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Second part was much better. I can't wait until next week, the season finale. Which will most likely have something to do with Darth Chef.

Think so? That would be fun, but I think they'll keep Chef buried unless they get to work with Isaac Hayes again.

I say the finale could be a third part to this Cartman To The Future thing. There was a door opened at the end of the show when Cartman received a call from himself from the future that said "I know what you're thinking...Don't do it!". It can't be the call that we know Cartman gave to himself because it doesn't fit the time frame.

I'm thinking Cartman goes back to the future in whatever way and tries to take the Wii back with him so that he won't have to wait 2 months to get one.

Edited by Iain76er
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Tsst was great, but you can't forget about the spot-on portrayal of the Dog Whisperer and how he "fixes" Cartman. My favorite episode this season though has to be the Dog the Bounty Hunter spoof though; I don't think South Park has ever quite got me to laugh so hard at just a visual gag, but nothing's ever going to top Cartman as Dog and his big-tittied "Bitch."

It's been a great season and South Park is still one of the few shoes to not only stay funny all these years later, but it still hasn't had a bad overall season. Sure, there have been episodes that fell flat, or concepts that just made no sense, but for the most part, it's been a rock solid show. Even some of the really bad ideas have turned into great ones due to Matt and Trey's sense of humor about themselves (Crab People).

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You won't believe this you guys, here's the synopsis of the episode from the official South Park Studios website.


Stan Marsh has hit rock bottom. He's got no job, no bicycle and his only way out of a bad situation is to coach the local pee wee hockey team. Once a hotshot pee wee hockey player himself, Stan Marsh has tried to put those days behind him, but he's still living with the memory of how he let his team down when he missed the winning shot in the big game. Now, he's about to find out that being a coach means facing your past. He's determined to show his kids what it's like to be a winner!

Now that's a total rip-off of Disney's "Mighty Ducks" hockey movies.

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You won't believe this you guys, here's the synopsis of the episode from the official South Park Studios website.


Stan Marsh has hit rock bottom. He's got no job, no bicycle and his only way out of a bad situation is to coach the local pee wee hockey team. Once a hotshot pee wee hockey player himself, Stan Marsh has tried to put those days behind him, but he's still living with the memory of how he let his team down when he missed the winning shot in the big game. Now, he's about to find out that being a coach means facing your past. He's determined to show his kids what it's like to be a winner!

Now that's a total rip-off of Disney's "Mighty Ducks" hockey movies.

Edited by Mofoticon
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Good episode.Not really my fav for the last one of the season, but good all around. And about the Chef thing, the end of that episode said "to be continued" so there has to be a second part. South Park is signed to do 2 more seasons, and I wouldn't be surprised if a movie was soon.

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Since the tenth season is presumably finished, I'd just figure a little discussion on one of the finest television shows on TV was in order. So I figured just list your top five favorite episodes, as well as favorite permanent/reoccuring character and as well as your favorite one-off character/celebrity.

Top Five Favorite Episodes

5. Butters Very Own Episode (Season 5)

This episode is a riot and a half. Perfect episode. Butters, probably one of the best characters, comes to life and makes the show without the kids funny. Butters dad reaction at the end to OJ and the like is awesome.

4. Death Camp of Tolerance (Season 6)

How many great moments in this? The introduction of Mr. Slave. Lemmiwinks in his ass. Mr. Garrison obviously flaunting his homosexuality in order to get fired. The death camp of tolerance. Oh god.

3.Cartoon Wars (Season 10)

Season 10 is full of great episodes that aren't necessarily funny. I don't think Cartoon Wars is really that funny - but it is probably one of the best episodes on television. At the very end of Part II, when Cartman and Kyle are trying to convince the network head to air the episode was done PERFECTLY. Great episode.

2. Scott Tenorman Must Die (Season 5)

Perhaps the funniest and most offensive moment in animated history involving Cartman getting a kids parents killed so he can grind them up and put it in his chili. You also can't forget Cartman putting pubes on his face to try and get his money back. Great episode.

1. Woodland Critter Christmas (Season 8)

Oh god. This is great from top to bottom. This is perhaps the best definition of holding out for a laugh, as this episode is clearly not that humorous until the Critters are revealed to be Satanists and than it is a riot after. Abortions, Santa Claus shooting cute little animals... what else could you ask for?

Best permanent character - Mr/Ms. Garrison. So many great episodes centered around him. The sex-change episode, the gay marriage episode, the meterosexual episode, the recent atheist episodes... so many classic moments. Much like Butters and Cartman, who are my other two favorite characters, can always be relied on for a laugh.

Best one-off/celebrity character ... Mr. Jefferson. That episode almost makes me pee my pants everytime I watch. I don't know HOW, but they managed to get Michael Jackson down to the T. Like... that is exactely what he sounds and acts like in real life. A close second is Lemmiwinks and to a lesser extent, Towelie.

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