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I've only ever played a little bit of 2 and loved it. I have the collection now and I'll be buying the 4th one when it comes out. Unfortunately these are probably on the backburner behind Black Flag and Fallout 4.

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I see Benji's been liking posts from the previous decade again...

I had thought about replaying these (although I don't think I finished #3 after having watched Stokerina do so), and mentioned this much to Stokerina. She was immediately all like "LET'S SPEND £25 ON GETTING THE PS4 COLLECTION BECAUSE I DUNNO IT'LL BE SHINIER OR SOMETHING."

So that'll arrive tomorrow, I guess. :shifty:

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I was going to create a similar thread a couple of days ago but got sidetracked when I decided I'd play the collection. So far I've beaten 1 and 2 on Normal. Going to try to platinum all three before #4 comes out. I love these games though. Yeah it has wonky supernatural stuff but it is done well and has some really incredible design details.

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2 hours ago, Benji said:

With #4 out in exactly 3 months and me re-playing the first three for a platinum, I thought it might be fun to do a play along with others.

Also, fuck the jet ski on crushing.

I decided to do the collection on crushing since I had done the originals on normal. The worst part so far is that one room where a guy walks in with a shotgun right after a cut scene. The worst part before that was the bit where you drop into the water room and people spawn in from every angle, bur I managed to cheese that by getting them to spawn before actually dropping down. 

Jet Ski bit.. first attempt I was very blasé about it and almost got to the end. Since then I've been more careful and keep getting killed like an idiot. I think its because being careful equates to not enough speed in this sometimes. Also not looking forward to the platform with the zombie/monster blokes or of course, the ship at the end.

I do love these games though :P 

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"You have 8 notifications"

That gorram Benji! Uncharted is a fantastic series, still among the best games I've played. Number four coming out is seriously annoying me that I don't have a PS4 yet.



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Oh man, I forgot how downright bad the collision detection is in Drake's Fortune at times. Reached Chapter 15 of 22 last night on crushing, so might be able to finish it tonight if I don't encounter too much trouble, which means I get Crushing and will get the Master Fortune Hunter trophies.

From there it's just a quick chapter select for Grenade Hangman (something I've been actively doing throughout the game anyway, so may get before the end), Expert Dyno-Might (doubt I'll get that on Crushing), and Survivor (lol, not happening on Crushing), and the first of the three will be platinumed, leaving me just under three months to do the same with the other two before A Thief's End.

I will say this for Crushing, after having played Last of Us on Grounded, this is a fucking cake walk in comparison.

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Got the Collection delivered and started up #1 last night (up to chapter 6). Am playing through on Normal first to regain familiarity and pick up some of the trophies without the kind of self-hatred that Crushing will no doubt inspire.

So often I get frustrated by Drake not running fast enough, and my instinct works on pressing R2 as per AC controls. Naturally this fires a bullet into a random tree instead. We'll see how long it takes me to learn. :shifty: 

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