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Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain

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I'm really apprehensive about this, it seems to take one step too far away from the Metal Geary-ness I loved about the first 4 games. I think I'm going to love this as a gameplay experience, but as a story-driven experience (which is what I go to Metal Gear for) I really think it's going to be lacking for me.. 

Edited by Robsturgh
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Don't worry, I'm sure it will still be a 4 hour game with 20 hours of cutscenes.

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I enjoyed MGS4 for what it was, I don't think it was as bad as others do, and i liked Ground Zeroes so I'm excited for for this too. Just won't be able to play it till October almost :(

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Never had a chance to play MGS4, but I enjoyed Ground Zeroes.

I am really exciting for this game but at the same time quite cautious as I don't want to build a picture in my head of what the game is going to be like then be disappointed when I get round to playing it

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Really excited for this, too.  Hope it puts right the wrongs of MGS4.

As someone who only recently finished 4 and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm genuinely curious what's considered the ''wrongs" of that game?

I enjoyed MGS4 too, but I can definitely see why people were turned off by the hugely drawn-out cutscenes and codec conversations. While I really liked most of the fan service in the game, with Act 4 (which I won't spoil here) being one of the highlights of any piece of entertainment media I've personally experienced, there were also a few instances in which old faces and callbacks to older games were crowbarred in for their own sake.

Don't get me wrong; as a big fan of the series, I felt the seven years or so that I waited for the story from MGS2 to be resolved (I got a PS4 late, so I didn't play MGS4 until a couple of years after it released) were justified, but I thought that it got a little too self-absorbed at times, which is why I like it less that its three predecessors. It's a game that has several fantastic moments that I loved, but the overall package has more than its fair share of bloat.

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Really excited for this, too.  Hope it puts right the wrongs of MGS4.

As someone who only recently finished 4 and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm genuinely curious what's considered the ''wrongs" of that game?

Too many cut scenes for me.  I would have rather have just watched it as a movie.

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Really excited for this, too.  Hope it puts right the wrongs of MGS4.

As someone who only recently finished 4 and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm genuinely curious what's considered the ''wrongs" of that game?

Too many cut scenes for me.  I would have rather have just watched it as a movie.

That's fair enough and what I thought you'd probably say. I'm in a weird place with games at the moment where the story comes 100% above anything else for me. Most games I feel like the gameplay is just a chore to get the the story developments and cuts cenes, which is why I guess I appreciated how much of that stuff MGS4 had (although I do enjoy the MGS gameplay generally, especially boss battles). 

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