nonstop explosions.

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Rapture-Palooza is easily the worst movie I've watched this year... not sure if it actually came out this year, but recently popped up on Netflix. To make a movie that bad and that unfunny with that cast is inexcusable.

Words cannot express how bad I thought that movie was.

Went into it thinking it'll probably like a slightly lower budget This is the end but it was terrible. I'm so easily pleased with movies but I regret ever hiring it.

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Transformers 4.

Forty minutes of nothing but pan shots and slo-mo, five minutes of pan shot underage perving and a two hour slo-mo pan shot of nonstop explosions.

They could improve that film infinitely by replacing the pan shots with Bottom style pan shots performed by Ade Edmondson.

Amazing Spiderman 2 is an abomination.

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Tammy looks like the worst shit that lady always does. I watched The Heat, that's from her too, right? Amazing how she can get me to hate a Sandra Bullock movie.

Anyway that's one answer, along with Paradise from this year, Knights of Badassdom, The Dictator, The Condemned, The Legend of Herculles, Easy A, Tokarev, The Purge. All horrible movies I've watched this year that are burned into my eyeballs.

Easy A seems like it could have been good, but then no. It really wasn't :(

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