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RIP Carrie Fisher

GoGo Yubari

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I had kind of gotten my hopes up that she was going to be OK when her mother said she was in stable condition. "Stable" doesn't always necessarily mean "outlook: good!", but I was choosing to think it that was because it was a lot easier. 


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Out of the deaths throughout this year, this one is the one that got me the most. I was out for a meal with family last night when news broke, my sister let me know. I was 5 years old when the Star Wars Remasters were shown in the cinemas and my first real celebrity crush was on Carrie Fisher. I loved Star Wars and the characters from the moment I saw them and have been with me ever since my Dad took me to the cinema to watch the movies he enjoyed as a young adult. I had also been to see Rogue One with My Younger Brother and my Dad earlier in the day so it all added up to being quite a shock to me even though I knew she was unwell. I got a bit choked up last night. 




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I feel awful for Billie Lourd, and the rest of the Fisher/Reynolds family. It's got to be awfully tough to lose a mother, a sister (Carrie to Todd and Joely Fisher), and a grandmother, within a day of each other. 

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Horrible :( It's sadly not uncommon for older people to suffer a serious medical issue not long after experiencing something tragic due to the stress and grief of it all...more or less passing from a broken heart.  Had a horrible feeling this was coming when I heard she'd been hospitalized.  I feel so bad for Billie.

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Good God will this year ever end? Just one tragedy after another, a mother and daughter within a day of each other. SMH. 2016 is so fucked up, but can't say I'm looking forward to 2017.

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Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds will debut on Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. EST, the cable network announced early Friday.

The 95-minute film, directed by Alexis Bloom and Fisher Stevens, bills itself as a “story of the family’s complicated love,” and promises “an intimate portrait of Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity.”

It was filmed in the months leading up to Reynolds preparing to receive her 2015 Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award, which Fisher presented to her mom.



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She was so committed to joy and fun and embracing life. She had an Auntie Mame quality to her. I would do crazy things to amuse her on the set. Making her laugh was always a badge of honor. I remember during Empire we were split up storywise; it was a difficult film to shot and there was a lot of tension on the set. I was off in the swampland with the puppets and robots, but at least Carrie and Harrison got to work with human beings. Once at lunchtime she said, “You should try on my jumpsuit.” I said, “The one-piece white jumpsuit? You’re what, 5’2”? I’ll never get in!” She said, “Just try.” I put on that Princess Leia zipper jump suit and it was so tight I looked like a Vegas lounge singer. If that wasn’t ridiculous enough, she had me put on one of those bald cap masks with the Bozo hair and glasses and nose and then she walked me around the back lot.


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